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all righty

Posted: Thu Feb 08, 2007 12:30 am
by blue
my name is blue. i found songfight from slashdot when they were doing a piece on sam brown. i liked add's "birds of our own" a lot, but didn't have a band that was into recording new songs every week.

a couple of years later i joined a band called "sonofsupercar" and we recorded a terrible, horrible, awful, awful song that was so fucking bad our singer wouldn't even sing on it. then we sent it into songfight and thought it was funny. it wasn't.

but then we did some real songs, and some of those were funny.

and then i did some other songs with other bands.

here they are.

(here they are all at once:

played bass and drums w/add music - i f'd the bridge, but this is still a great tune. ... _dusty.mp3

anb is me and stephen supercar. front sings on pass/fail, i sing on one and i think weeve sang on one. anb was mostly songs stephen wrote on his 4 track, w/a dub feel. pass/fail was hella fun to record, and front really, really brought it to life. he is a talented motherfucker. ... ery_ff.mp3 ... ssfail.mp3

badger patrol was me and weeve again, mostly crappy shit i wrote and played guitar and drums and sang on. ... athers.mp3

i think i played ride cymbal on this. ... _aditl.mp3

these are me playing everything. foam rubber is an ode to frankie big face. blue signal is about my lady, and the stink is about melvin. ... g_foam.mp3 ... signal.mp3 ... ang_ts.mp3

me, spud.. ken? .. and rabid garfunkle and king arthur, rockin' it live in santa cruz. ... oes_at.mp3

humbert of humbert and the befores, and myself. i wrote this walking to his house, played gitter and "sang." i think that's a hand-played drum machine, too. if you've ever driven in new york in march, this'll feel right at home. ... ert_ts.mp3

i fucking love this song w/wreckdom. think i did guitar and drums. and maybe bass. ... dom_sk.mp3

my current band. ... io_itv.mp3 ... rio_pp.mp3 ... io_rwl.mp3 ... rio_vw.mp3 ... ay_iib.mp3

me and weeve of supercar, plus glenn case and his cussing self. ... nvy_sm.mp3

irc all stars was sposed to be an all-collab band where everyone did one part and then i mixed it all together.

variation on two is me on guitar and drums, 15-16 puzzle singing, and the entire freaking rest of songfight doing everything else. cur was sposed to be an electronica fight. i have no idea who's on it except i think drew tetz programmed the vox and did the lyrics. drew tetz is awesome. mtr is ken and bjam and glenn and rachel case (who are also awesome) singing soooo sweetly. i think i drummed and wrote the best chorus in songfight history. :D

mumbo jumbo is spud on vox! he is rockin'. it was sposed to be a devo ripoff.

needs tilt is roymond on a lot of parts and singing. we were trying to do a pink floyd ripoff on that one. ... iation.mp3 ... s_imtr.mp3 ... ojumbo.mp3 ... stilts.mp3

this is ken and sonofsupercar. ... ff_lib.mp3

this is ken and weeve and i and marcus fucking kellis. ... ourman.mp3

another weeve and i plus front. ... cience.mp3

iiiiiii think this is me being stupid on cough syrup. ... tticus.mp3

erik of 15-16 puzzle again. that dude should be a very wealthy rock star, but instead he is a destitute rock star. hold this for me is the best thing i ever did on songfight. the intro is an entire album of New Zealand tribal chants - recorded by a co-worker's brother in exchange for teaching them jazz standards on his acoustic bass - layered on one another, with crazy-ass erik reading some old testament and weeve and i getting our slint on in the background, into a fine, fine 3-over-4 rock riff from hell. i love that fucking song.

day in the life is erik's ode to slackers, i think. day in the life has a great bridge. i think weeve wrote the music on that one. ... _aditl.mp3 ... t_htfm.mp3 ... st_sft.mp3

first song in our last round of songfights.. weeve started screaming GANDALF, GANDALF and the rest is history. ... ncient.mp3

dennis did an excellent job on the lyrics on this one, and i love the stabby feel of the verses. this had an early experiment in FX busses on the drums. ... _icons.mp3

love the sample at the end of this, and the bass. we should have carried the outtro rock bit on for an hour. ... r_bull.mp3

we had a terrible time recording this one - i was trying to play some 40 year old japanese piece of crap guitar through dennis' peavy classic. this is a rare penned-by-me sos tune. i think i had finished the recording and then they came in and re-did the bass and vocals. drums are a loop recorded into a bass drum mic on my boss Dr sample. all these old sos tunes were recorded on a roland vs840. listen for the giant "DOINK" where stephen's bass balls pedal flipped out. ... cancer.mp3

