your song is perfect in your dreams (reviews)

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your song is perfect in your dreams (reviews)

Post by blue »

i hope kellis finished his song about the stripper.
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Post by jseavers05 »

songgggggs i need them.
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Post by asperse »

is anyone else seething, frothing, drooling over all the music they're about to evaluate and devour?
"and the sky looked of crystal,
the stars an amber hue"

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Post by Geoff WreckdoM »

and if you weren't excited enough already, WreckdoM has entered this particular fray, and Richard is back with us on this one, it's a little ditty I like to call "We are perfect in our dreams" and it's good we like to call it that, because that's the title we wrote it for.
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Post by WeaselSlayer »

Basket of Hands lyrics are up by the way. I'll try and do reviews later tonight.
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Post by posyden »

you know what...I don't even care about the trash talk

but to not mention me at all....thats too insulting to let go

I'm not sure what the point was of insulting the rappers of songfight

but I'm guessing you were trying to get a battle going...
so lets do it.
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Post by WeaselSlayer »

I'll fuckin' roll you up and smoke you!
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asperse - first to reveiw? no way.

Post by asperse » reviews
11:19 pm central standard time

reviews done by asperse:
"and the sky looked of crystal,
the stars an amber hue"

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Post by jeffhenderson »

Wowsers. This fight is pretty kick-butt.

I just want to remind some of you [cough]Jordan[/cough][cough]Melvin[/cough] to check to see if there is much peaking in your song before you do the final mixdown. My speakers have a panic attack any time there is clippage and it temporarily spoils some otherwise awesome songs.
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Post by jseavers05 »

sorry bout the peakage. on my speakers and headphones i think the song sounds pretty good and since it was 3:15 in the morning when i finished the song, i didnt wanna bother with levels a whole butt load. ill eventually re mix the song.
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Post by neutronflow »

I seem to be unable to play the entry by Jim Fallope and His Fallopian Dudes. Does it work for anyone else?
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Post by Lyricburglar »

TONAMEL: I really like this. I don't normally like slow atmospheric sort of gear, but I really like this. Great stuff

JORDANSEAVERS: Nice song - but not grabbing me. Bring your voice out and make it more personal.

ASPERSE: Maybe it's because I've just drunk half a cask of wine - but this is pretty good too. I can't dance to it - but it's not at all bad. I like the kiddie voices at the beginning -'s starting to drag a bit now - maybe slightly too long on the same thing

DANKITYDANK: You can jam that one straight back up your arse again big fella.

WRECKDOM: You sound much smoother than I remember. Have you sold out again? Love the ending. Pretty good.

KENWOODWARD: Not bad. I like the song. Needs something else - maybe harmonica, or penny whistle - and better production.

RADIONORTH: Faint out of tune vocals. No, I'm not enjoying this.

LEVELNIVELO: I'm lost for words. Very, very good. But I now feel dirty.

TOMHINKLE: I like the song - but it sounds bad. I think the panning is a problem.

TMK: All a bit too bleepy and Dr Who voice-y for me. No, not for me

HoMo: Nice work. I like the solo vocal bit, great voice - but overall I really don't like it much. Me, not you.

ZEROEFFECT: One of you is out of tune. As it goes on - the girl voice is good - so maybe the boy is the guilty party. Having said that - I really like this. It needs more rehersal - you sound a little disjointed - but I like your sound and I like the song. Very good.

JEFFTH: Nice. Beatlesque. Really well put together song.


MELVIN: Beautifully done - just not very interesting.

TRUTH&REGRET: I like this - good in a Fischer-Z-y sort of way.


FALLOPIANDUDES: file not working

THORNBERRY: This is pretty awesome. Great vocals. I think you will win


BUCKET OF HANDS: Opening sound - bad. Rest of the song - wonderful. Great sampling here - reminds me of The Avalanches. And that guitar/bass bit is awesome. Who is this - just Luke? Great rapping - with some excellently used profanities - that bit about lighting the cigar and tipping the hat cracked me up. Bagging fellow songfighters probably isn't cool - mainly because it's an in-joke that only us will get - but it's done very well (and I hope the targets will take it in good humour). And a beautiful ending with the Herb Alpert trumpet. You get my vote.
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Post by Radio North »

I wanted to reciprocate for the warm reception I received last week for my first songfight entry which was a collaboration with "those people" The Zero Effect and Maya.

