Finished a dance song while streaming on Twitch and posted stream highlights on YouTube. Sort of new territory for me musically.
Hey. I don't think I mentioned it here but I've got a new album out: "HUM" by Terror at Space Camp.
If you're following this year's Nur Ein and are digging Mama Pills and Virgo Power, they are all over this album.
And for the month of June, any money I make from sales of this album on Bandcamp, I'm giving to the National Scleroderma Foundation as part of Scleroderma Awareness Month.
Finally recorded a song I wrote in 2005 back when I was calling myself Southwest Statistic. I used to play this song whenever I would play an acoustic set but it occurred to me recently that no recording of it existed acoustic or otherwise:
Sausage Boy and I are about to release our forth album, and I thought for those of you care or remember us, you might like to see the video of the lead single from Mr B and Mr C's new album 'La Dystopie Moderne', out 20th August. NSFW or for Adults Only! Sorry kids!
Hey what do you know. I finally made the youtube thing work but apparently you need to click through to see age-restricted stuff. Which makes sense; in retrospect.
Folks, today I released my first Geech Sorensen song to streaming. I originally did this for SF a few years back - Is This Real Life.It's a singer-songwriter acoustic number that starts low and slow and builds. The songwhip url will take you to links for the song on every service, but I also made a Spotify playlist for my songs from various artist names and releases. Anyways, please check it out if you have three minutes and let me know what you think.
Hi folks, today I released my EP, Some Kind of Detente. Sam recorded basics for three of these, originally done for SF years ago. Two I had already released, and two not. They loosely cover the same thematic ground, so it's nice to have them out there living together.
That's a cool texture you have going on there. And I like the hint of the acoustic in the more fully arranged sections to keep things glued together. That's an interesting song. Another friend (Fawmer Charlie Cheney) is taking this class as well and had good things to day. I wish I weren't so busy.
That's a cool texture you have going on there. And I like the hint of the acoustic in the more fully arranged sections to keep things glued together. That's an interesting song. Another friend (Fawmer Charlie Cheney) is taking this class as well and had good things to day. I wish I weren't so busy.
Thanks, man! Appreciate the feedback. First song I've produced in many years
I'll keep an eye out for Charlie. | songfights | covers
"Any more chromaticism and you'll have to change your last name to Wagner!" - Frankie Big Face