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the new difference engine record...

Posted: Sat Jun 08, 2013 12:19 pm
by the idiot king
hey all,

i'm finishing up a record i've been working on for the difference engine off and on since january of 2011, and i'm really excited about it. it's a concept album based on the works of H.P. lovecraft (with a storyline of my own, but that draws from and references several of his), and its packaging consists of a handmade journal (really handmade… my girlfriend is assembling it from faux leather, suede, chip board, canvas paper, and bookbinding glue and i'm handwriting 12 pages' worth of liner notes for each copy) with a cd in the inside back cover.

when i started the record i wanted packaging along these lines but never thought it possible. i actually shelved the record for over a year, thinking it wouldn't be doable the way i wanted to do it. my girlfriend suggested we give it a go ourselves, and i could not be happier with the results. in order to actually make any number of copies, i'm doing a relatively small indiegogo campaign ro raise funds (it's actually the minimum amount they allow). the art supplies are pricey, and i want to have the discs professionally reproduced. we have some really cool rewards (remixes of your song! your choice of a cover song! sculpted figurines!), and i say with sincerity that holding this record in my hands is like a dream come true. i'm looking over at the prototype copy now in slight disbelief.

you can check it out here: ... ange-aeons

thanks so much for dealing with my spam!

the idiot king

Re: the new difference engine record...

Posted: Tue Aug 27, 2013 9:38 am
by HeuristicsInc
I love this album!
I'm listening to it again now. Lovely packaging.

Re: the new difference engine record...

Posted: Tue Aug 27, 2013 10:12 am
by ken
I'm really sorry I missed this. I would have gladly given $10 for a copy of the album.