Let's get loud and luminous (Radio Galaxies reviews)

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Re: Let's get loud and luminous (Radio Galaxies reviews)

Post by crumpart »

With compression I’m fond of many gentle compressors stacked on top of one another (primarily on the vocal tracks with that). On the master bus I’ve started trying a similar thing but a little different; one fairly simple multipressor, but with a could of gentle ad limiters in the chain each doing a little, instead of one doing a lot. Still need some practice (got to start giving myself more time between final listen and submitting) but I think it’s a promising direction.
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Re: Let's get loud and luminous (Radio Galaxies reviews)

Post by mkilly »

Absolutely Credible: I like the piano part. I don’t want to call it pretty because that’s such an obvious adjective to say when someone has a piano – I haven’t read any reviews, I’m typing this in Notes on my MacBook, but I’m going to bet that someone’s called it pretty already, the piano part. So instead I’ll call it shimmering and triumphant! The vocals are well-suited and a pleasant timbre and in a nice complementary octave to the piano. When it goes into the bridgey-chorus part with the driving piano that’s a good change of pace. Feels a bit, I don’t know, Phil Collins. I haven’t really heard any of the lyrics though, that’s my bad. I heard like one line and it was a little “Reading Rainbow.” Take a look, it’s in a book, I can do anything, etc. Good one though! I’ll give it a vvvvvvvvote. I’m surprised it’s as long as it is because it doesn’t feel so long.

Berkeley Social Scene: Kennnnnn! This is a great crunchy one. Like BTS before they went so jammy, or Dino Jr. and Superchunk. I would pay $10 to see you at my favorite venue in Austin. The keyboard coming in is great. Wish the vocals were a little more forward in the mix. This guitar tone in the solo around 2:15, I’m loving. I like that we’re hanging back without vocals for a while, again a bit of Doug Martsch and J Mascis there. Catchy chorus. You sons of bitches you’ve done it again. Vote!

Caravan Ray: Oi oi oi. Ok we’re going a little Depeche Mode with the instrumentation. Phaser effect’s not my fave. Quick n’ dirty in-out. Sorry about your Socceroos. Fun, but it’s a slight effort to me.

Dirge: This one was definitely feeling dirgey until the solo came in around 0:33. Then it turned Mellon Colline-era Smashing Pumpkins to me. An era I like, maybe the highest highs of the band’s career to me, granted I haven’t listened to their last, what, four albums now. All of the post-Zeitgeist stuff. This solo started out cool but I feel like it hasn’t really gone anywhere in the 50 seconds. You ever see that Steven Seagal epic guitar solo video? So, the first part I was whatever on, the solo started cool, now the song’s basically over and we’re only at the third thing in the song, I’m hearing a weird flange/Leslie effect I’m not that into, sorry, not for me.

Guitarz and Vocalz: I can’t fairly complain that I’m not hearing guitarz and vocalz. And spacey noises. Umm. Oh, are those the radio galaxies? I’m not hearing a lot in here to hang my hat on.

Hanky Code: Banjoooooo. I had a banjo once. Never learned to play it that good. Granted I can’t play anything that good. I left it in Moscow, Idaho when I moved away. I barely play my guitars. Gave my guiro and bongos and kazoo away to a friend recently. Kept my harmonica, maybe. Or maybe I gave that away too. Anyway, I liked the lyrics, few though there were in the first minute. This is a short and silly one but I’m into it. You’ve packed a lot of fun stuff in here. I’m reminded of the great bedroom musicians like Kleenex Girl Wonder and Atom and His Package. CHEERS to Hanky Code. Maybe a vote. We’ll see how it shakes out. I like pop, and outsider pop, and little TMBG biome songs in jars.

Hot Pink Halo: Ooh, sounding spooky. I’d like to have heard some better-recorded vocals here. Nice to have a couple synth layers going. Some of those pads feel a little David Wise to me. Ok the guzheng/gayageum/whatever sound, I don’t think fits in well. This is fine, good effort.

