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June 1, 2007

Posted: Fri Jun 01, 2007 6:29 am
by Heather. Redmon.
Good morning everyone! Happy Friday! I’ve already eaten my Bagel Friday bagel and it was yummy!

So, for the past couple of seasons, I’ve been watching Survivor (ever since my high school art teacher was on it). They were advertising this show called Pirate Master, or as Phil and I have been calling it, Booty Call. Well, the first episode aired last night and it was pretty lame. Maybe it will get better, so I’ll give it one more chance, but it was pretty bad. It totally looks like it’s filmed on a sound stage. I guess they made no claims otherwise, but it’s pretty obvious. Did anyone else watch it?

Yesterday when I got home from work, Phil and Spencer were sitting on the couch and Phil was teaching Spencer how to read. It was awesome. Spencer’s 4 ½ and he’s really smart. He was doing a great job and read the first three or four pages of Dora’s Picnic (Dora the Explorer of course!). Phil is so patient with him and he’s a great teacher. Then, Allison said “Mama, hand, walk, poop”, which translates into, “Let’s go upstairs so I can sit on my potty.” She’ll be 2 in July. She’s growing up so fast. I am a proud mama today!

So far, plans for the weekend only include Phil working on Nur Ein. I need to go grocery shopping and do laundry. I’d also like to buy some new “summer” shoes that don’t flip and flop when I walk!

Oh QotD, QotD, what should you be?

When you were growing up, what was the one thing your parents always said that drove you crazy?

“It’s not what you say it’s how you say it”

Sure, it’s good advice, but my mom overused that way too much to try and curb my terrible teenage attitude problem. It didn’t work. Horrible thing is, I’ve already said that to Spencer once. Please! I need all the help I can get to not turn in to my mom!

Posted: Fri Jun 01, 2007 6:31 am
by jimtyrrell
Haha, I just started a 6/1 post at the same time. Your QOTD is better though, so I deleted it. :)

I'm at work again. Tonight I'm playing at Gilligan's in Moultonborough NH.

QOTD: Once my mom told us not to eat with our mouths full. We all had a good laugh at that one.

Posted: Fri Jun 01, 2007 6:33 am
by Heather. Redmon.
Haha! That's funny! What was your question?

Posted: Fri Jun 01, 2007 7:35 am
by Caravan Ray
My mother told us that if an ice-cream van was playing "Greensleeves" - it meant that they had no ice-cream left.

Posted: Fri Jun 01, 2007 8:02 am
by jimtyrrell
I'll save my question for another day. :D

Posted: Fri Jun 01, 2007 8:26 am
by Hoblit
"Asswipe" - Mom

Posted: Fri Jun 01, 2007 8:38 am
by king_arthur
Most annoying parental admonition was probably when one of us in trouble for something and just wanted to go sulk in our room, and we'd be told, we had to "stay here and be sociable."

Second most annoying thing was when they would get home at 11 pm from an evening of square dancing and dad would say, "I'm going to play this new record I bought. Several times. Loud."

Today's plans: foster dog Tanner goes to the vet. I need to put together a powerpoint presentation of all the people at church who are school graduates of one sort or another, so we can recognize them on Sunday. Do one more mix of Sugar Shaker, boost the vocals a little more, and ship it. I have an idea for some cover art, though that could wait a day or two, maybe somebody else will come through. Ah, well, couldn't resist.. but it will still hopefully inspire somebody else to something greater...


Posted: Fri Jun 01, 2007 10:26 am
by himynameisntmark
Whenever my mom wouldn't let me do something I would tell her that my friends were allowed to do it and she would reply with "different house, different rules". It drove me insane.

Today I get to go job hunting. Not nearly as fun as it sounds.

Posted: Fri Jun 01, 2007 11:24 am
by Hoblit
usetheforce wrote: Today I get to go job hunting. Not nearly as fun as it sounds.
Obligatory: and it doesn't nearly sound like any fun.