this is a good damn tune, not perfectly executed, but decent. by this time, we were doing all of our songs over 2 practices. write it on tuesday, do a live scratch recording, then come in on thurs and track it. ... car_ca.mp3

check out that bassline. dennis came to practice once in a pair of brand new.. tiger stripe, maybe.. chuck taylors. we made fun of him. :| that is an awesome, awesomely contained rock chorus there. dennis is a motherfucker of a rock singer. our bass and guitar recordings sucked back then. ... car_dc.mp3

dennis wrote this in 6 and then could never play it again. it is a love song to a makita power drill. our only foray into blues-ish music that made it to tape. it speeds up really badly in the second verse. o well. ... car_en.mp3

sos's last song. i love the build of the turnaround riff into a big rock bit over the life of the song. haha, that's me and our new-guy 2nd guitarist singing the terrible chorus part. ... r_fnib.mp3

aaaah frannie. niveous loves it, i think we only played it live once. it's got some energy, but the recording is pretty terrible. ... rannie.mp3

i liked the music on this one a lot, but it never went much of anywhere. another from our last batch. we obviously had no idea what to do on the chorus, but it didn't matter anyways once front entered the fight. ... car_fd.mp3

this one turned into a live favorite after the addition of a 6-minute slayer outtro. sadly, it is not reflected here. that is a sweet drum part on the chorus. actually, everything about the chorus is sweet. ... r_idle.mp3

MEEEEEERCY! MEEEEERCY! dennis saying fuckheads there, that's you. ... r_igom.mp3

this one had a weird midnight oil-kinda feel to it. creepy and fun. ... jaweed.mp3

yeah.. we all disavow this. it was entirely my fault. i'm sorry, songfight. (except for the line "my spidey sense tells me where to find your bed") ... ar_lgn.mp3

i didn't actually play on this, but it was a live favorite. ... r_lgib.mp3

this one was another live burner. we'd play it segue'd out of "the one," and it rocked ass. ... rtians.mp3

someone's out of damn tune, but this song is funny. it's so mopey. ... ar_mtm.mp3

i was pretty proud of this guitar riff. ... moscow.mp3

this was one of our many shameful songfight losses. recording isn't so great, but that was a fun damn tune at a time when sf was a lifeless puddle of soft rock miasma. ... car_mp.mp3

another one of dennis' weird turns on a weird title. ... _opihl.mp3

i played guitar on this and we used a drum machine. we tried to be cool and play it like that live, to no avail. ... edflag.mp3

peters who were saints of rock! prolly only relevant if you listened to a lot of college rock in the early 90's. this is mixed by jb. ... car_sp.mp3

kinda of a thematic twofer with our janjaweed. ... car_sl.mp3

i think this song has just the right amounts of everything - chaos, hooks, zepplin drum lines. the outtro was originally going to be a skit making fun of the landfills, but was cut for time and recording-on-a-6-track reasons. i ruined dennis' vocal take by screaming in the chorus. ... shreds.mp3

this is a good one, with mo of dubose triangle playing guitar with us. lyrics are a bottle of orange cleaner's label. we wanted to be sonic youth for a day. ... ar_sog.mp3

man it sucks that this recording got all wangfucked. ... rawman.mp3

this one and frannie were back-to-backs. this is a 70's univox drum machine and my newly-aquired octofuzz pedal in the right speaker. ... ar_tao.mp3

another one that i loved and everyone else kinda hated. man what the fuck are you going to sing on the chorus of a song called "toy puddle?" AH, REBAR. AH, REBAR. (REBAR) TOY PUDDLE. ... car_tp.mp3

i was convinced this was a tune about heroin, dennis says it's about a wooden horse in the window of an antiques shop. thanks to the miracle of ripping off NPR radio programs about drug smuggling, it is both. ... ar_uth.mp3

a weird tune that was the end of our two song songfight reign of terror. im on angelic backing vocals. the outtro sample is pretty classic. ... r_kick.mp3

weeve's crazy friend kevin sang on this, including at a bunch of live shows. we're all screaming ASSHOLE in the background, run thru the dr sample and pitch bent. ... vating.mp3

another cough syrup trip, featuring Yook on vocals. uh, this is 6 minutes of the open E string + various E chord positions... i have no excuse. ... _sunny.mp3

drew tetz and bjam do the vocals on this. it is funny. ... ia_tvc.mp3

not the best execution ever, but a great and rocking song with meatwad on drums and luke henley on guitar and vox. ... osetta.mp3

this is me, a bass, and a 70's marshall tube combo. bein' angry. ... _angry.mp3

this was sos + one of stephen's friends from ireland. she can sing. i spent 20 or 30 hours on this, recording it on the vs 840 and mixing it, i believe, in cool edit pro. ... plunge.mp3

Posted: Thu Feb 08, 2007 9:03 am
by mkilly
i was also in blue spud shoes, you fuck. also soloed on irc all stars' i meant to remember, but...

