8 Days A Year (Drunk Season)

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Caravan Ray
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Re: 8 Days A Year (Drunk Season)

Post by Caravan Ray »

Spud wrote:Yeah, let's give it a few more days. I was changing some code and got confused. Sorry Paco and BSS, you're going to have to wait a little while longer...
I recently saw this list mentioned in an article about the current Government of Australia. Tony Abbott's Liberal Party is guilty of the first 13 points - but haven't been accused of number 14 yet:

The 14 Defining Characteristics Of Fascism
1. Powerful and Continuing Nationalism
2. Disdain for the Recognition of Human Rights
3. Identification of Enemies/Scapegoats as a Unifying Cause
4. Supremacy of the Military
5. Rampant Sexism
6. Controlled Mass Media
7. Obsession with National Security
8. Religion and Government are Intertwined
9. Corporate Power is Protected
10. Labor Power is Suppressed
11. Disdain for Intellectuals and the Arts
12. Obsession with Crime and Punishment
13. Rampant Cronyism and Corruption
14. Fraudulent Elections

Let's hope they don't pick up on Spud's "I was changing some code and got confused" defence. Then they will have the whole set.
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Billy's Little Trip
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Re: 8 Days A Year (Drunk Season)

Post by Billy's Little Trip »

Caravan Ray wrote: I recently saw this list mentioned in an article about the current Government of Australia. Tony Abbott's Liberal Party is guilty of the first 13 points - but haven't been accused of number 14 yet:

The 14 Defining Characteristics Of Fascism
1. Powerful and Continuing Nationalism
2. Disdain for the Recognition of Human Rights
3. Identification of Enemies/Scapegoats as a Unifying Cause
4. Supremacy of the Military
5. Rampant Sexism
6. Controlled Mass Media
7. Obsession with National Security
8. Religion and Government are Intertwined
9. Corporate Power is Protected
10. Labor Power is Suppressed
11. Disdain for Intellectuals and the Arts
12. Obsession with Crime and Punishment
13. Rampant Cronyism and Corruption
14. Fraudulent Elections

Let's hope they don't pick up on Spud's "I was changing some code and got confused" defence. Then they will have the whole set.
That's your liberal party? That list looks identical to our conservative party. Except #14, change that to "bought off by the Koch brother's lobbyists".
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Caravan Ray
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Re: 8 Days A Year (Drunk Season)

Post by Caravan Ray »

Billy's Little Trip wrote: That's your liberal party? That list looks identical to our conservative party. Except #14, change that to "bought off by the Koch brother's lobbyists".
"Liberal" Party. Capital "L". They call themselves "conservative". But seem to be becoming more and more like your Seppo "Tea Party" nut jobs.
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Re: 8 Days A Year (Drunk Season)

Post by Billy's Little Trip »

Caravan Ray wrote:They call themselves "conservative". But seem to be becoming more and more like your Seppo "Tea Party" nut jobs.
Our tea party is about as conservative as it gets. Christian conservative lunatics. As in, if you don't believe in Adam and Eve and you think the earth is older than 6,000 years old, then you're un-American and quite possibly the devil.

So yeah, I don't get your boomerang government. It sounds the opposite of ours. But then again, you are on the other side of us. I hear the water spins down the toilet in the opposite direction from ours here in the USofA. :P
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Re: 8 Days A Year (Drunk Season)

Post by Lord of Oats »

Not conservatives. Reactionaries.
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Re: 8 Days A Year (Drunk Season)

Post by kaz »

Berkeley Social Scene
I don't think I like the synth with the hard pan. But dang do I like the progression, and the vocal melody complements it extremely well. For me this is Beach Boys + Weezer, and I mean that in a seriously good way. The solo doesn't do much for me though, technically proficient as it may be. Naturally the production is magnificent. No real complaints. B+.

big whatever
I do like your lyrics. But the beat/music simply isn't my taste. It's dizzying, in a way, and it's hard to tune out so that I can really focus on what you're saying. But that said, special kudos to your production, I really can understand damn well near every word in a song where the lyrics carry it. B?

Cookie Blue
So I like the vocal sound, but at times it sounds more like yelling lyrics instead of singing. Though I suspect that's an effect of the production. I absolutely dig the flute, especially when the harmony comes in. I have trouble maintaining attention for songs that don't really vary the rhythm much (not that's necessarily a bad thing). No real comment on the lyrics, they fit nicely enough. B.

