Alphabet. P-U-P-P-I-E-S. Alphabet. (puppy reviews)

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Alphabet. P-U-P-P-I-E-S. Alphabet. (puppy reviews)

Post by the Jazz »

Or, world's funniest spelling bee home videos.

So hey, show of hands - ABCDP or just AP?
Let cake eat them.
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Post by GlennCase »

FIGHT #6 (11/15/00 - 12/15/00)
A B C D Puppies

1 being poor and 10 being excellent

LINK TO ORIGINAL REVIEW THREAD: There does not appear to be an original review thread for this song.

NOTE: The opinions expressed by Glenn Case are not necessarily the views of anyone.
Giant Robot Counterattack: I like a fight that starts off with me bobbing my head back and forth like crazy. That is precisely what I am doing while listening to this one. Quality sound and song in my opinion. The song is fun, and I have nothing to criticize here. I love the harmonies and the blending of sounds. Very nice upbeat song that will be hard to top as I see it. The high notes at the end are both entertaining, and slightly amusing (but I say that a lot.)

8 of 10.

ARTIST I HEAR COVERING IT: Sugar Ray with Barry Gibb on guest vocal.
Nil: Heh, I have experience with this song RECENTLY. Jon Eric requested this song as a beat we could use for the Frontalittle Squad... Let's just say that you may be hearing a FAL beat with parts of this in the background in the very near future. It has a great groove to it, and it is trippy in a cool way. Yes, I like this one.

7 out of 10.

Prickly Pears: Just when I was enjoying the fight....this comes along. The mix makes the vocals like an afterthought. I can not hear a word of what is being done, and what I can hear is unpleasant at best. The only reason this does not get a 'one' rating is because it sounds like you were trying, at least.

2 out of 10.

ARTIST I HEAR COVERING IT: Someone could cover this "song", but why?
I WOULD'VE VOTED FOR: Giant Robot Counterattack

Glenn (DR FUNK)
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Post by jack »

any song that generally features the prominent use of timpani can almost always count on my vote :D
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Jim of Seattle
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Post by Jim of Seattle »

Pablo, I thought there was going to be a redcar Puppies.
Here's my record label page thingie with stuff about me if you are so interested:
Eric Y.
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Post by Eric Y. »

GlennCase wrote:Nil: Let's just say that you may be hearing a FAL beat with parts of this in the background in the very near future.
wow, i hope so! because that nil song totally kicks ass. i can imagine what kind of awesomness you might generate from that...

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Jim of Seattle
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Post by Jim of Seattle »

I am hereby logging an official gripe that we are being pitted against songs which have already been in a previous fight. Not fair! I don't like it! In protest I'm not going to review them since there's no telling if those people are even around anymore.

Kind of fun. This is a solid little song, nicely played and recorded, and the idea of a "dad" hating the music is funny. I like how you never came out and said "Hey everyone, this is a girl and her dad" or whatever it is. I have a little problem in that only the lyrics communicate the story to me. The girl doesn't sound like a teenager, and the dad sounds like a guy singing low so he'll sound like a dad, but there's nothing else in the music that communicates that to me. Still, it's a fine effort.

Caravan Ray
I love the funky Midi beat, and the robot voices are used in kind of a cool way, but I can't get past the roboticness of robot voices in songs with robot voices. The robots aren't communicating to me how cool the song is. Since there's no telegraphing of the coolness of the beats and all, it's a little cold. But I kind of like this anyway, because the basic funky beats are so funky.

Carol Cleveland Sings
I mistyped your name above, and it said "Carol Cleveland Sins". I thought that was kind of funny. Anyway, the lead vocal distortion does you in here, partly, and the insistence on bucking conventional syllabic placement. But I know your work well enough that I know that was on purpose, so I'm going with it. The song is cute, but pretty schizo. Third time through listening and I'm still not sure where you're going with it. It ends up playing like a pleasant collection of CCS-esque moments, nicely performed, but ultimately not adding up to a complete thingamajig.

The Jazz
Yes, I got that you're playing A, B, C and D in your poopy synth melody. Good idea, but the song is just sort of goofing off, as I'm sure you know. Not enough real work put into this. Sounds like half an hour's effort.

