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Changing title under username

Posted: Sun Apr 29, 2012 8:33 am
by rone rivendale
Is there any possible way to change my title? I have looked and don't see one. And I've noticed a certain pattern of posts that relate to what each person has, so I am guessing the answer is no.

The reason I ask is because my title right now is Depression and Loneliness and considering my recent struggles with Xanax, it does bother me a little to see that every time I post on here.

Maybe having custom titles for all members (or at least all members with a certain number of posts) should be a part of the next evolution of the forums. I've been a part of many forums that allowed this.

Re: Changing title under username

Posted: Sun Apr 29, 2012 8:50 am
by Billy's Little Trip
Rone Rivendale wrote:Is there any possible way to change my title? I have looked and don't see one. And I've noticed a certain pattern of posts that relate to what each person has, so I am guessing the answer is no.

The reason I ask is because my title right now is Depression and Loneliness and considering my recent struggles with Xanax, it does bother me a little to see that every time I post on here.

Maybe having custom titles for all members (or at least all members with a certain number of posts) should be a part of the next evolution of the forums. I've been a part of many forums that allowed this.
So, because your title is the truth, you want to change it? The best way to combat a problem is to face it head on, not try to hide it. It's your reality, come out of the shadows and embrace it. Wear it like a hat.

There you go, Rone. No need to thank me, this is what I do. *tips my shock and denial hat* You are welcome fine sir. :P

Re: Changing title under username

Posted: Sun Apr 29, 2012 9:27 am
by Billy's Little Trip
By the way. I know you are straight edge, Rone. But you may want to stop listening to doctors and start listening to stoners. lol.
Joking aside, here is a true commentary. Don't be a sheep with a number tag punched in your ear. Mother nature makes everything humans need to live healthy and happy.
Plus, crohn's disease sounds like Rone's disease.

Some people don't like to smoke. Note that Tokin samples an edible in this vid.

....thank you for sugarcane to make rum, mom. :P

Re: Changing title under username

Posted: Sun Apr 29, 2012 10:02 am
by fluffy
The title is, with a few exceptions, based entirely on the number of posts you have made on the board. They are basically JB being cute along a theme. They can be overridden on a per-user basis, however.

Re: Changing title under username

Posted: Sun Apr 29, 2012 10:08 am
by Billy's Little Trip
Sunshine and flowers. That's very nice.

To celebrate, I made you a new hat, Rone. No no, your happiness is thank you enough. :P

Re: Changing title under username

Posted: Sun Apr 29, 2012 2:36 pm
by Caravan Ray
I wonder whatever happened to 'poopbutt'?

Re: Changing title under username

Posted: Sun Apr 29, 2012 7:54 pm
by Rabid Garfunkel
Billy's Little Trip wrote:By the way. I know you are straight edge, Rone. But you may want to stop listening to doctors and start listening to stoners. lol.
Joking aside, here is a true commentary. Don't be a sheep with a number tag punched in your ear. Mother nature makes everything humans need to live healthy and happy...
Ever want to see a perky stoner? Give 'em some Sour Diesel, heh. I don't smoke (unless I feel like puking my guts out for hours) though edibles have gotten me from time to time (see last year's Nur Ein, oy). But the band likes it too... since my wife got her card, there's been a separate band jar just for them. I guess I see why we like to practice at mi casa now :lol:

Re: Changing title under username

Posted: Sun Apr 29, 2012 11:25 pm
by rone rivendale
Liking the new title I got, thanks for that. The hat is pretty kewl too actually.

Watched the stoner video in it's entirety. And then I went to webmd to find out more about Crohn's and it is def NOT what I have. I don't know if I ever updated my health crap with you guys again or not but for the most part I have been doing better lately. Today specifically has been rough but over the last couple weeks I've been decent. I decided to spread out my Xanax dosage to 0.5 mg in the morning and 0.5 at nite instead of just taking 1 mg in the morning and that has gotten rid of 80% of my headaches. I also finally got a regular doctor and he prescribed Atenolol which is a heart/blood pressure medicine. I don't seem to get the flutters in my chest nearly as much anymore. The last few days have not been quite as good but I've also experienced alot of stress in that period and that isn't helping. Mostly job related crap.

