Inhibited Exhibitionism (Naked on the Meach Reviews)

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Post by j$ »

It doesn't at all, Jim. Richard Wreckdom is just jealous of your situation, I think :).

It's great that there's a live recording in the fights, that songfight is being promoted to strangers, and that you're so self-effacing about making a living out of life performance. You're a couple of steps closer to what a lot of us here would like to be doing than the majority of us. Enjoy it, damn it!

I just wished you'd mic-ed the audience because I can't make out what the heckler says (though i guess it's 'did you win?') and also because I never think the clapping at the end of live recordings ever seems to represent what the song was worth.

'Spread the word!', as the ABC Warriors used to shout. Go Jim!
Richard WreckdoM
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Post by Richard WreckdoM »

Jealous. Not really. I hadn't realized that Jim's song was live. That makes a bigger difference. The recording quality was quite good by the way Jim.

It was funny too. The wording to describe songfight, the same or damn similar wording we all use when spreading the message. I can't tell you how many times I've given that spiel.

I really just thought that the intro kept going in an, is this ever going to end, Prairie Home Companion sort of way.
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Post by Andy Balham »

j$ wrote:'Spread the word!', as the ABC Warriors used to shout.
Now that takes me back, we must talk 2000AD sometime.

Jim, I second what J$ said. Keep putting the word out, even though the selfish part of me always wants it to remain 'our little club'.
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Post by Gemini6Ice »

Andy Balham wrote:
j$ wrote:'Spread the word!', as the ABC Warriors used to shout.
Now that takes me back, we must talk 2000AD sometime.

Jim, I second what J$ said. Keep putting the word out, even though the selfish part of me always wants it to remain 'our little club'.
The ABCD warriors?

Aren't they all puppies?
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Post by Niveous »

In this corner: ABC Warriors!!!


and the challenger ABCD Puppies


This ain't gonna be pretty

(ok. they're only Puppies that were on ABC but close-a-damn-'nuff.)
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Post by Future Boy »

I'm not going to have the opportunity to do this again, probably, so here's some quicky reviews:

Boomstick : It hurts me.

DJ Blargh : Despite it being an instrumental (and therefore disdained by almost 100% of Songfighters in this forum), I like it.

Future Boy : No vocoders were used in the making of this song. Bonus points to the person who guesses the name of the structure.

Jack Shite : I can dig it, yo, I can dig it.

Jim Tyrrell : That's some insane reverb, man. This is the most clever take on the title so far, to be sure.

Johnny Cashpoint's Evil Twin : You seem to have taken the same approach as Tyrrell. Again, way too much reverb.

Rogue Retard : I can only hear the vocals well enough to tell that you are apparently doing your best to imitate how a "retard" would sound singing. It's not particulary funny. And, if by chance you are actually, uh, retarded, perhaps you should consider choosing a different band name so people won't think you are a non-retard faking it. It might offend less. That said, I actually kind of like the song.

WreckdoM : Wait wait wait, you are accusing other people of "raping" this title?? You, sirs, are raping Songfight with your weekly submissions of crap.


I am voting for Jack Shite.


Also, Artist Formerly Known as Freudian Slip: RhymeZone is indeed a wonderful website, but I managed to think of all the possible rhymes before consulting it to see if I'd thought of all possible rhymes. I'm not sure if that makes me cool, or what. Also, I found out about Lake Meach and the Meach Accords after finishing the song, but I wish I'd known about them before.
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Post by Mostess »

Jim Tyrell's song is lovely and sweet. I was so scared, bracing myself for the joke: "Who's this Mitch you keep complaining about?" So happily surprised. Applause for Jim Tyrell.

WreckdoM's entry is eerily beautiful.

I had an idea for an entry, but it wouldn't have stood up to either of these. Feels good to sit it out.
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Post by Rabid Garfunkel »

Me and the anagramanatrix. Enjoyed it, and damn... we made a member of WreckdoM feel ill. Cool. That casserole actually sounds pretty good. With paprika. Everything needs paprika.

DJ Blargh / Johnny Cashpoint's Evil Twin
Neither of these really did anything for me, by themselves. Combining them (in my head, with a magical tempo adjuster) made for an interesting song.

Future Boy
Good words. Can't help but think of the Dead Milkmen whenever bleach comes up in 'em. Mmmm, bleach.

Jack Shite
This grows on me, fungally delicious and a tight piece, too. Possible vote.

Jim Tyrrell
Damn. Too cool. Dunno if it was intentional, but I still get a kick out of the emphasis on the silent 'b' as an 'm' in "...dumb" heh. Possible vote.