Joshua and Lorrie
Meh. The joke is sort of mildly amusing, but you repeat the same joke basically, over the same chords, sung without a lot of effort. Not very interesting.

Les Dipthongs
This starts out great, and I think I'm in for a jealousy-making good time, but it gets pretty old pretty quickly. There isn't enough musical material to last for 3:30. Maybe if I understood French there would be a good story there. So it gets pretty boring pretty quickly. But there are some nice bits here, repeated a few too many times. I started typing the band names of the upcoming songs I'm going to be reviewing because I was bored but didn't have the heart to simply skip ahead.

Nihilistic Carebear
Songfight Junk Collection of Noise #308

The first and last parts are really great, but the anarchistic middle section is unnecessary and I lose the groove. Bummer. Without that I'm all there, man. We sort of had the same idea for our lyric, making the title sound less absurd by juxtaposing it with more nonsense lyrics. I also love your Snakefinger-like guitar solo. The second and third times through I skipped through the middle section. I especially like that heavy heavy heavy bass drum.

Vanilla Dragon
WAY too much reliance of the drum beat to carry the day. The drums are sort of cool, indeed, but not as cool as you seem to think they are. Everyone else is using dog barks too, and so your beat and dogs and simplistic melody aren't enough to distinguish you among the others.

I liked the randomness of the comments, and I liked that you established this childlike persona and stuck with it all the way through. But that's about all there is here. I like what you got, but song-wise it's pretty lacking. Again, I'm reminded of my own song in your use of non sequitir lyrics. Ha.

This wasn't supposed to be a song. I literally turned on the sequencer, played those 4-5 chords on it, hit Save, went upstairs to do the dishes, came up with this melody and lyric, and then thought "what the hell". After that it was a really really fun week of adding instruments, recording the choir vocals, and messing with EQ and reverb and arrangement. I had a total blast with this song. Whether or not it gets a good response, it was some of the most fun I've had putting together a Songfight song since I came around these parts. And no, the lyrics mean nothing at all, for those of you insisting on finding meaning in them.
Here's my record label page thingie with stuff about me if you are so interested:
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Post by Bjam »

Carol Cleveland Sings
Nice beat. Your voice is good though. Kind of boring with the chorus-y bit, but I like the A-dogbreedname to B-dogbreedname. At 1:30 I’m getting kinda bored of the repetitiveness.

*tilts head* The intro is a tad too long for my liking. Agh, scary laughing. This kinda sounds like some demented circus-song. Okay, this one bordered on scaring me witless, thus I don’t like it.

Vanilla Dragon
Now I don’t have surround sound in my room, but I can imagine that if you had each thing said going into a different channel then this would also scare me. What’s with all the attempts to freak me out this week? By 1:20 I want some variation. The beat rhythm dealio is getting boring now too. Okay, so this song was a beat-y-track-y-thing and some samples of barking, and some freaky-voice-that-scares me saying “ABCD Puppies”. Okay then.

This is making me giggle with the silly lyrics. You have a crush on Spiderman too?!

Urgh. Me and some help from the father. (Don’t mind the insanely low voice that the father has. It’s kinda scary.) And I’m not too fond of the bridge-y-instrumental thing either. Ah well. I also don’t know why my name’s in capitals with an exclamation point. Maybe I’m just specialer.

Caravan Ray
Y’know the sad thing? I could see this as some crazy dance-wave across the clubs of Europe. Especially if you thought up some dance-moves. Maybe that’s just me though. Okay, it’s boring me at 1:20. Eerie repeating of puppy and guitar. More scary songs, woo…

Giant Robot Counterattack
You have a nice voice. Not too fond on the ‘lalala’s but they’re not too bad. I’m kinda digging this, it’s pretty fun. Oooh-oohs are kinda nice. And back to the lalalas of doom! I get that you wanted something there, but a nice bridge would’ve suited better in my opinion. Ultimately I rather like this song, it’s fun and rather good considering the title. Yeah-yeahs? You guys are really fond of oohs and las and yeahs, aren’t you?