I want to acknowledge the following tracks which i found particularly moving.

Truth-Regret Italo-disco frothy fun! This got my vote!

Thornberry I like the feel and flow of this tune...good
vocals...dreamy tone to this track...production is a bit too polished for my taste

Hostess Mostess this is fun...i like the production a lot...good performance

Jeff Travis Henderson i think recorders are definitely an under appreciated the production and performance

Jordan Seaver im always partial to good power-pop which this is. nicely structured...a close 2nd place.

The Zero Effect w/ Maya sweden 1971?

Basket of Hand i like the rapping and chorus, but difficult to love the production
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Post by Renedo »

Caravanray wrote: RENEDO: [REMOVED - admin]
That's actually a "Jaw Harp" not a Didgeridoo


"Jaw Harp"

Asperse- I enjoy playing with lo-fi/Hi-Fi. Having said that I enjoy your song, but I wish that your vocals weren't so tinny. I would have liked a contrast between the Vocals and the Spoken words, like the Guitar and Beat.

Basket of Hands- Schizophrenic, Enjoyably so.

Destruction Enterprise- Melodramatic and Awkward.

@eclectic sp00ns- Awkward, but it grows on me through shear force of will.

Hostess Mostess- Very Pretty.

Jeff Travis Henderson- Love the opening, good middle, and fine ending.

Jim Fallope and His Fallopian Dudes- Like the band name, having trouble hearing the song.

Jordan Seavers- I'm a big fan, and this is no exception.

Ken Woodward- I like the Guitar. Awkward vocals?

Level Nivelo- Wonderful song, I simply loved it.

Melvin- Very polished, good vocals, altogether very well put together.

Radio North- The awkward vocals make it a little to wiggy for my taste.

Renedo- [REMOVED - admin]

Return of Dankity Dank- Dark, plodding, like the bells, very nice piece.

Thornberry- I really like this song. It works for me.

Those Meddling Kids- I like it. lo-fi/HI-FI vocals, enjoyable. Nice variation and production.

Tim Hinkle- Great lyrics! I dig the sound. Huzzah.

Tonamel- Never really kicks in for me. Oh wait there it is.

Truth and Regret- Snappy song.

Wreckdom- Yes...? Maybe... I would imagine so...

Zero Effect and Maya- I can dig it.

Caravanray- Get fucked with a "Rusty Sledge Hammer".


"Rusty Sledge Hammer"
AKA DJ Fidget
AKA Desiderium
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Post by Mostess »

Those Meddling Kids: Very pretty sounds. All my old '80s favorites are here: Laurie Anderson, Steve Reich, Talking Heads, Pat Methany, Billy Bragg...takes me back to when CDs first started coming out and I fell in love with art-pop. I love the wind-up-speed sound to mark the first third. I love this all around. Really an excellent entry.

Level Nivelo: Tune your guitar. Lose the crass. Lose the snide. Really, stop this infantile crap.

Return of the Dankity Dank: FM-synth sounds too attack-heavy, and too many squarish waves. This needs something smooth or triangly (before the odd descant at the end) to cut through the percussions. Treat those dissonances with a little respect; seconds are harsh mistresses. And write an ending. Very disappointing overall. No evocation of the title, even poetically.

WreckdoM: A jet pack? Cool. I like the groove---something's off about it, like a loop lasts about 20ms longer than the metric length. Gives it a funny limping quality. As usual, your dialogue between opposite personalities is entertaining. The compression hurts me.

Melvin: Tune the guitar: that D-string sounds sharp, or your fretboard is a bit warped. Nice harmonization of the first phrase of verse 2, though you slip back into the tired progression, it's hard to really love it. Bridge is 4-tracky cute, and that Maj7 chord ending the bridge and the song is funny/jarring/'s something at least. A lot of the rest is treacle: hats off to smooth pop.

Thornberry: The parallels in the verse progression gave it a nice Midieval/Renaissance-ish feel (ending on that minor adds to the modal feel) that you erased with the rest of the instrumentation. I'd lose the drums and not do any instrumental vamping between verses. Also see if you could play up that harmonic ambiguity that gives it a nice slipperiness. Background vox are very sweet.

