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New Year's Resolutions?

Posted: Wed Dec 15, 2004 11:09 am
by Henrietta
Yikes... only a couple weeks left to 2004! Does anyone have any resolutions/plans for 2005? :?:

In 2005 I hope to:
Songfight at least once per month
Learn how to play the flute
Apply to grad school
Roadtrip along Pacific coastline (LA->Seattle)

Posted: Wed Dec 15, 2004 11:38 am
by Leaf

  • 1) Work out everyday. Didn't do it.
    2)Practice drums, bass, guitar, vocals and recording techniques for 1 hour a day, five days a week, each Didn't do it.
    3)Write a new song once a week minimum, enter at least on sf a month, (ok, this is a new one...) Didn't do it.
    4)Stop buying music gear and buy a house instead. Holy Fuck! Not only did I buy the house, but I STILL BOUGHT GEAR TOO.
    5) Improve my diet. Nope.
    6) Stop eating after 8:00 pm each night. Nope.
    7)stop drinking alcohol, stop smoking pot, get wife to quit cigarettes while we're at it. hahahahahahaha.
    8)Put out a decent cd. hahahahaha.
    9)Play 100 gigs (actually pulled that one off once!!) Ah. I only did about 30 this year. two on guitar, about five on drums, the rest on bass.
    10)Clean the house once a week without being asked, clean car once a month, actually do spring cleaning in the SPRING!!!!! uh... actually, I did start doing this once we moved into the new house. My wife is amazed.
    11)Refrain from cursing. Good fuckin luck buddy.
    12) Stop watching so much porn. (but don't quit completely...) hahahahaha.
    13)Cover a songfighter once a month, (new one, but it's always a fun exercise!!) Nope.
    14)Go to a leaf's game, (this does happen occasionally.) Mutherfucker. Didn't happen, but hey, when they cancel hockey for a year, what are you supposed to do?
    15) Watch porn but resist urge to pleasure one's self.... ok, ok, too much information, but I bet you know EXACTLY what I 'm talking about!!! hmmm. weeelllll... I kinda did that. I mean, there's a lot of porn out there, and I do get sore.
    16)Actually do a full days work at work, and don't hang out on message board all day when all I want to do is go home and sleep..... hahahaha.
    17) Free some small animals from a research facility. well, If I consider my body a research facility, I did do this one, rather frequently.
    18)Get politically involved in health care reform. No.
    19) Win trial in February. YES!!!!
    20)Completly read all Superman and JLA comics I've been downloading. Damn porn.
    21) And finally.... score a hat trick every time I play hockey. And get three assists. and win the game.....hmmm. I think this happened, but only because I play floor hockey. If you can't score three goals in floor hockey, you either suck or you're Australian. heh heh.
I think that's everything....


Holy shit. I actually did one, and it's the most serious.


1) Have studio space built to my liking and set up by June.
2) Play a gig on guitar with a maximum of 3 mistakes. (I've only done two gigs so far, and man, did I suck on a personal level. People say it rocked, but people also snort coke and drink rye so...
3) Go to songfight santa cruz.
4) do a collab with: molsen twins, gert, boon liver, bloody hams, caravan leaf, LEABLIT, (man I love that tune) , still waiting on a chance for an octothorpe drum session(course, gotta have drums set up and studio, but hey) and the beef animals track was pretty fun...but 8lo has seemed to have disappeared, and actually do a few leaf62 songs again... stop being a chicken bitch!!
5) Get Dana (wife) to sing on a SF tune (we've been building up to this..she's sang a few tunes with the band at our last couple gigs, super fun having her right there singing away... oh yeah).
6) Learn how to properly dispense propane.
7) Go to a leafs game.
8) play live with Gert.

Ok. that's it. Wonder how I'll fair next year? Notice I just left the porn out of it... a man's got to be realistic.

Posted: Wed Dec 15, 2004 12:28 pm
by fodroy
new years resolutions are for old women who think cathy is a funny comic strip.

Posted: Wed Dec 15, 2004 12:36 pm
by Leaf
fodroy wrote:new years resolutions are for old women who think cathy is a funny comic strip.

oohhh... that stung.

so...uh... guess I 'm out of the resolution game then...

Posted: Wed Dec 15, 2004 12:55 pm
by Henrietta
fodroy wrote:new years resolutions are for old women who think cathy is a funny comic strip.
Hey, now! Family Circus is way better than Cathy. ;)

And who are you calling old?

Posted: Wed Dec 15, 2004 1:02 pm
by fodroy
Henrietta wrote:And who are you calling old?
umm. uhh... leaf! i'm calling leaf old! :oops:

i just said that because i like to generalize sometimes. when i think of new years resolutions i think of a bunch of office ladies who drink too much coffee and cut cathy, garfield and other comic strips out and tape them to the bulletin board (where you should be using thumb tacks. they just don't get it.) in their cubicle.

also i don't think new years resolutions are necessarily a good thing. they sort of belittle the idea of self improvement. if i see an area that i need to better myself in, i do it. i don't just wait til the new year to start and take that as my one and only opportunity. but then again this thread appears to be about musical resolutions so...i hope to record more over the next year.

Posted: Wed Dec 15, 2004 1:02 pm
by Leaf
ohh... balance of power shifting... back in game... resolution mode re-enabled....

Who does'nt like to create drunken lies to themselves each year eh? C'mon people!!!!

although... 2004 isn't quite open yet... I suppose you were just getting a jump on things, hey Henrietta?