Rogue Retard
Upside down mix. Just one mike in that garage/basement/rehearsal space? Vox are almost totally lost and yet I can't help but sing along on the "you're the nicest person in the world" repetitions near the end. A hidden gem, that.

Lots of sound and fury in this one. Needs some paprika.
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Post by jack »

thanks for the reviews so far. keep them coming!

future boy
hehe. slugs give me the jitters like a bloodsucking leech. the vocals work good with the farty synth patch you use, but i wish that particular synth line was dropped a bit in the mix as it overpowers all the other cool stuff you have going on behind it. tight production. this is pretty good.

jim tyrell
man, you have so much reverb on this that it sounds like you're sitting in this huge auditorium with nobody in it. but i dig the idea. so i'm over the reverb issue. the lyrics are awesome, the brogue isn't bad either, and the silliness works within the context. it's like a monty python skit. the way you recorded this is endearing for the arrangement, and once you start singing, the reverb is a non-issue. but it would be cool to be able to hear the audience more, even if you'd faked some live and mixed it in. i've heard some folks around here do that from time to time.... :) anyways, really nice job.

dj blargh
well it's a very nice mix of something but it would be nicer if you'd somehow made a more obvious connection to being naked on the meach.

johnny cashpoints evil twin
this would sound great recorded better. this sounds like poor june acapella.

jack shite
this is me.

started out with promise until the vocals came in and took a dookie on the mix.

drums that MIDI-bad should be effected or deconstructed to hell. the female vox are good but seem to wander timing wise with the backing mix, like sometimes she's ahead of it and sometimes she's behind it. it's got a tom waits sort of feel to the mix. could be cool with some random horns too.

rogue retard
this is kind of cool in an early beck sort of way. it wanders but it never strays too far. thats ok.

faves: future boy, jim tyrell, rogue retard, and mine.
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Post by jimtyrrell »

Rabid Garfunkel wrote: Jim Tyrrell
Damn. Too cool. Dunno if it was intentional, but I still get a kick out of the emphasis on the silent 'b' as an 'm' in "...dumb" heh. Possible vote.
That emphasis was the result of me singing along to my lyric sheet, and noticing as I went along that I had NOT replaced the 'b' in dumb. It's silent, yes, but it still threw me a bit, and you hear the result. Came out kind of funny.
Freudian Slip
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Post by Freudian Slip »

Future Boy wrote: Also, Artist Formerly Known as Freudian Slip: RhymeZone is indeed a wonderful website, but I managed to think of all the possible rhymes before consulting it to see if I'd thought of all possible rhymes. I'm not sure if that makes me cool, or what. Also, I found out about Lake Meach and the Meach Accords after finishing the song, but I wish I'd known about them before.
Ah and for once-- I was being completely serious. I'm an info junkie. I probably own enough books to threaten the structural integrity of the average house and I probably have almost every googleable dictionary and wordsource bookmarked. For the record...I liked your song. :wink:
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I could 'see' you-- humming away (a few pill bottles on the sideboard)...But it just didn’t measure up to the insanity that is Freudian Slip...
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Post by Adam! »

I can’t believe no one wrote about the Meech Lake Accord, the landmark 1987 Canadian legislation that finally coerced Quebec into signing the constitution. Anybody? Not even FutureBoy? Ack, you guys aren’t nerdy enough.

Cranky reviews.

Boomstick! Damn, you guys stole the band name that I stole from Rabid Garfunkle. Of course, this may actually be Rabid Garfunkle (and co), which means I’ll just grumble quietly to myself. Interesting bassline and melody. The whole song feels too long and meandering for me.

DJ Blargh! Welcome to dullsville. Nice throaty bassline. Too bad you just submitted an instrumental you made last September.

Future Boy! Still on your automatic writing bender? The lyrics and the autotune and the goofy bassline are all too distracting for me. This is suspiciously missing the trademark Futureboy electro-hook.

Jack! I instantly like the bongos. All the instrumentation sounds really good, but the bridge stands way out. I like this song, but I liked it more when it was called Unless I Change My Mind Again.

Jim Tyrrell! Fantastic intro. Hilarious song. This is me voting.

Evil Cashpoint Brain Attack! Reverbfest. This song is really pretty, and though they are heavily affected I like the vocals, especially the harmonies during the chorus. I’d like to hear it with some music. Also, it just kind of stops, making me wish it had a more developed ending.