The original purpose of this thread has been fulfilled though so carry on, my friends. :D

Re: Changing title under username

Posted: Mon Apr 30, 2012 8:13 am
by Billy's Little Trip
Rone Rivendale wrote:And then I went to webmd to find out more about Crohn's and it is def NOT what I have.
Sorry for the misunderstanding. I wasn't suggesting that you had Crohn's. I was pointing out the medicinal benefits of marijuana. You keep talking about stress, heart attack feelings, social anxiety and headaches, etc. Would you rather treat those symptoms with very expensive chemicals or natural methods that may work better. Medical herbs aren't cheap either, but it's a fraction of the cost of pills from what I've read. Not to mention, most strains of weed affect a large array of issues instead of one part of your brain/body. And as Rabz said, he can't smoke, but has had enables. It is also available as a flavored tea which has become very popular in the past ten years for those that can't smoke and have certain food intolerant issues.

Even though I appear calm on the outside, I'm a stressy person on the inside, which is probably why I drink a bit more than I probably should, lol. I use calm thinking methods to reel myself back in if I start to panic. I've had the tea. Talk about the most relaxing cup of tea you've ever's fantastic. It doesn't impair you in the least. Just slows down the brain spaghetti so you can relax and focus better. It does give you the munchies though. :)

Anyway, good luck, Ronester. Sounds like your stress is work related at the moment. Welcome to reality.

Re: Changing title under username

Posted: Mon Apr 30, 2012 8:24 am
by fluffy
for fuck's sake, both of you

Rone: Panic disorder has a tendency to cause even more psychosomatic stuff. The lack of knowing makes for even more panic which causes more symptoms to come out of the woodwork. The medications you take may or may not be making things worse. I have first-hand experience with this (of course, the plural of "anecdote" is not "data" so the specifics of what I experienced has no bearing on your particular issues), and it is up to your doctor to evaluate the possibilities and try to manage your dosages and side-effects and so on. It is vitally important, to that end, that you keep your doctor in the loop and also be very rigorous about taking whatever medications you're on and reporting any problems you're experiencing. But before that, the very first thing to do is STOP CHECKING WEBMD FOR SYMPTOM LISTS.

BLT: You are not a doctor, and while marijuana is a very effective treatment for quite a few symptoms (and may even be helpful to Rone), it is not a cure-all. It is also not legal for medical use in Kansas, and from my own experiences, having the threat of being caught regarding something can make panic disorder WAY WORSE. For example, the reason my recent HOA situation was so stressful for me was because of the threat of someone finding out about my cat - I eventually came clean to the HOA and everyone was 1) supportive and 2) completely unaware that I had a cat anyway, and that immediately improved things A LOT. Kansas has no medical marijuana card, however, and so Rone could constantly be living under the perceived threat of being caught for possession (whether the threat is actually there or not), and you realize that one of the things that marijuana can increase (depending on the person) is a feeling of paranoia, right?

Re: Changing title under username

Posted: Mon Apr 30, 2012 9:02 am
by Billy's Little Trip
Good points. But to be clear, I am a doctor. The love doctor. So ****u. :P

But very true on the paranoia factor. That can create a whole different level of stress. Your cat scenario was a perfect example. As far as the paranoia that happens at first from smoking certain strains of pot, as Rabz mentioned from sour diesel, you don't get that from tea nor edibles. I can't remember the reason off hand, but I vaguely remember it having to do with the small hair like vessels in the lungs that absorb the THC at a very fast rate.

Also, I didn't even think of the availability of a med MJ card in other parts of the US. It seems ludicrous that states would deny people of anything that may help them to live a pain free happy life that they can grow in their own garden.

it just shows that the social stigma attached to MJ is still very present. That's a shame. Thank you William Randolph Hearst, you greedy prick.

Re: Changing title under username

Posted: Mon Apr 30, 2012 3:29 pm
by jast
Yeah, personal experience says don't go looking for symptoms and "disorder" descriptions. It's worse than useless. Focus on figuring out what to do, not on figuring out what's wrong (most of that is worse than useless, too).

