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Posted: Sun Apr 30, 2006 7:50 pm
by raisedbywolves
So, summer movies are finally here! What, you don't like stunt people dressed like A-listers jumping out of spaceships while shooting at dinosaurs, but still finding time to chug a delicious and refreshing Bud Light? Heathen!

Use this space to talk about summer movies you are looking forward to (Superman), dreading (Little Man), and otherwise on your mind (Jungle 2 Jungle 2*).

*Just kidding about Jungle 2 Jungle 2, but I'm surprised they didn't make a sequel just to use that title. I think they only made the new Omen remake so it could come out on 6-6-06, so it would not be too surprising.

Posted: Sun Apr 30, 2006 8:52 pm
by Lunkhead
Superman, and X-Men 3. I don't even really know what else is coming out yet.

Posted: Sun Apr 30, 2006 10:34 pm
by jb


Posted: Mon May 01, 2006 12:08 am
by raisedbywolves

Oh, nice! Now you've done it. Stick It is over in the corner crying its eyes out, Benchwarmers is throwing a fit, and we can't even find RV. I hope you're happy.

Posted: Mon May 01, 2006 1:41 am
by WeaselSlayer
I wanna see Da Vinci Code so I can skip the book.

Posted: Tue May 02, 2006 9:58 am
by mc3p0
I'm not prepared to place bets on a well-told tale, but Superman does look well-made. So would X-Men ...yawn.. III, I'm sure. I'd much prefer to see an anime version of the Bush Impeachment - Cheney, Bushy, Rummy and Condi surrounded by insurgent Saddambots in a cool mech-warrior sequence. It might be titled IED Executive Beast. But if they were photographed all hand-cuffed and walking lockstep - imagine how much those bracelets could ebay!

Posted: Thu May 18, 2006 5:57 pm
by prayformojo
I think Superman looks kinda lame. I'll see it, and I hope to be proven wrong, but nothing I have seen on/about/or from it inspires me at all. X3 looks cool, dispite the fact that Ratner is a hack and the Juggernaut looks like he belongs in some 70's fetish porn. I am very excited for Nacho Libre.

Di Vinci Code got an 16% on rotten tomatoes. Who ever would have though that a mediocre book would make a mediocre movie.

Posted: Thu May 18, 2006 9:07 pm
by raisedbywolves
The Nacho Libre trailers are totally awful, but I have to believe the actual movie will be better. I have little of this optimism for Cars, which has yet to provide a single laugh from its various trailers. I am more interested in Lady in the Water after its latest trailer and beautiful new poster. Wolves!!

Posted: Thu May 18, 2006 11:14 pm
by Eric Y.
i've thought "cars" looked terrible every time i've seen it advertised (including the very first time when i went to see "corpse bride"). but everything i've read about the movie is hyping it to be the year's biggest animated movie or something. we shall see.

"nacho libre" also looks pretty stupid but i fully expect to enjoy it.
i expect "superman" will be hella lame, but i'll probably watch it anyway just because i'm intrigued by the kevin spacey/brian singer duo.

Posted: Thu May 18, 2006 11:31 pm
by Bjam
Da Vinci: Eh. Not that bothered really. I've never read the book and I don't particularly want to read the book. I guess I'll go see it just to know what everyone's talking about.

X3: Hugh Jackman in leather, I'm happy.

Cars: Not really that into it. I don't think it has the worldwide appeal that Toy Story, Monsters Inc, Nemo, etc. had. Nascar just doesn't do it for me.

Superman: I really hope it's good, but I'm going to go in expecting a C and hopefully be impressed.

Lady In The Water: Looks very cool. I really hope it doesn't suck.

Posted: Fri May 19, 2006 10:09 am
by ken
Hey, is that Kelsey Grammer as Beast in X3?


Posted: Fri May 19, 2006 1:24 pm
by Tonamel
Yes, it is.

I watch so few movies, I don't know what to look forward to. I guess X3 will be good, and Da Vinci Code will probably make a better movie than it did a book. Other than that, and maybe Superman, I don't really even know anything about what's coming out.

Posted: Fri Jun 09, 2006 7:27 pm
by raisedbywolves
Summer movie scorecard so far:

MI3 - A
Poseidon - C-
Da Vinci Code - D
Over the Hedge - B-
X-Men 3 - B-
Cars - B
Prairie Home Companion - C+

Posted: Fri Jun 09, 2006 10:21 pm
by john m
Superman looks putrid. Nacho Libre looks decent despite horrible trailers.

That's it, aside from Snakes on a Plane.

Posted: Sat Jun 10, 2006 6:57 am
by jb
i just like that in the one superman trailer they show a bullet bouncing off his eyeball. it's about damn TIME.

Posted: Sat Jun 10, 2006 8:45 am
by mkilly
I'm optimistic about Superman. I guess I'll maybe go see Nacho Libre.

aside: With Napoleon Dynamite I came in and watched it among huge hype. Lots of people I know had seen it more than once, and this was still before its official wide release (seeing as I was in Idaho, they started playing it way early.) I came out of the theater thinking to myself "it was fine, but what's all the hype?" but then in the following weeks I came to love it as I kept thinking about it, and remembered all these funny scenes and quotes. But I just don't know what to think about Nacho Libre; I like making fun of Mexican wrestling and I do think the writer/director is talented, so I'll go see it, maybe, anyway, though as mentioned the trailers are not doing anything for me.