Renedo: [REMOVED - admin]

Tonamel: I'm not sure if that high-frequency noise is intentional, or if it's an artifact of your MP3-coding, maybe some high frequencies on the synth wash sound is clipping? But whatever it is, it's killing me. The song is plodding and weak, even the fuzzy-guitars and slight accelerando don't hold my attention very well, though the oboeish melody recap is quite pretty.

Zero Effect with Maya: Very cute sound. I can hear the fun. This gets to me. I really like the faster middle section; the harmonies are nice, even if they fall towards 5ths and octaves more than I'd like. Tune the guitar. The form is really good, too. Excellent song, really; good job.

Destruction Enterprise: These words shouldn't be whispered. This passionless mush means nothing to me. Like you don't care. So I don't either.

Basket of Hands: Opening is ugly, atemporal buzzing sample is ugly. Clipping is ugly. Popping 'P's are ugly. Really an ugly song. Could have been really gripping, I think, if you pulled some punches, turned some things down to let others stand out.

(I have to take a break. But I like Jeff Travis Henderson's evocation of late Beatles. I really like Tim Hinkle's dark-side-of-early-Squeeze sound. And I have little else nice to say.)
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Post by blue »

"treacle" :shock:
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Post by one_dumb_mick »

asperse....when i think of the thought of what your voice might sound cock crawls out of my asshole and flushes itself down the toilet......seething, drooling, you masturbate to the idea of people reading what you write....fuck you and your crystals......your mother should have aborted you
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Post by Tonamel »

Mostess wrote:Tonamel: I'm not sure if that high-frequency noise is intentional
Yes, it is. And I knew there'd be at least one person who would hate it (Probably more. We'll see.), but I love that kind of thing, so you'll never convince me it's wrong. :wink:
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Post by Mostess »

Tonamel wrote:...I knew there'd be at least one person who would hate it (Probably more. We'll see.), but I love that kind of thing...
At least it sounded like it might be intentional. So that's something. Keep the faith, noise boy.
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Post by Duncan, of Level Nivelo »

Mostess wrote: Level Nivelo: Tune your guitar. Lose the crass. Lose the snide. Really, stop this infantile crap.
Thanks for the constructive criticism.
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Post by TruthAndRegret »

OK, here goes... never done the detailed reviews before... please don't shoot me. If you have any further questions regarding this, let me know, I would be happy to discuss in detail how your song sucked (constructively, of course)


jordan seavers: I really like this... reminds me of the great rock songs of the mid 90's. The intro, although repetitive, is really cool IMO. I love the lyrics. Might get my vote.

renedo: [REMOVED - admin]

thornberry: Not sure I really like the chord progression, but the instrumentation is pretty good. The song isn't very catchy.

wreckdom: Um... wow. Weird. Very weird.

Tim Hinkle: BEATLES! Not bad. But definately very retro. Is that a kazoo solo or what?

Level Nivelo: A bit dull, and crude. I don't really like it. The guitar is good.

Tonamel: I'm thinking Nine Inch Nails on this one. I love it. Nice instrumentation. I can feel the quiet angst. I might just vote for you.

@eclectic spoons: The vocals are somewhat out of tune. That kinda bugs me. Very avant-guard. I like the synthy feel of the track. Too much repetition on the vocals.

Jeff Travis Henderson: A recorder? OMG! That takes some brass ones. Again, I detect a sort of Beatles influence with the unison vocals.

Ken Woodard: Vocals need more variation in the way of notes. This reminds me of a song I used to hear on the radio all the time. I didn't like that song, and I don't really like this one either, sorry.

Return of the Dankity Dank: Um... weird. Reminds me of the music in Doom. The drumset doesn't really fit the style. You should probably go with a more acoustic sounding set for this style of music rather than the techno/house set you currently have.

The Zero Effect w\ Maya: Maybe it's just me, but it seems like a lot of songs are taking a retro bent, and this one does too. I can't really make out the vocals from just listening to it. I do like this song, however.