Posted: Fri Jun 01, 2007 12:48 pm
by Bjam
When you were growing up, what was the one thing your parents always said that drove you crazy?

I sing all the time. I have done since I was little. I have a super loud voice(when I'm singing the songs that I usually sing along to anyway) so they can hear me downstairs. Rumour has it that if I'm singing and my door is open you can hear me in the basement.

Today was pretty boring. I have to take the SATs again tomorrow morning, so I'm spending the evening at home most likely. Right now my cat and I are chilling on my bed, lying in the sun. It's a Good Time.

Re: June 1, 2007

Posted: Fri Jun 01, 2007 1:51 pm
by Reist
Heather. Redmon. wrote:When you were growing up, what was the one thing your parents always said that drove you crazy?

Posted: Fri Jun 01, 2007 2:42 pm
by Billy's Little Trip
I got back in town late last night.
My nieces baby is really cute
She is so tiny
The baby, not my niece
My niece is normal niece size
I checked in to SF when I got home
I am happy to be moving on to Nur Ein R4
No guitars allowed this time
That's like telling a monkey that he can't throw his poo
Should be interesting
or horrible
I'll just do my best and take my lumps
Actually, that's all I can do
I had a Teriyaki burger for lunch
If you have a Carl's Jr. in your area, you have to try one
They ROCK!

When you were growing up, what was the one thing your parents always said that drove you crazy?

You're going to go crazy and I'm going to drive you there.

Posted: Fri Jun 01, 2007 5:51 pm
by Hoblit
woohoo! It's a Tropical Storm!

*Hoblit breaks out the Beasty Boys and the Vodka

Oh, and I closed my Bank Of America checking account today. They're scammin'.

I need a new checking account, any suggestions?

Posted: Fri Jun 01, 2007 6:37 pm
by mkilly
today I sat around for a while, then went to the radio station to do some work (specifically, I had to change an album I had put out for our nightly Album Preview, because I found out I wasn't supposed to put it out until next Tuesday) and then paid rent. had some barq's, which is my favorite root beer. then I went back to the station and opened the mail: bright eyes, el-p, the national, jarvis cocker, um... oh, MC Frontalot sent me his CDs, too. all those other ones are kind of old, but they had been MIA and so I had to ask for them again (the guy before me was a real bum). Now I'm doing my radio show, currently playing the Cornelius remix of "Maybe I'm Dead" by Money Mark. later on I'll be playing Future Boy's Brad Sucks remix!

Posted: Fri Jun 01, 2007 8:40 pm
by WesDavis
Did nobody else get "because I said so"?

Because crap, I got that a lot. I wanted reasons, and I was denied that privelege! However, I now think that is an awesome way to answer a kid's questions.

Today I worked from 7 to 4 PM, laboring in the hot sun in the garden center of my local Lowe's Home Improvement Warehouse, after having not slept a bit the previous evening. Then I had to go host my open mic. Thankfully, the only other performer that showed is the girl that drove me(my car is broken down), so I didn't have to worry about pretending I like the bullshit that some of these kids play. Some are genuinely good, but man not many.

Posted: Fri Jun 01, 2007 11:38 pm
by Billy's Little Trip
mkilly wrote:today I sat around for a while, then went to the radio station to do some work (specifically, I had to change an album I had put out for our nightly Album Preview, because I found out I wasn't supposed to put it out until next Tuesday) and then paid rent. had some barq's, which is my favorite root beer. then I went back to the station and opened the mail: bright eyes, el-p, the national, jarvis cocker, um... oh, MC Frontalot sent me his CDs, too. all those other ones are kind of old, but they had been MIA and so I had to ask for them again (the guy before me was a real bum). Now I'm doing my radio show, currently playing the Cornelius remix of "Maybe I'm Dead" by Money Mark. later on I'll be playing Future Boy's Brad Sucks remix!
I happen to be a KUOI fan now, well as of about 4 weeks ago. I LOVE your station. I'm happy about your promotion Marcus, just keep up the cool format. It's too bad there aren't more stations like this one.