Cars I was excited about; I love Toy Story, and A Bug's Life, and Finding Nemo, and Toy Story 2, and The Incredibles, all, but then some of the reviews I read about/read said it's less than stellar. And I hate Larry the etc., of course. So I dunno. Less excited about it now, and it's always a drag watching that kind of movie in the theater because there's going to be a bunch of kids there, who suck at movie watching, but maybe I'll go see it sometime.

Snakes on a Plane I'm planning on seeing.

Wordplay, an IFC production about the NY Times crossword editor, I'd like to see, but I dunno that I'll be anywhere it's playing. Same with An Inconvenient Truth, A Scanner Darkly, and Who Killed the Electric Car?. Oh oh oh and Strangers With Candy I really would love to see, I hope it gets a wide release.

Pirates of the Caribbean there's an outside chance I'll watch, probably only if a bunch of people are going and I'm invited.

Clerks II I guess I should watch. I guess I should NetFlix Jersey Girl, while I'm at it. Talladega Nights: The Ballad of Ricky Bobby, with the writing/direction/starring team that led Anchorman: The Legend of Ron Burgundy, might be watchable (it's about NASCAR). Michel Gondry's got an Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind follow-up, The Science of Sleep, coming out against Snakes.

Idiocracy, Mike Judge's follow-up to Office Space, is about an average military joe, played by Luke Wilson, who is frozen, cracked open 1000 years in the future, and everybody's a dumbass and he's the smartest man alive. Very excited about this one, will see it opening day, I hope.

Anyway then we're getting into September, and by then Song Fight! Live is over, and I'm in school, so. there it is.

Posted: Sat Jun 10, 2006 10:26 am
by Bjam
mkilly wrote:and it's always a drag watching that kind of movie in the theater because there's going to be a bunch of kids there, who suck at movie watching, but maybe I'll go see it sometime.
Exactly. I guess I'll go see it in a few weeks, when the crowds have died down, and hopefully late at night when there are no kids up. (Of course some parents still drag kids to the movies late at night. Really, who brings a 3-5 year old to a midnight screening?)

I hadn't heard anything about Idiocracy, but it sounds good from what mkilly described.

Posted: Wed Jun 14, 2006 10:46 am
by prayformojo
I hadn't been to the theater since X3, so I decided to pull a "JB" day yesterday and spend 5 hours at the movies.

First off, I saw Cars.
I was surprised. I thought the trailer looked liek crap, but the movie was actually pretty satisfying. The plot is exactally as predictable as you would think, but the animation is amazing. Teh thing that really surprised me was the editing. You usally don't notice that in an animated movie since things are so planned out, but the planning and the cutting in Cars was fantastic. Camera angles, movement, cut style... it all felt like a well oiled machine (forgive the pun). Much better than I though it woule be and an ultimately entertaining film. It's no Incredibles or Finding Nemo (or Toy Story or Mansters Inc.), but it's good Pixar none the less. Now if I could just see a Pixar movie with out the damn kids... and their retarded parents. B+

Next was The DaVinci Code.
It wan not as bad as I expected it to be, but it wasn't good. Uninspierd, sloppy, and ultimately boring. Once Ian Mckellen came into the picture it got better, but not enough to save it. C

I would have gone for 3, but there was a 5 theater screening on Nacho Libre at the theater I was at, and the crowds were annoying me. Instead I came home, had a beer, and watched Last Comic Standing. One productive day.

Posted: Wed Jun 14, 2006 3:44 pm
by Leaf
I was an avid Superman collector... but I always thought the movies sucked.

I have a couple thousand Supes.books, and the movies never lined up to the (in my opinion) great stories of the mid 80' s and early 90's.

When Kevin Smith was writing the script, I was damn excited, until Nick Cage tried to take on the title roll... so when I heard about this flick, I was stoked!

When I heard this is a sequel the current stock of movies... I was choked!

So... I sure hope it's good, but the thing is, as much as I love the character in print, that suit is damn silly on film. I think that' swhy I enjoy Smallville so much, despite the highschool mentality.

ah... so, I'm still excited about this film, and it may be the only movie I see in the theatre this calendar year... oh god, please don't suck!!!

Posted: Thu Jun 15, 2006 6:57 am
by jb
Saw Cars last night, and I really enjoyed it. For some reason, I enjoyed it in a way that doesn't lend itself to a rating. It's just, nice. Loved all the bits, like the Car Talk guys as the Rusteze owners, the Michael Jordan tongue thing, and so on and so forth. And my god, the animation... *speechless*

So anyway, I liked it. Thumbs up.

Posted: Sat Jun 17, 2006 9:05 am
by raisedbywolves
Fast and Furious: Tokyo Drift - Well, the previews looked pretty good. And, in 90210 tradition, it has 24 year-old Lucas Black playing a 17 year-old, so that's fun. And Bow Wow tries his hardest to keep things lively as he morphs into the next Will Smith. But, the movie itself couldn't be more stupid. The climax and its set-up are just inimaginably dumb. Not that any of the F&F movies have been sparkling examples of plausability, but there's nothing remotely believable anywhere in the movie. Plus, the driving action, so cool-looking in the previews, is pretty dull. Still, Lucas smiles a lot and has adorably non-braced teeth, so I'm adding a plus to the grade. D+

Posted: Sat Jun 17, 2006 8:47 pm
by jb
no veneers either.
and at least there was no fucking race against time. but yeah, pretty bad.