The Jazz
Sounds like some early videogame sounds. This did nothing for me. It’s just random samples chucked together, not my thing and just sounds kinda… bleh. And the fading puppies is scary again.

Jim Of Seattle
What a creepy backing you have… This is pretty good, just a little blah. Nothing’s grabbing me except for the creepy background. Lyrics are rather… random. Random letters? Um, well that was interesting.

Joshua and Lorrie
The vocals are kinda acting against you here. …Did you just sing “I’ll kill your puppies for a small fee” Or did I mishear? That’s kinda sad.

Les Diphthongs
French! I like French! The vocals are a little quiet, and the music is a little repetitive(and it reminds me of cheesy game shows) but it’s a nice little thing. And I’m confused, my Windows Media Player is saying it’s 1:28, but… it just keeps going. As for the car and dog noises at the end… I kinda wanted there to be a painful bark at the end. Is that bad of me?

The Nihilistic Carebear
Freaky. Very. Woah, scary loud music… Umm, well that was… nice…

More scary sounding ABCDs! Boring and repetitive, not doing anything at all for me. It kinda sounds like it could be used in an “adult video” though. Except for the disappointing blah-y fade at the end. Or maybe including that.

Prickly Pears
Eerie sounding music. Voice is very unclear and repetitive. Optional challenge being used? Eesh, ow for the ears. Nothings really grabbing me here, there is some variation between loud and quiet, but that’s the only thing I can really hear…

These are all based off of one listen, so some of them might grow on me. I’m not sure who I’ll vote for, but I’ll keep listening and figure something out. (And, seriously, what’s with all the eerie/creepy/scary songs this week? Puppies are meant to be CUTE! Not evil…)
Songfighter since back in the day.

Post by DELETED »

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Post by the Jazz »

JoS wrote:The Jazz
Yes, I got that you're playing A, B, C and D in your poopy synth melody. Good idea, but the song is just sort of goofing off, as I'm sure you know. Not enough real work put into this. Sounds like half an hour's effort.
I got the idea Monday night and for some reason thought Tuesday was Wednesday, so yeah, it's thrown together... I realized later that I could have worked on it for another day. :( The interesting thing though is that I didn't have to pitch-shift or cut up the three barking clips at all to make them fit the beat. Which is crazy because I only had the three clips.
Bjam wrote:The Jazz
Sounds like some early videogame sounds. This did nothing for me. It’s just random samples chucked together, not my thing and just sounds kinda… bleh. And the fading puppies is scary again.
The only samples are the dogs barking. You have besmirched my honor, and I challenge you to a duel.
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Post by Bjam »

the Jazz wrote:
Bjam wrote:The Jazz
Sounds like some early videogame sounds. This did nothing for me. It’s just random samples chucked together, not my thing and just sounds kinda… bleh. And the fading puppies is scary again.
The only samples are the dogs barking. You have besmirched my honor, and I challenge you to a duel.
I accept that challenge, good sir.
Songfighter since back in the day.
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Post by Caravan Ray »


Well done. You’ve actually written a coherent song that tells a story based on this ridiculous title. You haven’t relied on strange noises and repeating ABCD Puppy a lot like a lot of the rest or us have.
Good song, nice vocals from both of you.

Carol Cleveland Sings
I like the lyrics (my original idea for this was to use as lyrics a list of 26 dog breeds – each starting with a different letter of the alphabet (such a list does exist)).
Song is pleasant enough – but a tad repetitive and not particularly engaging.

The Jazz
Short, silly – but not without merit. I didn’t hate it.

Joshua and Lorrie
Very good idea lyrically, very badly executed.

Les Dipthongs
I like this – nice mood, keyboards and voice go together well, cool guitar solo. Tres bonne.

Nihilistic Carebear
I like this. I won’t vote for it, but I like it

Guitar is great, crash/smash percussion stuff is also good. Middle bit is annoying, as is laughing. This could have been really good – but it isn’t. Ooh – I like the applause at the end. Still – the middle bit robs you of your vote

Vanilla Dragon
Pretty dull

Your lyrics read better than they sound. I was looking forward to this but was left slightly disappointed. “Daffodil” doesn’t seem to fit (I don’t know what would – but daffodil doesn’t seem right). Still, better than most of the others this week – well done.