Drum Season
Wow the rhythm and flow of this intro is killer. Musically I love it, I think it's got a cool feel to it and the rhythm the electric gives is quite nice. No complaints on the production either. It seems to lose tightness in a few spots though. From a songfight perspective, I don't think I can rate this that highly though. If the only lyrics you've got are the name of the song, and the music doesn't particularly grab me in such a way as to invoke the title, this music could be used for any title, know what I mean? So it's a really cool song. But it's also a C.

Is it Phish? Is it Frank Zappa? I like it a whole bunch, it's a really fun song. Yeah the jazzy break at 2:26 is awesome. I'd like to hear the organ a little more and the sax and the electric a little less (not that there's anything wrong with them). You seriously sound just like Trey Anastasio in some places, maybe that's where I'm getting the Phish vibe. You lose tightness in some spots, too, and the vocals get a bit pitchy in others, but I'm willing to overlook those spots. I'm really into this song, well done. A.

Here, Atticus
The lower range vocal needs some punch. It seriously sounds great, but it doesn't sit quite right in the mix... I guess there's a very stark contrast between the low vocal and the high, and it's kind of jarring. Double it, or EQ it more towards the high end. Higher range vocals fit really well. This is a cool song, and it's outside the realm of what I usually listen to, so... awesome. The higher vocal is extremely reminiscent of Umphrey's McGee, and that's awesome. You do lose me for a few seconds at the 1:36 bridge, but whatever. Nicely done. B+.

Jeebas Jones
Awesome. Nice work on that vocal processing, it fits absolutely perfectly, not to mention a good voice. The live feel is pretty cool, however you accomplished it. Simple and sweet. A-.

Ken & Chips
I can't understand the lyrics. And the hard panned electric to the left makes me feel like I'm falling over (to the left). I dig the vibe, but this is just okay. Solo fits very nicely though. C.

A bit of a Jets to Brazil sound. But this production... you're killing me. The level on the vocal varies a whole bunch and it really doesn't sound right. It's a potentially cool song, but I don't like listening to this. D.

Los Bumps
Sing or rap, you have to pick one. I'm not sure what you're going for, I can't understand most of the words and they don't sound very good. D-.

Lou P
The vocal is a bit too reverb-y, and sounds like it needs some de-essing. It might just need some detailed tender love and care. I'd be happy to discuss. Otherwise, I like this. It's simple and straightforward, and the lyrics seem sincere to me. Keep submitting. B.

Nobody and the No Shows
I get the sentiment (I think?) but I can't get into this. No real rhythm, no real melody. I mean it's kind of fun lyrically, but there's no reason I'd ever want to listen to it again. D.

Odilon Green
I think the story is kind of neat. Lyrically I don't hate it. Musically, it felt overwhelming how there are a ton of parts, but I figure you were going for that I guess. I didn't much care for the musical overload, but I think it did drive your point home, if I'm interpreting this correctly. As far as the production, come on man. I appreciate it for what it is, but in a couple spots it physically hurt my ears, and that turned this from "quirky" to "offensive". And seriously, that is completely unacceptable, even for internet amateurs. And it legitimately pissed me off. On that basis alone, I have to give this an F-.

Paco del Stinko
This is awesome, and it's not even quite my preferred style. I'm reminded of The Aquabats, and also of They Might Be Giants, and also of Reel Big Fish. And that's a seriously incredible fusion. I haven't really digested the lyrics yet, but I don't care. A.

Ross Durand
It's fine and fun, but I'm sick of this Irish-ish feel at this point, which is not your fault. Lyrics are fun, and I'm sure they'd be great to sing at a bar with a bunch of drunks while drunk. By definition, this is a C.

Lyrically, I understood maybe 5% of that, I would guess. I might have caught "Johnny" and "son", and "drunk season". It's not my style, though I might see the appeal. D.