Posted: Thu Feb 08, 2007 10:22 am
by Hoblit
bookmarked. Thank you.

Posted: Thu Feb 08, 2007 11:04 am
by obscurity
So you don't think it's just a teensy bit late for an introduction, then?

Posted: Thu Feb 08, 2007 12:02 pm
by Eidolon
obscurity wrote:So you don't think it's just a teensy bit late for an introduction, then?
I was pestering Blue in another thread about which projects he was involved in here at SF because I was curious and hadn't a clue as to his background. I had a feeling he was involved with a few projects but had no idea of the actual scope... ;)

I didn't realize what a monster post would come out of it... that must've taken him awhile?

Thanks for the info Blue!

Posted: Thu Feb 08, 2007 12:12 pm
by Spud
Eidolon wrote:I didn't realize what a monster post would come out of it... that must've taken him awhile?
Guess the end of the football season left him with a little time on his hands...


Posted: Thu Feb 08, 2007 12:25 pm
by Niveous

if any further questions like that come up, dig up the Songfight Liner Notes thread. It's a convenient resource (despite its burial under all of the review threads).

Posted: Thu Feb 08, 2007 1:20 pm
by roymond
Isn't this what Wikis are for?

Posted: Thu Feb 08, 2007 2:01 pm
by Lunkhead
Welcome to SongFight! blue. Please don't suck. ;)

EDIT: forgot the smiley, just wanted to make it absolutely clear to all that I was joking.

Posted: Thu Feb 08, 2007 2:16 pm
by blue
Lunkhead wrote:Welcome to SongFight! blue. Please don't suck.

Posted: Thu Feb 08, 2007 5:56 pm
by Eidolon
Niveous wrote:Eidolon,

if any further questions like that come up, dig up the Songfight Liner Notes thread. It's a convenient resource (despite its burial under all of the review threads).
Thanks Niveous.. I had no idea! (obviously)

Re: all righty

Posted: Fri Feb 09, 2007 12:59 am
by adjuster
blue wrote:i think this song has just the right amounts of everything - chaos, hooks, zepplin drum lines. the outtro was originally going to be a skit making fun of the landfills, but was cut for time and recording-on-a-6-track reasons. i ruined dennis' vocal take by screaming in the chorus. ... shreds.mp3
You didn't happen to keep a copy of the original pre-cut version around, did you? I'd love to hear it... *smile*

Re: all righty

Posted: Fri Feb 09, 2007 2:30 am
by blue
adjuster wrote:
blue wrote:i think this song has just the right amounts of everything - chaos, hooks, zepplin drum lines. the outtro was originally going to be a skit making fun of the landfills, but was cut for time and recording-on-a-6-track reasons. i ruined dennis' vocal take by screaming in the chorus. ... shreds.mp3
You didn't happen to keep a copy of the original pre-cut version around, did you? I'd love to hear it... *smile*
we never recorded it.. it was very "art." basically there was some spoken bit where we're getting off a bus in ohio and there is some music coming from a bathroom stall or something and it was sposed to be all disco and we're like oh, it's the landfills - then fade in the second half of the song.

but it didn't sound anything like the landfills. :D

and it wasn't very funny.

Posted: Sun Feb 11, 2007 11:31 am
by jack
blue also played drums and mixed the japantown 3's "rattle" (w/me and future boy), as well as mixing my "birthdays and breakups" (yokels only).

or maybe he was trying to forget about those. :)

Re: all righty

Posted: Sun Feb 11, 2007 11:59 am
by frankie big face
blue wrote: these are me playing everything. foam rubber is an ode to frankie big face. blue signal is about my lady, and the stink is about melvin. ... g_foam.mp3
You wrote an ode to me? That's awesome. Thanks!

Posted: Sun Feb 11, 2007 1:19 pm
by Niveous
Wow, Blue. That was a great list. You've made some awesome music here at SF.

Re: all righty

Posted: Mon Feb 12, 2007 12:24 am
by Rabid Garfunkel
blue wrote:me, spud.. ken? .. and rabid garfunkle and king arthur, rockin' it live in santa cruz. ... oes_at.mp3
Flattered that you've mixed me up with MFK, Blue, but I wasn't in this one (think the only stagetime we shared was the tambourine one with Puce, Plat, Gleen & ?; and the stop-start-stop-start # cover with Fluffy, Spud, Ken & ?... geez, just went balls out on an entry for Get A Life today and that and a six-pack later has fucked out my long term and short term memory for titles, band names, and partners in crime).

I only mix, not record, drunk. So far. Heh.