Back to reviewing in time, even if those are on the short side. If you'd like more details, just ask. C,L,F,P,M = composition, lyrics, feeling/mood, performance, mix/engineering. Most of the lyrics that haven't been posted to the lyrics forum are not reviewed (that's what the asterisk is for).
Bax -- 11/15
C:2 (pretty generic folk thingy) L:2 (I ought to hate you for this, but then I decided to let it slide) F:2 P:2 (those high notes... nuh uh. Vocals are fine otherwise. Maybe a bit out of rhythm sometimes.) M:3 (slight plosives)
Charles Lindbergh Jr. and The Aviators -- 9/15
C:2 (enjoyable but not particularly exciting songwriting) L:* F:2 P:2 (pretty wobbly vocals, sometimes melody is hard to make out. Please don't do falsetto vocals if you're not good at them) M:1 (fix your mono! I don't have a pair of speakers just for fun.
Also get better equipment if you can.)
deetak -- 13/15
C:3 L:1 (well, this is almost cheating. I'll allow it this once.) F:3 P:3 (it's still a bit disappointing to listen to you only using half of your vocal potential. By standard Song Fight measures, it's still great, though.) M:3 (great instrument sounds)
Diarrhea Dan -- started skipping in the second half. You had your chance. 3/15
C:0 (stolen, and the original bits aren't that great) L:0 (yes yes, very funny, yawn) F:0 P:2 (the interspersed vocals are pretty sucky.) M:1 (lots of clipping)
DuToVa -- 12/15
C:2 (sounds very, very familiar) L:* F:3 P:3 (great vocals, despite being very slightly off) M:2 (guitar is slightly clipped. Interesting delay/doubling on the vocals.)
Jan Krueger -- I had the initial idea and on the day before the deadline, irwin suggested the "something extra" which inspired arrangement and parts of the lyrics. Thanks, irwin! I spent about three and a half hours writing and recording the actual song and sent it in two hours early because I got the timezones all mixed up again.
Ken's Super Duper Band 'n Stuff -- 12/15
C:2 (minus points for borrowing from "Laudato Si") L:* F:3 P:2 (piano sounds as if it's off by at least a quarter note. I find the vocals to be a bit too edgy for this style) M:3
Les and Jo Williams -- 12/15
C:2 (pretty generic blues but great arrangement) L:* F:3 P:2 (slightly inaccurate and hesitant-sounding vocals. Good instrument stuff) M:3
Lucky Spoon -- 12/15
C:2 (Intro a bit long. Quirky. Would have liked more variation.) L:* F:3 P:3 (chorus vocals are awesome) M:2 (I find the delay on the drums a bit grating. Generally nice and punchy. Would suggest slightly brighter vocals. Oh, and boost them a bit.)
Manhattan Glutton -- 14/15
C:3 (the ending is a bit disappointing) L:* F:3 P:3 (very crunchy! You'll have to face more comparisons with Weird Al due to those nah-nahs, though, I'm afraid. Great vocals, by the way) M:3
Metropological -- 10/15
C:2 (hot! If only more things happened in it...) L:0 F:2 P:3 M:3
Montana Fudge -- 7/15
C:1 (very generic) L:0 (bah, you again, with the same old poo) F:1 P:2 (pretty average, skippy timing) M:3
Paco del Stinko -- 12/15
C:2 (guitar stuff is a bit on the meandering side. Fun arrangement and nice changes) L:2 (fun story. More of a resolution would have been cool) F:3 P:3 M:2 (some of the quieter vocals are a bit buried. Suggest trying to make the vox stand out more by EQ'ing competing stuff down)
Pathetic Wannabees -- 11/15
C:2 L:* F:2 P:2 (very loose timing in the vocals) M:3 (fun tone)
PiGPEN -- 11/15
C:3 (I'm completely sold on the synth stuff. Fun ideas in this.) L:* F:2 P:1 (vocals are rather inaccurate. Please don't do falsetto like this) M:3
Rabid Garfunkel -- 10/15
C:2 (the synth stuff is great fun, especially in this combination. The overall structure is rather boring, though) L:* F:2 P:2 M:2 (do I hear clipping?)
ShoehornTC -- /15
C:2 (great arrangement. Is that a reversed guitar? Song is a bit drawn out) L:* F:3 P:3 (I think this might have been better without vocal doubling throughout. Your vocals are definitely good enough for standing on their own. Near the end timing seems to be falling apart a little bit) M:3
Steve Durand -- 12/15
C:3 (awesome) L:0 (no lyrics detected. Still, this is the closest I've gotten to voting for an instrumental, so far...) F:3 P:3 (something's new here... I can't quite put my finger on it.
) M:3 (a few background noises, though)
Suckweasel -- 13/15
C:3 (energy in spades) L:3 (resonates with me. Interesting angle, too) F:3 P:1 (okay. You've got a very nice voice. So please practice hitting notes! You're sort of wasting it here. I've heard better performances from you) M:3 (I think I might have tried different delay/reverb stuff on the electric guitar)
Todd McHatton -- 13/15
C:3 (nice changes) L:* F:2 P:3 M:3 (well, you know my opinion about your vocals in the mix, methinks)
The Weakest Suit -- 11/15
C:2 (I think the a cappella parts don't work in your favour. Likeable song, though) L:2 (you failed the unofficial optional challenge, I'm afraid. Points for the 8-ball idea) F:2 P:2 (want to guess?) M:3 (but try another reverb, perhaps with slightly less early reflections and more tail.)
Zinkline -- 9/15
C:2 L:2 (I like the idea but I think it's a bit overused here) F:1 P:2 (you're going way beyond your vocal limits there... at least that's what it sounds like.) M:2 (ouch, that vocal reverb sounds awfully metallic)
Votes go to deetak, Manhattan Glutton, ShoehornTC, Suckweasel, Todd McHatton. And to myself.