Dang that change in rhythm during the verse is delicious. Very well produced too, sounds sharp and is tightly performed. Structurally I find it to be a bit short, because really that rhythm variation sets me up to expect some more changes, but they don't come. But I'm nitpicking. Hat tip. A-.

toby roktot
I'm not sure the vocal sits quite right in the mix. It's hard to get a low-pitched voice to sit right, and you're close, but something doesn't sound quite right. Maybe a touch of reverb would help? Or play with the EQ a bit? But overall it sounds good. I like the simplicity, and the fade is well executed (and I usually find fade outs to be a cop out). I hate to say it, but I can't help hearing "Islands in the Stream" during the chorus (honestly I wouldn't even know about this song if it weren't for Steve Carrell singing it in an early episode of The Office). Anyhow, lyrics are good, vocal harmonies sound good (and I'd like to hear more of them). Was your acoustic recorded on an acoustic-electric plugged in direct? That's what it sounds like, and personally I don't find that sound appealing, but I'm just some dude on the internet. Again, overall, I like it. B+.

Tuners Union
I was happy with this, but I don't know. After I listened with good headphones, I discovered I need to work on the mix some more, specifically regarding stereo separation on some of the backing instruments. Plus the lead vocals were recorded in a bit of a rush and I find them to be a bit pitchy. Lyrically it means a lot to me.

I like the spookiness of the opening, but it goes on for way too long. Er... I guess this is basically it. I can't really comment on this. Maybe it works as an artistic piece, but I don't really get those. So I don't really have an opinion on this. C?

So my ear goes to the music before the lyrics, and I don't like this music (which is purely subjective, so don't mind me). Focusing on the lyrics, I like them. A lot, actually, even though they're a bit hard to understand in some places. "Every day to us is drunk season" is pretty great, especially as a lead out, because it gives me some time to think about it while the music fades. Scratch my comment about the music, I think it fits here. Nice. B+.

Zack Facco
I love the story.. a lot, even. The production leaves a bit to be desired, especially on the vocal. Ooh.. the rise on "it ever eeennNNDDDS" towards the end is not appealing. There's a ton of potential here though... google around for some production tips or ask on these boards, and please keep submitting. B-.

The groove is really cool in the beginning, and the mix has a different - but great - sound. But the vocal doesn't rub me right, and I really can't understand much of it. At 0:36 it's brilliant, but that's about it. The volume seems to vary a bit, and it's off key. Off key is forgiveable in places, but this is too much. Volume problems are way too prominent. Have you played with compression? That might help out a bunch. Generally it's got a good feel though. Seriously though, work on vocal processing, and you've got something great here. This is almost awesome, but the flaws are distracting. C+.

I've been away too long. This is sincerely awesome, and I had forgotten that.
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Re: 8 Days A Year (Drunk Season)

Post by SirkusPi »

Berkeley Social Scene
Quite the cool little rocker; I find the music on this one to be really top-notch. Not quite as entranced by the lyrics, but still a whole heck of a lot to like here, especially that "drunk season ahead" hook. On balance, a vote from me.

big whatever
Sounds real good on a production level, and I very much like both the stuttery, odd instrumentation and the vocal delivery.

Cookie Blue
Very appealing medieval / Irish-ish feel to this, and I like the simplicity -- and fun -- of this quite a bit.

Drum Season
Quite the raucous party you've got going there. :D I'm really enjoying that disco-esque falsetto.

This is a nice-sounding jazzy track, but as such, it's not really my thing, although I do get into it when it picks up for the last minute or so.

Here, Atticus
I'm really getting into the instrumental variety (and, at times, cacophony) and the urgency of the singing. I'm not quite sure I tracked all the lyrics, as I was just really digging the atmosphere and drama of the whole thing. I'm sure I'll come back and listen again, but just that overwhelming first impression gets a vote from me.

Jeebas Jones
I like the use of barroom ambiance-effects; I'm always big on theatrical touches like that. The "Fa-la-las" are nicely catchy. A fun listen, but maybe a little too laid-back / in-the-same-groove-throughout for me.

Ken & Chips
I got deeply into the slightly funky, very bar-band feel of this. I actually found the verses to be much catchier and more compelling than the choruses. But those verses were enough for a vote from me.

Endearingly odd, and I enjoyed the 'character-filled' vocals a lot. This feels like it had a definite, specific vision behind it, which I really appreciate.

Los Bumps
Great ramshackle feel, and I really like the variety of voices coming and going; it gives this a real "hobo on the road" feel. Just really transported me . . . not the most professional of the recordings this week (pot calling kettle black, I know), but just charmed me and swept me away, and perhaps my favorite 90 seconds from the fight this week . . . already listened three times. Definite vote.

