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Purple Reign 2 - I Wanna Be Your Lover

Posted: Mon Dec 31, 2007 4:28 pm
by GlennCase
Vote for your favorite

Posted: Tue Jan 01, 2008 6:30 pm
by sausage boy
Chopped Liver Meat God: Not bad. The buildup is good. Very Rabid Garfunkel in your guitar and drum use. Thats a good thing, too. Don't think it is worth the vote, but it is certainly worth keeping on the ipod.

Matt Brodeur: Those attempts at higher vocals are a little grimace inducing. And I don't mean they make a purple monster appear. Like I have said time and again, I'm not a big guy and guitar guy.

Wages: Same as above, but at least you aren't assaulting my ears with high pitchness.

Brother Machine: No fucking way. The Machine! I just peed myself a little. Totally on form. Excellent harmonies, and an infectiously listenable guitar/drum ensemble.

I Wanna Be Your Lover

Posted: Tue Jan 01, 2008 6:48 pm
by mattb5
CLMG: The verse reminded me of a mix between The Kinks and some late 70's British punk. The lover/smother pseudo-rhyme was good and also discover. Kick ass tone on the solo! Nice strong ending.
I like the full band sound. I've got to RTFM on my Yamaha QY-70 or some software so I can start utilizing a full band sound.

Wages: Did you listen to my song first? LOL When I clicked on this I thought I clicked the wrong link and it was my song. hahaha I guess "I Wanna Be Your Lover" just universally calls out for a chromatically descending bass line in a Major/Major7/Seventh progression. CLMG's song started with a descending bass line too. I'm glad I at least put a capo at the 4th fret so yours and mine aren't in the same key.
The idea of a mail order bride is a riot! That was great. I think I would have treated that subject matter more as a comedic song. But your lyrics were really good.

Brother Machine: I love the ambiance in the intro. Sounds like one of my 4th generation mix tapes from my car cassette deck in the 80's. ;) I was glad it cleared up though. Nice effect, but not for a whole song. hahaha
The vocal in the pre-chorus rocks! That really popped. The tone of the voice and the harmonizing and instrumentation were all great.

Posted: Wed Jan 02, 2008 6:32 am
by j$
CLMG – Dear Prudence-style bassline. Drums are very good on that section, not so hot on the heavy rock-out bit. Actually I think it’s just your ride is mic-ed too loud. That guitar in the chorus reminds me of ‘stepping stone’. Is this going to be the song of things that remind me of other things? Oh guitar solo is as sour of tone as it is good of rock-out playing. This is a good garage band approximation. I think there is a good song here, but the chorus could do with some harmonies to make it stand out. And it’s possibly a little long. No, maybe not,if you tightened up the recording a little more, in terms of mix.

Matt Brodeur – OK, so it’s not CLMG’s song, this is going to be the fight of thing that remind me of other things. The chord progression in the verse really really reminds me of something else which I can’t place right away but as soon as it comes to me I will post. The chorus is slightly off-key which is a shame. Some nice sus chords going on here. Overall nice a nice melody and a good mood created by the words. Just a shame about that off-key chorus.

Wages – OK so this reminds me of Matt Brodeur’s song, chord-wise. I am not sure that ordering Russian mail order brides involves walking down long metal corriders, per se, but what the hey. The story could do with a bit more development, but it’s a neat idea. Overall cute (tho’ the woohs are a little drab tonally).

Brother Machine – lo-fi start is cool, then great bass and giddy, kiddy keys. Melody is a little nursery rhyme at times in the verses, great swoopy bridge, overall groove is awesome. Some great background effects mean rewards for repeated listens. A little slow perhaps, another 10 bpm would really kick it into overdrive, but it’s churlish to diss something as good as this. Lyric isn't anything to write home about, but overall really, really good, and in the end, an easy vote.

Posted: Wed Jan 02, 2008 7:35 am
by mattb5
The chord progression in the verse really really reminds me of something else which I can’t place right away but as soon as it comes to me I will post.
It reminded me of 10,000 Maniacs "What's the Matter Here" after I listened back to it. But just the first 2 or 3 chords. One of the reasons I bumped it up to capo 4.

But I guess maybe I should have aimed a little lower to be able to nail those notes in the chorus.

Posted: Wed Jan 02, 2008 7:49 am
by j$
No, I think it's Amen Corner's 'If Paradise is Half As Nice'. I love that song, so it's probably a skewed compliment anyway.

Listening again, i am not sure you are flat, maybe a semi-tone too sharp. It's only on the first and third lines of the chorus. it's a shame because it's a nice little tune, and those just shake me out of my pleasant reverie every time, even though it's not that bad (i wouldn't worry about it anyway, ass coming from me, who wouldn't know an octave from an octupus, it probably isn't of much critical use.)

If it haadn't been for that pesky Brother Machine, you'd have gotten away with my vote. mainly due to Amen Corner ;)

Posted: Wed Jan 02, 2008 9:31 am
by Rabid Garfunkel
sausage boy wrote:Chopped Liver Meat God: ... Very Rabid Garfunkel in your guitar and drum use. Thats a good thing, too...
:shock: Huh? Damn it, and I've been working so hard not to have a "sound", too. :lol:

Nice downtempo Keith Moon drumming there (thinking of The Who's "Jaguar", me). Some EQing on the high end would help bring out the cymbals & hat.

Posted: Wed Jan 02, 2008 10:57 am
by Niveous
I Wanna Be Your Lover Reviews:

CLMG: Damn that's some bass. The percussion is crazy in that RHCP "Breaking the Girl" way. This is a pretty good song. It's got a good groove, it experiments a bit, the guitars tear it up, all pluses. The mix is a bit wonky but all things considered, this is pretty good.

Matt Brodeur: With some tightening up, this song could be good. But right now, it's hurt by the delivery on the high notes. The lyrics are okay, reminds me of something the Carpenters would do. Decent tunes but it just needs work.

Wages: Points for writing a song about Mail Order Brides. This song is the "Lars and the Real Girl" of the PRC. Like the song before it, it needs tightening up. But I think this is really one of the better Wages songs I've heard. I don't know exactly why. It's got charm, I guess.

Brother Machine: Ah, the warm tones of a Bro Mac tune. How I've missed this. Dang, there is so many touches all over this. I hear some backward masking, some nifty harmonies, and the wild fade out. It's got this cool 60's vibe revamped. Excellent song. Just wish that there was a bridge or a third verse. Th eend just seems abrupt.

This one has been an excellent fight. I have no clue who I'm voting for yet.