Handy Tard! The song is surprisingly good. Amazingly good, really. Great chorus and ending. The Little Nicky-era Adam Sandler act wrecks it for me. Possible vote.

Wreckdom! A bit busy and homogenous, even for a Wreckdom song. I’d like this song more if instead of playing every sound at once it was deconstructed and rearranged to give it a little more variance and dynamic structure. But this song contains some of the most amazing sound design that can be found on songfight.

Jim Tyrrrrrell Freakin’ gets it!
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Rabid Garfunkel
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Post by Rabid Garfunkel »

Puce wrote:I can’t believe no one wrote about the Meech Lake Accord, the landmark 1987 Canadian legislation that finally coerced Quebec into signing the constitution. Anybody? Not even FutureBoy? Ack, you guys aren’t nerdy enough.
Future Boy did actually acknowledge it in a review reply somewhere in this thread, heh. Guess it didn't make it into the song.
Puce wrote:Boomstick! Damn, you guys stole the band name that I stole from Rabid Garfunkle. Of course, this may actually be Rabid Garfunkle (and co), which means I’ll just grumble quietly to myself.
I'm such an indian giver. Guilty as charged. Though we don't use the exclamation point, hmmm...

And before anyone gets up in arms about that nasty little phrase... got both North American Aboriginal and white oppressor blood & upbringings in me. Peace out, yo.
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Richard WreckdoM
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Post by Richard WreckdoM »

Future Boy wrote: WreckdoM : Wait wait wait, you are accusing other people of "raping" this title?? You, sirs, are raping Songfight with your weekly submissions of crap.
Thanks Future, I didn't think anybody cared anymore. AAAAAAaaawwwww.
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Post by HeuristicsInc »

this fight was very strong. a lot of my favorites this week came from here. bizarre!

1: tyrrell, wreckdom, jack, boomstick, blargh
2: futureboy, rogue

i think this is my favorite wreckdom track ever. it's great! experimental, weird, but still a song.
just for that, i think i'll vote for them.
tho jack shite is about tied with them, and if i could vote half for each i would.
i enjoy blargh, but i don't see what it has to do with the title.
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Post by tonetripper »

Boomstick - Rabid and Freudian like to give the slip and this is no exception. 8)

DJ Blargh - Snare rev is wonderful if not for my Adam's apple bobbing to and fro to the bubbling, grinding beat, I would be all over this if it had some killer hot-ass rap shit goin' on.

Future Boy - Love the "gettin high on bleach" line and the vocoder auto-tuner thing is cool, but kind of gets a little overly self involved in such a dis-passionate kind of way that I get bored after a while.

Jack Shite - I love the haunting keyboard line that hangs in the background and that melody that infectiously gets into my head. 8)

Jim Tyrell - There is almost nothing cooler than a live recording on Songfight especially one as well recorded as this one, but could have maybe used a room mic just to put a bug in your ear for next time for some audience reaction.

Johnny Cashpoint's Evil Twin - This sounds like a slip in a Freudian kind of way, but that chorus is sooooo cool and one of my favourites for the fight.

Rogue Retard - What can I say, but quintessential Rogue Retard. 8)

Wreckdom - Yes...... distortion micro-cosmos system shut down fungii hallucinatory porno fest that I just wish I had gone with the blue pill instead of the orange one.....

I'd have to say that I don't have a friggin' clue as most of you do about what the hell Naked on the Meach means, but all I know is that Johnny Cashpoint's Evil Twin took it with Jim Tyrell second, Jack Shite third, Rogue Retard fourth with Wreckdom coming up the rear.
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Rabid Garfunkel
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Post by Rabid Garfunkel »

Whoo! Four votes! Rock! Thanks to sundry and whomever, from Boomstick... too cool.

Avatar courtesy of yet another weird job I ran... this one for a church retreat for teens!

I don't want even to know, heh.

Edit... I voted for a winner, for once, whoo! Go Jim!
Last edited by Rabid Garfunkel on Mon Feb 21, 2005 11:03 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by jack »

nice job jim tyrell.
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Post by jimtyrrell »

Thanks! My computer died Friday, so I hadn't checked in until this morning. I'll be getting it back today with a new hard drive. they tell me the data on the old one is not salvageable, but I'll ask for the drive back anyway in case someone more ambitious can give it a shot.
Anyway, I won one! Kick ass! The folks up at the Dutch Treat (where I recorded it) will get a kick out of that.
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Post by HeuristicsInc »

yeah, don't trust those weenies, if they're anything like the ones i went to for my comp repairs.
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Post by Bolio »

Way to go man!!!!!
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