Lou P
Very mellow and calm and reflective; a nice close-your-eyes-and-get-carried-away-by-the-feeling track.

Nobody and the No Shows
Has a carefree, drunken feel that I appreciated; this may sound like a minor point, but I give it a lot of credit for conveying the theme so well.

Odilon Green
Me. Look, I admit, I like the songs I make, and I'm going to vote for them when I compete. 8-)

Paco del Stinko
Full of vocal character -- those "oohs" really grabbed me -- and of drama in the rocking instrument track. Pretty darn nifty, and a solid track.

Ross Durand
Great bar stage feel; just real peppy, and makes me happy, especially when the gang joins in at the end. It also gets in and out nice and quick, which is something I always struggle with. Vote from me.

Cool punky sound, and very well produced, plus another one with the virtue of doing what it has to do and getting out rather than lingering beyond its welcome. No complaints at all, even if it's not exactly my 'thing.'

Another punky one, and is nicely done, but, again, not really my thing.

toby roktot
Smooth and polished. Kind of has a '70s feel to it for me. Strictly as a matter of personal taste, it was a bit too mellow for me, although the "you're leaving me" bits really were quite lovely.

Tuners Union
Very smooth and funky and ever so polished. Kind of has a '70s feel to it for me, especially with those harmonies. Very professional sounding. I really liked when it kicks into high gear at the 2:00 mark; as (again) a matter of personal taste, I would have loved more of that.

I . . . don't feel qualified to comment on this, other than, in all sincerity, keep doing what makes sense to you. Goodness knows it's the method I follow, and I wouldn't expect or want any different from anyone else.

Nice trip-hoppy feel, and I like those mystical synth noises going on. Got to go back and try to catch all those lyrics . . .

Zack Facco
I really like the dark, dark lyrics, and how they contrast with the generally more upbeat music, although the end of the chorus has the (intentional?) slightly disquieting (to me) intonation. I appreciate the reaching for the falsetto at the end too. The lyrics and total package get a vote from me.

Nice sloppy bar band feel; definitely captures that "drunk season" feel. But it does go on a bit -- something I know I'm guilty of at times as well -- and, as a matter of personal preference, I've never been a big 'jam rock' fan.
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Re: 8 Days A Year (Drunk Season)

Post by josh »

@kaz: Totally agree on the production and especially that pitch shift at the end. I did it to cover up a really ugly note. Found this slightly less jarring if you can believe that. Working on improving recording techniques, but it's not something I find easy. Don't have a great ear for it. And yeah, I'll be submitting for Strangers. Something quite a bit more complicated... so we'll see :-)

P.S. thanks for taking the time to listen to the lyrics guys!
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Re: 8 Days A Year (Drunk Season)

Post by kaz »

josh wrote:Found this slightly less jarring if you can believe that.
Oh I can, I've done the same thing. You do what you gotta, especially given our timeframes.
josh wrote:Working on improving recording techniques, but it's not something I find easy. Don't have a great ear for it.
It's not easy, but the ear develops. Also, check http://homerecording.com/ , http://forum.recordingreview.com/ , among many others. There's stuff there on everything from mic setup to final mix. And listen to people here for both subjective and objective opinions... in my experience, there's nothing more valuable than feedback from strangers who share your interests, but also have no real obligation to sugar coat anything.

Ironically, that's a lead in to my next point...
kaz wrote: Odilon Green
I think...
After re-reading the second half of the review I wrote for you, that was needlessly dick-ish of me and I don't think that's fair or appropriate. I blame a shitty Tuesday. My gripes are not as big a deal as I made them sound. My apologies.
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Re: 8 Days A Year (Drunk Season)

Post by Niveous »

chocolatechips wrote: big whatever - I like this quite a lot. Trippy production. Cool lyrics / nice flow. Whatever you are sampling is extremely familiar but my brain will not place it. Which is nice ... it's familiar but you've distorted it enough to keep it from being too obvious. (although it is kind of bothering me now, so can someone name the song so I can listen to the original?) :mrgreen:
He sampled "Genius of Love" by Tom Tom Club.
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Re: 8 Days A Year (Drunk Season)