Jim of Seattle
Strange. Sounds like a tune from an old musical – coming in near the end where the boy is sad because he thinks he has lost the girl – but the big show-stopping number is just a few minutes away where he gets back together again with the girl. Or at least it would sound like that if you weren’t singing complete gibberish. I’m glad you had fun doing it.

Caravan Ray
((Stupid title + no imagination)/10 days)^laziness = stupid, but annoyingly catchy song.

Seems pointless reviewing the old ones – but my opinions -
Nil: Like a bit
Giant Robot: Don’t like much
Prickly Pears: Don’t like at all

Very strange fight – understandable given the silly title. Wreckdom and Les Dipthong were enjoyable. JoS, Roymond and Joshua/Lorrie had good ideas that didn’t quite work for me. I will vote for Bjam for writing the best song.
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Post by drë »

Jim of Seattle wrote:I am hereby logging an official gripe that we are being pitted against songs which have already been in a previous fight. Not fair! I don't like it! In protest I'm not going to review them since there's no telling if those people are even around anymore.
it took me a while to figure this weeks titles out, and their previous entries.. but am pretty sure its the songmaster way of thanking them on this Thanksgiven day... or maybe not.
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Post by jack »

that roymond track could have been lifted straight off atom heart mother.
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Post by the Jazz »

Bjam wrote:
the Jazz wrote:
Bjam wrote:The Jazz
Sounds like some early videogame sounds. This did nothing for me. It’s just random samples chucked together, not my thing and just sounds kinda… bleh. And the fading puppies is scary again.
The only samples are the dogs barking. You have besmirched my honor, and I challenge you to a duel.
I accept that challenge, good sir.
Now what?
Let cake eat them.
Eric Y.
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Post by Eric Y. »

jack shite wrote:that roymond track could have been lifted straight off atom heart mother.
hm, this intrigues me. because "atom heart mother suite" is quite literally my favourite song (musical work) OF ALL TIME. but the remainder of that album is quite literally, a dung heap. (well, sure, i dig on "fat old sun" kinda but it's really boring for the most part, and the same goes for that rick wright song "summer 68" or whatever it's called, and the other two songs i really don't like at all). so anyway i don't know if your comment is positive or negative -- i guess i'll find out when i get around to listening to all these songs...
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Post by Future Boy »

BJAM! like whoa! I love it!
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Post by thehipcola »

Jim of Seattle wrote:Pablo, I thought there was going to be a redcar Puppies.
I can answer that...nope. :) TT's been fibbin' again...
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Post by tonetripper »

Jim of Seattle wrote:Pablo, I thought there was going to be a redcar Puppies.
No redcar puppies Jim. Sadly I got immersed in recording world with film stuff and got hooped by technology. Sniff. If I was in, it was a collab with Freudian Slip, but I think she got too busy with NaNoWriMo. Crunch time. Best that I didn't anyway. Xmas nuttiness is about to overtake me and I need all the spare time I can get to do my Xmas carols for family and friends. On the cheap and giving gifts that you make are better anyway. Prolly not fighting til the new year, unless the urge overwhelms. I'll be reviewing though. Interested in hearing what I may have come up against. Cheers!
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Post by fluffy »

Bjam wrote:Prickly Pears
Eerie sounding music. Voice is very unclear and repetitive. Optional challenge being used?
You don't know how absolutely wrong that felt to read. On multiple levels.
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Post by Bjam »

fluffy wrote:
Bjam wrote:Prickly Pears
Eerie sounding music. Voice is very unclear and repetitive. Optional challenge being used?
You don't know how absolutely wrong that felt to read. On multiple levels.

If you're thinking what I'm thinking then I roll my eyes at you.
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Post by fluffy »

I'm thinking that you don't get the motive behind the optional challenge.

Plus, pricklypears' ABCD Puppies is probably the entire reason I am even here to post this message right now. (Though NiL's plays a big part of that too. And you hated that one as well. *snif*)
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Post by Bjam »

Okay, you've totally lost me now. I'll just shrug and be on my way.
Songfighter since back in the day.
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