So, what do you do instead? To the extent that anxiety and panic stuff is at least partially caused by "bad thinking" (in the most general sense), finding new perspectives, even paradigm shifts, makes a huge difference... the challenge there is that the ideas that make a difference are right where the "bad thinking" is in the way. Some of the problems I had only started going away once I started seeing certain things in a new light. Took me years to find that "new light", mostly because I didn't really go looking for alternative ideas for a long time. I tended to dismiss stuff because it seemed fairly similar to thoughts I already had that I knew were stupid. Eventually someone said something to me that made me reconsider, and I discovered a new side to it. At that point, everything started changing.

I spent a couple of years having pretty much no social life, despite desperately wanting one. It culminated in my losing touch with my part-time job back then and with my studies. Quite some time later (in 2009, roughly after the "I Am A Target" fight), I was persuaded to participate in some kind of inpatient treatment (no pills for me, though). The treatment itself didn't do anything whatsoever, but it got me to commit to doing something myself, even if it took some more time until I figured out what that something should be.

And now? I'm so relaxed about most things that, back in early 2009, I'm sure I wouldn't have believed it. How did that happen? My whole view of the world and the people in it (including myself) changed fundamentally. Quite a few of my problems pretty much evaporated, after years of fighting them and fighting them again to little effect.

What I'm saying is: if therapy absolutely isn't an option, don't give up. Things can change without therapy, if you are extremely lucky or you do it yourself (kind of). Start thinking about what to change. Ask yourself how much you really know about yourself and others. Don't blame yourself but resolve to change things to the best of your abilities. Nobody can do more than that.

What I'm not saying is: stop taking your pills and hope for the best. Any change to medication, especially stuff as invasive as psychopharmaceuticals, needs to be monitored by someone who knows his stuff. At the same time, don't rely on drugs exclusively. You don't want to depend on them forever, do you? Start thinking about what to change. To the extent that the drugs are making things easier for you, use that to discover new ideas much more easily. Ask yourself how much you really know about yourself and others. Ask yourself what matters and what doesn't (and don't trust the answers you have right now; and don't trust the nihilists either). Ask yourself: if everything works out better than you could ever have dreamed, what will you be like in five years? How does your future you think? And how does that new thinking make sense to your future you? How are setbacks not a problem for that future you anymore? If you don't have answers to these questions, ask them anyway, every so often. Asking questions that you can't answer yet tends to set things in motion.

PS. this is not a solution. It's a strategy. It's in nobody's power but yours to change your life. You can do it! (And that's not just a phrase copied from a generic motivational speech. I honestly believe that. I'd be a fool not to, given the things I've experienced, both firsthand and secondhand.)

Re: Changing title under username

Posted: Mon Apr 30, 2012 3:46 pm
by roymond
I don't really want to get involved, but I recommend a journal, and changing one thing at a time. Monitor for its effects long enough to determine what (if anything) it does for (to) you. Then move on. I'd start with the things you know deep inside need to change. Be honest with yourself and face one thing at a time. Be patient.

Re: Changing title under username

Posted: Mon Apr 30, 2012 8:58 pm
by rone rivendale
Rone Rivendale wrote: The original purpose of this thread has been fulfilled though so carry on, my friends. :D
Thanks guys.

Re: Changing title under username

Posted: Mon Apr 30, 2012 11:27 pm
by Spud
Well, they ARE carrying on, don't you think?

Re: Changing title under username

Posted: Tue May 01, 2012 12:09 am
by Billy's Little Trip
Rone, you can't cry for help and not have caring people try to help.

How I cope?


lol, kidding. :P

Good read, Jast.

Re: Changing title under username

Posted: Mon May 07, 2012 3:42 am
by Caravan Ray
Caravan Ray wrote:I wonder whatever happened to 'poopbutt'? appears I am now "Poopbutt"!

Forgive me Sausage Boy - wherever you are. I will try to live up to the name. I feel like The Dread Pirate Roberts.

Re: Changing title under username

Posted: Mon May 07, 2012 12:34 pm
by rone rivendale
Might as well use this to update things since it's still being used.

Dropping every last dime I have and will have for a few months to get all 4 wisdom teeth pulled on Wednesday, the 16th of this month. Hoping this will semi-fix the problems I've been having. Obvs, I still have to ween myself off the meds I've been taking eventually if in fact the wisdom are the cause of my 5 month suffering.