Posted: Wed Dec 15, 2004 1:05 pm
by fodroy
i still control this thread! there was never a shift of power! i had a weak moment! i am in control now! :cry:

Posted: Wed Dec 15, 2004 1:15 pm
by fodroy
seriously though. i make no resolutions. that one about recording more is a lie! i shall record less! which means that since i haven't recorded anything since september i...will... do whatever is the opposite of recording!!! [/evil scientist/dictator/genius type laugh]

Posted: Wed Dec 15, 2004 1:20 pm
by Hoblit
Leaf, you expect way too much of yourself. Lower your standards and goals...if not just for your own self respect!

1. To not make any newyears resolutions
2. To not break any of my newyears resolutions...but since I already broke the first one all the rest are void too.
3. Get laid at least once.

Posted: Wed Dec 15, 2004 1:37 pm
by Kamakura
Leaf wrote:I resolve to:
15) Watch porn but resist urge to pleasure one's self.... ok, ok, too much information, but I bet you know EXACTLY what I 'm talking about!!!
Erm...(can't be the neat way the director used the endoscopy sequence) No I don't. Please explain.

Posted: Wed Dec 15, 2004 1:40 pm
by Leaf
Hoblit wrote:Leaf, you expect way too much of yourself. Lower your standards and goals...if not just for your own self respect!

yeah... you know what's sad? (Actually, I kinda gather you do, but....)
I'm half-way serious.

You're right, I do expect too much of myself. Fortunately, I've learnt to live with my ridiculous expectations, so I don't get too strung out if
  • a) I don't achieve a goal
    b) some one calls me out on not meeting the goal.

...maybe a few of those were jokes... but I AM gonna win that trial in February!!!!!! that one, I'm living up to.

Oh, while we're add it, you need to beef number three up abit. If I'm over expectant, well, you're underachieving man!!!! Get laid once a month is a better starting point....

i had a friend who once told me back in college "the more you get, the more you get." It took me a while (and a couple of the female horn players (trumpet player much better than trombone, yet more psycho) ) to understand it.....

Oh, by the way, I'm not insinuating that you haven't been getting some.... you did that on your own!!

Posted: Wed Dec 15, 2004 1:42 pm
by Leaf
Kamakura wrote:
Leaf wrote:I resolve to:
15) Watch porn but resist urge to pleasure one's self.... ok, ok, too much information, but I bet you know EXACTLY what I 'm talking about!!!
Erm...(can't be the neat way the director used the endoscopy sequence) No I don't. Please explain.

To practice restraint man!! To ponder on what happened before and after... to admire the beauty of the base human nature on display... to save some for the wife....

Posted: Wed Dec 15, 2004 1:42 pm
by Adam!
Now THESE are some good resolutions
  • 1) Do not work out even once in 2005.
    2) Never practice drums, bass, guitar, vocals or recording techniques even once.
    3) Don't write any new songs that aren't SF tunes. Enter SF three times, then get lazy and stop.
    4) Stop buying music gear and start stealing it instead.
    5) Increase my KFC/Taco Bell patronage.
    6) Skip breakfast, skip lunch, have 2 dinners, one at 8pm and one at 11pm. Snack constantly from 10pm to 3am.
    7) Start drinking alcohol, start smoking pot, get a girlfriend who smokes.
    8) Resolve to put out a decent cd, then never even start it.
    9) Play 1 gig (actually pulled that one off once!!)
    10) Clean the house once. Clean the car once.
    11) Start cursing. Especially in front of children and the elderly.
    12) Increase my porn consumption. Ideal rate is every hour on the hour.
    13) Cover a songfighter once.
    14) Do not attend a single hockey game.
    15) I don't know what Leaf is talking about.
    16) Don't get fired for hanging out on the message board all day.
    17) Eat some small animals from a fast-food facility.
    18) Break my arm playing paintball, but this time the other arm. Go to my closest communist hospital, get a cast and a cookie.
    19) Think of one more resolution.
Most of these will be very easy to achieve because I'm doing them already.

Posted: Wed Dec 15, 2004 2:25 pm
by Leaf

youse is funny.

Posted: Wed Dec 15, 2004 2:38 pm
by GlennCase
Same Resolution as I have attempted since 2000.

I want to record 12 albums in a year.

I have not succeeded yet, but it doesn't stop me from trying year after year.


Glenn (DR FUNK)

Posted: Thu Dec 16, 2004 6:34 pm
by JonPorobil
Glenn, I'm pretty sure you recorded 12 albums' worth of songs this year, even if they weren't all organized into 12 albums.

My Resolutions this year are to lose weight and get good grades. Because I'm boring, and I think I'm doing pretty good in everything else.

Also, to pre-empt tviyh: by the time 2004 ends, I shouldn't have any need to resolve to complete current projects. :wink:

Posted: Thu Dec 16, 2004 8:08 pm
by Lunkhead
1. Move to my own apartment, preferably a cottage or in-law if possible (ie a free standing little building in somebody's back yard).

2. Get to work before 10am every day.

3. Make more, better music.

4. Travel somewhere exciting for a week or two.

Posted: Thu Dec 16, 2004 9:17 pm
by Denyer
I didn't win 52 song fights this year like I wanted to, so maybe I'll only go for 26 next year.

Posted: Thu Dec 16, 2004 9:56 pm
by roymond
Lunkhead wrote:4. Travel somewhere exciting for a week or two.
Awesome. Go!

I don't do lists much. I want to play live again. And ski.

Posted: Thu Dec 16, 2004 10:55 pm
by HeuristicsInc
1. Get married.

Posted: Thu Dec 16, 2004 11:12 pm
by Caravan Ray
1. Get a decent microphone and pre-amp
2. Read the manual for my recording software
3. Repeat to myself 'Good production is not a crime'
4. Play more Country music
5. And Western