king_arthur wrote:Some whining about stuff:
I use "Milky Way Red" and I'm not really willing to switch over to prosilver since prosilver does not seem to have a "View active topics" link and I use that a lot. I'm guessing, though, that I could just save a link to the URL for review-o-matic and access it from any theme - it's just that the link to it has only been put in under prosilver. I could be wrong about that...
Yeah that won't work.
{ vaguely related to that, neither MWR nor Prosliver seems to have ever been updated to include a link back to the main fight page under the "say something about your mom" text. I really liked having a link from the forum pages back to the main SF page, although I know I can do that with a firefox bookmark }
Post this in the quality control forum, please?
When I bring up RoM, the links to all the songs exist as long HTML strings that will be links once I post the message, but just for making sure that I put reviews under the right person's name, I would prefer that the artists names appear as plain text in the edit screen, since I usually write reviews in word or wordpad and paste them in when I'm done, and it's important to match up the reviews with the artists' names correctly. There are plenty of links to the songs, we don't need them linked in every review. So unless you can force the link stuff to show up as clickable links in the edit screen, having them there is a minus for me...
Easily changed. I can include other stuff if you like, such as sections for each review. Anything you'd find useful?
Related, it might actually be cool to list the songs in random order on the RoM screen - that way, even if I don't get all the way through my reviews in one session, I'd be doing them in a randomized order... that way, if Billy and the Psychotics had submitted a really good song this time, reviews of Caravan Ray's song wouldn't all start out with "compared with the BatP song I just listened to, your lyrics are crap..." or something. Each reviewer would be encouraged to review the songs in a different order, like on the current front page, but their personal randomized song list would be preserved from session to session.
I'll think about this, though the problem is that I'm not saving anything for a session. Perhaps I can put it in a cookie, I'll dig a little bit to see if I can make that happen.
I had done reviews of about four songs, so I pasted those into the RoM screen and then clicked "Save As Draft". I cannot find where it saved my draft or how I would go back and work on it some more, although I often have trouble finding things that are right in front of my nose. This is under Milky Way Red. But, anyway, I would like this thing to be implemented in a way that you could do reviews for a few songs, save it as a work in progress and then get back to it later. From what CR said, it sounds like maybe these wind up posted as un-editable posts?
They do not get posted as un-editable posts, Tex just can't find the little buttons above the post box at the right. They're just normal posts- the changes aren't that fancy, they just go get some text and paste it into the textarea for you.
...and maybe even set it up so that when the end of the fight arrives and voting closes, the FMs could cause any in-progress RoMs to be posted, so that the artists at least get to see any reviews of their songs that DID get written up. Ability for reviewer to opt in or out of this...
Don't get too enamored of the idea that it's a "Review-O-Matic", as there isn't too terribly much automatic going on. I'm not saving who has done one or anything like that. It just goes out and gets the fight for you and puts it in the box, and fills the YMP playlist. The "random order" stuff may be possible, but I don't think I'll have the time (or honestly skill) to wreak havoc on the BB to save who's posted what and automatically push them.