Post by SirkusPi »

kaz wrote:
kaz wrote: Odilon Green
I think...
After re-reading the second half of the review I wrote for you, that was needlessly dick-ish of me and I don't think that's fair or appropriate. I blame a shitty Tuesday. My gripes are not as big a deal as I made them sound. My apologies.
Thanks; I'm glad to know my song didn't cause you quite as much distress as it originally seemed. ;) In any event, I do appreciate your underlying points from your comments, and can't really disagree with them: several people, here and elsewhere, have commented that my production on this track, and especially the EKG "beeping" sound effect, were quite grating. It's a learning experience. And as you say in your comment to josh above: "there's nothing more valuable than feedback from strangers who share your interests, but also have no real obligation to sugar coat anything." It's never 'fun' to be criticized, but whether or not I ultimately agree with people's comments, it's worth knowing what they're thinking, and it's definitely better than being ignored.
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Re: 8 Days A Year (Drunk Season)

Post by chocolatechips »

Niveous wrote:
chocolatechips wrote: big whatever - I like this quite a lot. Trippy production. Cool lyrics / nice flow. Whatever you are sampling is extremely familiar but my brain will not place it. Which is nice ... it's familiar but you've distorted it enough to keep it from being too obvious. (although it is kind of bothering me now, so can someone name the song so I can listen to the original?) :mrgreen:
He sampled "Genius of Love" by Tom Tom Club.
Thanks for that - looking at all of the songs this has been sampled in I'm afraid I might actually recognize it most of all from Mariah Carey's "Fantasy." ...

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Re: 8 Days A Year (Drunk Season)

Post by Lunkhead »

I have to confess, Drum Season is my mess. I was chatting with Manhattan Glutton and we both felt like playing drums was the most fun thing we'd done lately, music-wise. So I proposed we enter as Drum Season with a song consisting of just both of us playing drums. MG went and recorded a few minutes of him noodling on drums and sent it to me. He did not use a click track, though, so, that is why I was unable to get all the subsequent tracks to match up right with his drums. I recorded a "lead" drum track, but then it just didn't sound like enough to submit, with only the two drum tracks. Also I noticed there was actually a structure to what MG had played. So I grabbed a guitar and made up the music to go on top, then went a little crazy recording more and more instruments. Anyway, please excuse the completely self-indulgent entry, I hope it didn't waste too much of anybody's time.
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Re: 8 Days A Year (Drunk Season)

Post by glennny »

Lunk, you are a master of Precision. So is MG for that matter. It is glorious to hear the 2 of you let loose. I really enjoy the track!
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Re: 8 Days A Year (Drunk Season)

Post by Paco Del Stinko »

Loose is the key word there, that's fer sure. Fun track, though. :)
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Re: 8 Days A Year (Drunk Season)

Post by Lunkhead »

These are just my opinions. No offense meant. If I didn't like your song, don't take it personally.

We tried to go simpler and poppier this time. I think there are some good head bopping moments in it, and I am mostly happy with the vocal melodies. That's me singing. Glen is actually playing bass as Martin was away, but Glen played the guitar solo per usual.

Big Whatever
This is actually good, for Song Fight! rap/hip-hop. I like the beat, the flow, and the rhymes, though the rhymes seem kind of like random stream of consciousness more than anything that's coherent overall. After a while though it just feels too slow and spacey for me, I start to lose interest. I guess I don't actually like the chorus, something about the lyrics, the more I hear the chorus the more I want to skip to the next song.

Cookie Blue
This is cute. I like the flute-y things, and the kazoo. The singer's voice is a little piercing after a while. Not sure if it just needs different compression and/or EQ to address that or if it's in the person's singing. Good length, though, doesn't outstay its welcome.

Drum Season
I've already confessed to this crime elsewhere in the thread. Just a bit of me goofing off, carry on, nothing to see here. Manhattan Glutton played "rhythm" drums, which are a bit off to the left side, and I played everything else (including "lead" drums, a bit off to the right).

There are some parts in here I really like, others not so much. There is definitely a lot in here. I guess I get sort of overwhelmed after a while because I'm not really sure where this is going or why its going where its going. Like I mentioned to you offline, I really like the tone on your guitar solos. The sax is really good too. Cool bouncy synth part after the solos. Kind feels like this is a bit long, and could stand from a fair amount of editing down, for me.