Asperse: I like the mood of this track. I do think it could have been done better though. The drums need work (once again, use an acoustic sounding drumset for this style), and the vocals could have been mixed better.

Those Meddling Kids: I like the Boards of Canada vibe this track is giving off. I like this song very much.

Hostess Mostess: I like the arrangement and mixing. Sounds very much like Peter Gabriel. I like it.

Radio North: I like the light and happy instrumentation on this one. Vocals are a bit strange and off key (which bugs me), but I still really like it a lot.

Jim Fallope: Um... this mp3 must be broken or something...

Destruction Enterprise: Strings are a litte sparse, could use a chord progression or something. You should research music theory a little, because this sounded like a train wreck. Recording quality wasn't that great.

Melvin: Oooh nice! I really like the vocals on this one. All around good music writing, production, vocals, instrumentation... everything. The only thing stopping me from giving this my instant vote is that it's pretty much run of the mill. I'll have to take my top choices and listen to them a few times.

Basket of Hands: Turn down the volume. Seriously. It's clipping all over the place. Not a bad song, but needs work.

Truth and Regret: Vocals are too loud, and there are some off key notes. But I like it anyway. Maybe I'll fix that someday when I have time to record it better. And I can't vote for myself ;)


After much deliberation and painful considering on the top three songs that were all really really really really close. So without further ado, I bring you the top 5...

Top 5 songs
1. Tonamel
2. Melvin
3. Jordan Seavers
4. The Zero Effect w\ Maya
5. Radio North

I went with Tonamel for my vote because I'm a big NIN fan, and this has a really great ambient vibe to it. I especially liked the clarinet and the whole wall of sound. Also, this song dares to stray from the path of the conventional.

Melvin, what can I say, this song rocks. I imagine this will be the winning song, but it was just too conventional to get my vote. You run a recording studio? It sounds amazing.

Jordan Seavers... this song is amazing. Like I said, it was a tough choice between the top three. This song brings back so many good memories of the 90's that I can't help but love it. Less conventional than Melvin's, but not quite as good on the production.

Definite honorable mention for Zero and Radio. They were both good songs that just had problems.

Other good songs include: Thornberry, Jeff Travis Henderson, Those Meddling Kids, and Hostess Mostess.
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Post by jseavers05 »

Asperse - this song is sorta boring.

Basket -o- hands - this song starts out super loud, and then gets really quiet. haha, you talk bad about rone... but gees... this song isnt much better. and speaking of keeping a beat, right after you say that then you go off beat yourself.

Rone Riverdale and some other guy - who is the potty mouth? hmm...

@eclectic sp00ns - holy crap the last minute of that song is annoying. the singing is in its own key and tempo. the background music seems cool but its hard to hear over the singing. D-

Hostess Mostess - yey, a decent song! haha, this is pretty cool. it reminds me of something out of the 70's. not my favorite kind of stuff, but its still good stuff.

Jeff Travis Henderson - whats with the recorder stuff at the beginning. the keyboard thingy in the left speaker reminds me of strawberry fields. the song is cool. aweomse.

Jim Fallope and His Fallopian Dudes your song isnt working for me. but when it does ill be sure to review your jammin tune.

Jordan Seavers - ill leave the reviews up to you kids.

Ken Woodard - your recording is a little quiet. i dont think this song isnt that bad its just not quite making my favorites list.

Level Nivelo - you need a tuner.

Melvin - this is mega awesome.

Radio North - the singing is crazy. and that noise is cool. and that other stuff. its cool.

Renedo [REMOVED - admin]

Return of the Dankity Dank no... not the return of the dankity dank. wheres the singing about people being perfect in their dreams?

Thornberry - cool piano stuff. the production is really good.

Those Meddling Kids - cool song. your music is always cool.

Tim Hinkle - this almost reminds me of the minders. its sorta cool. you better listen to the minders.

Tonamel - the buzzing is crazy. this song is sorta cool. reminds me of castles. and your name reminds me of toenails.

Truth and Regret - crazy dance song. cool. cher could sing to this song.

WreckdoM - nice intro and bongos. haha, these lyrics...

The Zero Effect w/ Maya - this song is really garage bandish and cool. the chorus has some cool harmony stuff.
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