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My Dogs are Barking (Ottoman reviews)
Posted: Tue Jul 17, 2007 1:54 pm
by Smalltown Mike
You know ... to put your feet up.
Posted: Tue Jul 17, 2007 2:23 pm
by pegor
Ok here is the first half of my reviews I'll do the others as time allows.

The casio feel is kinda cool, it's fun i guess but not worth saving.

I like the dark base and the overall simplicity. It reminds me of my childhood somehow. possible vote.

I dig the country vibe. well done I suppose, just not my thing.

Good basic concept. you need to work on your production.

LOL I dont think you understood the title.
Posted: Tue Jul 17, 2007 2:51 pm
by Caravan Ray
Posted: Tue Jul 17, 2007 2:55 pm
by Bjam

Posted: Fri Jul 20, 2007 9:22 am
by boltoph
[joke reviews of lyrics]
Posted: Fri Jul 20, 2007 9:46 am
by Stubby Phillips
Lyricfight? What's next -- MusicFight? Or maybe IntroFight, VerseFight, RefrainFight, BreakFight; or HookFight, SampleFight, RiffFight, MelodyFight, and ObscureCulturalReferenceFight.
Time to go back to two or three concurrent fights per week?
Posted: Fri Jul 20, 2007 10:39 am
by boltoph
I'm starting to hope that Spud's ok...because now i'm really starting to a couple of days turn into 3, 4, then a week. Still alive out there?
Posted: Fri Jul 20, 2007 11:18 am
by Æpplês&vØdkã
(sigh) as long as ottoman comes up before so weird is due, i'm fine with it.
Posted: Fri Jul 20, 2007 11:23 am
by Saucalito
The first listen through I noticed a few really good songs. I've only really listened to the first 10 songs, and so far I liked the Boltoph tune, and a few others. I hope to do a full review tonight.
Posted: Fri Jul 20, 2007 12:21 pm
by Reist
boltoph wrote:I'm starting to hope that Spud's ok...because now i'm really starting to a couple of days turn into 3, 4, then a week. Still alive out there?
I was thinking that too ... but it could also be a vacation.
Posted: Fri Jul 20, 2007 12:27 pm
by jackfrost
First Impressions:
This lot is populated with non-songs, songs with spoken samples about the Ottoman Empire, and badly written songs about people named Ottoman. The best songs here are the one’s about actual Ottomans. They are the only ones that feel heartfelt. There are some really good songs here, but there are a lot of wasted tracks too.
Adam Adament – this is ok until the “falsetto” notes, which are way off. Very robotic sounding. Including the vocal delivery, which comes off as lazy, especially at the end. Sorry, overall, I don’t like this one much.
AATPS – I like the background music and vocals. The main vocals are a little goofy for my taste. The falsetto is well done here, though. I like the change in atmosphere about halfway through, but it gets a little chaotic at the end for my tastes. The last scream ruined the whole thing for me.
Beau McDermott – the guitar riff would be better built around a song that is sung, instead of one with spoken lyrics and spoken “samples” about the Ottoman Empire. I fear that this will be a theme that is repeated throughout the fight. This is repetitive without going anywhere. That’s three ho-hum songs in a row so far.
B. Ellison – nice 70’s folky sounding number. This is relaxing and nice. The vocals and the solo-y guitar weave in and out of each other nicely. The piano could stand to be a bit lower in the mix, but overall, I really like this one.
Boiler Room – non-song waste of time. But this is what I fear will be the first of many songs about a person named Ottoman. But this wasn’t a song. It was a complete waste of time.
Boltoph – professional sounding and nicely delivered. This is easily the best of the bunch so far. I like the journey this song takes musically. It didn’t seem predictable, but did not seem awkward either. Balancing that is a feat in itself. Great job!!!
Caravan Ray – Wow. Another 70’s folky sounding number. The melody here is almost hypnotic and the vocal delivery on the chorus is shiveringly eerie. The minimal instrumentation works to this song’s advantage. Another early front-runner here. I really, really like this one.
Future Polka – Person named Ottoman song #2. Rock. Sure. But I don’t much like it. I don’t know. It just feels unnecessary and made up.
Grapefruit Orgasm – Spoken “samples” about the Ottoman Empire #2. Followed by random audio samples. Another non-song waste of time.
Gurdonark – Negatives: #1 referencing multiple Songfight elements. #2 spoken word again. #3 “samples”. Another non-song.
Horsemouth – Person named Ottoman song #3. The “on the other hand” voice embarrassed me. I somewhat like the ooh-la-la part, but like the other songs about a fictional Ottoman person, it all sounds contrived and kind of fake.
Jeffrey Davis – non-song. This is just someone taking other songs and combining them, followed by horrible singing. Waste of time.
Jolly Roger – Person named Ottoman song #4. Rock. Sure. But I don’t much like it.
I don’t know. It just feels unnecessary and made up.
Latex Heart Attack – Rock. Sure. I like it. Not sure on the vocal delivery. It sounds like someone trying to sound like someone else instead of a developed vocal style. But overall, I think the song works. Nice tune.
Melvin – love the sound of the drums. I hear a lot of the green album here. As always though, will probably be a big vote-getter because it’s one of the best constructed/performed numbers here.
The Montserratian Secret Police – this is a nice little low-key number. I like this one. The melody is nice, and it entertained me throughout. Good job!!!