Here, Atticus
I like the creepy, pulsating vibe. The mix is good in that I can really clearly hear every track, and the drums sound good. Something about the lead vocals though seem like they're maybe not blending in quite right. I like how you change up the dynamics. I like the palette of sounds too. Good stuff!

Jeebas Jones
This is appropriately rambling and interminable. I thought it was pretty entertaining the first time I listened to it. The joke starts to wear a little thin after another listen or two. (I've listened to the fight a couple times before this time but didn't have time to review then.)

Ken & Chips
Rawk! I really liked the video for this song. You should post the link here if you haven't already. I didn't know Chips could rock out. These lyrics are pretty silly but I think they work with the singing and the music. Is there a tabla loop in there somewhere too? That's kinda weird, but whatever. I enjoyed this one, it made me want to go have a Corona.

This is sounding kinda sloppy for you guys. Are you looking away from the mic to check the lyrics at the start of each line or something? Where is the rock, too? This is pretty sleepy. I'm rapidly losing interest. Man, 4:24?! Ugh. I'm skipping through. Sorry, this one's a lemon, for me.

Los Bumps
There really isn't much that's working for me in this. It's lo-fi without the charm… What's up with the one guy pseudo-rapping who's voice is way too loud? I don't really know what you're singing about. At least it was short though.

Lou P
Nice sounding piano, nice playing. The singing is kinda nice, but, something is not right there. Too many mouth noises. Maybe too much low frequency too. Do you have a pop-filter/windscreen? Are you staying 4-6" off the mic? Are you putting a hi-pass filter/eq on the vocals? The vocals could probably come down a touch in the mix too. I'm going on about it because the singing is good, so some better recording/mixing could make them really good. Nice simple short song, not bad.

Nobody and the No Shows
This is OK. Decent singing. It's a bit silly, but, it's short, so, I stayed interested.

Odilon Green
Um, no. Just, no. I'm in some kind of Bavarian Casio nightmare. Someone beat me with their schnitzel. WTF

Paco del Stinko
Time for some rock! What are the effects on that crazy solo? Good one.

Ross Durand
Fun little drinking ditty. I kinda wish the extra vocals or something (penny whistle?!) had come in sooner.

Sounds kinda like Klownhole. This is feeling kinda tedious to me though, but it's over before I really get sick of it, so, good job on that.

Another short song. Lots of short songs this time. Anyway, this was fine, not really my cup of tea though.

toby roktot
Reminds me a bit of hillbilly (not "a hillbilly" but the Song Fight! artist "hillbilly"). Try recording your acoustic with a mic, it will sound better than recording direct, even if you don't have a great mic or guitar. You just need to position the mic right, play around with it. Song's ok but it's not very energetic and it goes on a pretty long time for something so laid back.

Tuners Union
I like the instrumentation in the intro, that's grabbing my attention. Cool vibe. Whoa, disco time. Not sure I'm into that, I sort of liked the slow groove. The up-tempo might go over better for me without the disco bass line. I do like that you changed it up like that though then switched it back. Good one overall.

Experimental. Not something I'm into this time.

More hip-hop. Not really doing it for me. I liked big whatever more. This could use some more energy or something, it's just kind of dragging for me.

Zack Facco
First thing this needs is some work on the pitch of the vocals. More takes and/or some light auto tuning. You could probably put the vocals and guitar both in the center. I don't think you're gaining much by panning them apart a little bit. Maybe double the acoustic track if you want to flesh things out more. Overall song's just ok.

This was our second song of the night, we just jammed out and Martin improvised the vocals using Ken's lyrics. Glen took the 8-9 minutes of raw material and edited it down to this, per the usual process for Zinkline. I think this is the first time I've been on a Zinkline track.
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Re: 8 Days A Year (Drunk Season)

Post by chocolatechips »

Lunkhead wrote:
Ken & Chips
Rawk! I really liked the video for this song. You should post the link here if you haven't already. I didn't know Chips could rock out. These lyrics are pretty silly but I think they work with the singing and the music. Is there a tabla loop in there somewhere too? That's kinda weird, but whatever. I enjoyed this one, it made me want to go have a Corona.
I did post the video in my reviews, but I'll use this as an excuse to post it again: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nPmd-LSUYeo /// I love this old commercial footage

I don't normally do the riffy rock thing too much so this was a nice change of pace for me (and I did program a little tabla loop... left out the sitar though.)
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