Puadxe – A 3rd 70’s folky sounding number. The melody and especially the guitar chord progression sounds very familiar. I can’t place it yet… In spite of that, and the timing problems throughout, I like this one. The vocals could be turned up a bit in the mix.
Renwick – very “stu-stu-studio” sounding drums. The melody is very dirge-y in the verses. It gets better for the chorus. Actually, every part of this song that isn’t the chorus sounds muddled and very hurried in the writing. Sounds like a bar band in a recording studio.
Rum Dreams – here’s another nice easy number. It finds it’s groove and just plays out, nice and unforced. I like it.
ShotPounder – ok. You can scream somewhat in tune. I can’t understand you though and you sound obnoxious getting so worked up about a piece of furniture.
Sp00n – person named Ottoman song #5/Ottoman as a non-descript superhero. That said, I found that I really liked your song. It was lite and fun and didn’t take itself too seriously.
Getting tired of reviewing…
State Shirt – sounds like a band who wrote a song called Ottoman. By the numbers alternative rocker and has a few nice flourishes but is really just a lot of screaming.
Steve Durand – a breath of fresh air. Vocals are charming. Chorus is inspired and delivered very nicely. The more I hear of your music, the more I like it and appreciate it. Production is also top notch. This is the most creative number in the bunch.
Tone Butter – this is also a nice song. Not really that catchy or inspired though. Bad luck being reviewed after Steve’s song, I guess. I just can’t get very excited about this. It’s not bad at all, just not really that full of energy, but it sounds like it should be.
The Weakest Suit – somber, heartfelt, and sad sounding lyrics. I like the instrumentation in the chorus. It’s worth the almost 2 minute wait. Minimal instrumentation again working to effect here.
The White Hat – Ottoman Empire song that works. The melody is craftily delivered and the guitar is deftly played. The solo (keyboard?) also fits well. Good job, sir!!!
The Word and Works of Saucalito – “something for your feet is sometimes crucial for your mind” may be the best lyric this week. I like the instrumental part that follows. It’s minimal where a lot of other songfighters this week have been over the top. It says invites you to kick your feet up and relax.
Worldly Self-Assurance – I like this one much better than the other one by WSA. This one seems much more focused. The guitars talk to each other nicely. The vocals are nice in the first part. Is there more than one singer here? Feedback solo is exquisite for it’s tone and capture. I predict another win for this one.
Posted: Fri Jul 20, 2007 12:35 pm
by Reist
I think we should wait until the songs are up to post dumb reviews.
Posted: Fri Jul 20, 2007 12:48 pm
by puadxe
i don't see the songs yet either,
but i don't think that he made that all up just to spite you jolly
you have some leak we don't have jack?
Posted: Fri Jul 20, 2007 1:06 pm
by Billy's Little Trip
jolly roger wrote:boltoph wrote:I'm starting to hope that Spud's ok...because now i'm really starting to a couple of days turn into 3, 4, then a week. Still alive out there?
I was thinking that too ... but
it could also be on vacation.
You do realize he's not really a potato, right?
Posted: Fri Jul 20, 2007 1:13 pm
by jackfrost
you got me. they're fake reviews. i just made a list of everyone who said they were submitting or posted lyrics and flipped a coin to see if i liked their song or not. then i made a whole bunch of stuff up.
Posted: Fri Jul 20, 2007 1:23 pm
by adamadamant
Jackfrost, your lies hurt the world.
Posted: Fri Jul 20, 2007 1:27 pm
by Niveous
jackfrost wrote:you got me. they're fake reviews. i just made a list of everyone who said they were submitting or posted lyrics and flipped a coin to see if i liked their song or not. then i made a whole bunch of stuff up.
MSP made no such claim. There was no way to know of our existence...unless he has the songs. Confess, Jack, confess!
Posted: Fri Jul 20, 2007 1:34 pm
by pegor
Billy's Little Trip wrote:jolly roger wrote:boltoph wrote:I'm starting to hope that Spud's ok...because now i'm really starting to a couple of days turn into 3, 4, then a week. Still alive out there?
I was thinking that too ... but
it could also be on vacation.
You do realize he's not really a potato, right?
I got the impression that JB processes the new songs and Spud does the other stuff. but i don't know anything... nuthin'... zip... nada.. bumpkiss... well I know I'm bored, but other then that. Pure ignorance here.... yup
people know about this right?
Posted: Fri Jul 20, 2007 1:48 pm
by Billy's Little Trip
pegor wrote:but i don't know anything... nuthin'... zip... nada.. bumpkiss...

OOooo OOoo, I know this one. You're trying to say 0, right?
Posted: Fri Jul 20, 2007 2:14 pm
by Caravan Ray
Hey - that's the songs!!
OK - let's start fighting!
Posted: Fri Jul 20, 2007 3:11 pm
by Billy's Little Trip
I'm still listening to them, but great job Boltoph. I really like what you did with this one.
Posted: Fri Jul 20, 2007 6:09 pm
by Reist
Billy's Little Trip wrote:jolly roger wrote:boltoph wrote:I'm starting to hope that Spud's ok...because now i'm really starting to a couple of days turn into 3, 4, then a week. Still alive out there?
I was thinking that too ... but
it could also be on vacation.
You do realize he's not really a potato, right?
If you look up at my original post, I actually said 'it could also be
a vacation'.