Inflatable Vegetables: We’re sounding a bit like Hunky Dory Bowie. Or Frankie Big Face anyway. I’m sorry for your bad luck that you have synth pads and a drum machine right after I just heard a song with synth pads and a drum machine. OK, guitar part is good. Maybe even great. Probably derivative. But I’ve committed worse sins. I always hate the criticism, “it sounds like you wrote the song to the title.” Shut up! Who cares. Radio galaxies is a little shoehorned in but that’s fine. I’m not criticizing on that grounds. Good job.

James Owens - I need more conviction in the vocals. Sing from the diaphragm or whatever. Got some Spencer Davis Group bass here. Yeah I just want this to be a little faster and louder and more vibrant. If I were your producer that’s what I’d do. And I’d wear sunglasses at the mixing board, because I’d be sort of hungover, and a cool guy. I’m not into these synths!!! Was “spacey synths” a fucking optional challenge this week??? James, you have my father’s name, so I can’t hate you, and I don’t, and you’ve made a song that would easily be at LEAST the fifth-best song on any of my terrible albums. But that’s not enough these days. The world has passed us by, James.

Late Heavy Bombardment, The - Blomp blomp blomp blomp blomp. Some of these kicks have GOT to be double kicks. That’s basic shit, come on. Give me some syncopation. Give me some double kicks. I would have liked the interesting stuff to come in a bit earlier. What are we, Scottish? Something weirder, like a Kiwi? Plain-ass English? Welsh? Manx? Irish? Northern Irish? I’m excited about the World Cup finals, but I gotta tell you, I think France wins it in regular time. This has turned into a bit of fun: reminds me of the Welsh band Super Furry Animals. They liked to do shit like this. Not no more. They had a football song… “Bing Bong.” Good one. Last song they put out, I think. Video has them playing a bit of keepy-uppy. I would have liked there to have been more on the bone here, though, or for what’s on the bone to have been a little more fun. As it is it’s a bit like the last song on the album where you’re like, “ok, I guess they wanted an outro song, but they didn’t want to put a lot of effort into it.” edit: oh you're from Oz! Sorry to have suggested you're as weird as a Kiwi.

Magnetic Letters, The - Look at this!!!!!! I can hear vocals and make sense of the lyrics!!!!!! Incredible stuff. I did live audio mixing for a while in college and I always joked …. oh my god we got some cool bass and stuff come in. Ok you’ve got a vote from me. Anyway, back to my stupid-ass story. I did live audio mixing and I used to joke my approach was “like Phil Spector’s wall of sound, but muddy. Just bury those vocals, make sure everything’s hitting the same frequency band.” Listen to that fun guitar and theremin (or equivalent)! Magnetic Letters, you’ve got a bona fide hit on your hands. This one’s going straight to the top, baby. (Twista voice) Let me be your manager. Well done!

Mellfire Trifecta, The - This is all right. Man, a lot of people don’t bother putting forth this much effort. Chorus melody is fun. This sounds solid in the production. I’m tapping a toe. But I’m just tapping it on my other leg, I’m in bed, supine. The guitar tone sounds a little basic, but it’s not bad. Just could fit in on a Deep Blue Something album, that’s all. There are worse crimes out there. Ooh, little tempo change. The background vox are honey. Love ‘em. Altogether this is above-average, a nice song.

Paco del Stinko - I gotta say, I have never loved this band name. I’m assuming this isn’t a God-given name appearing on a birth certificate. Maybe I’m wrong. I like the band name WreckdoM despite itself though. I like that bassline. We’re getting yet more spacey thereminy synth. A bit on-the-nose. Nobody went with, like, Powerman 3000/Rob Zombie lifted sci-fi movie samples? We couldn’t have gotten a KLAATU BARADA NIKTO in here? Ok this solo is cool, I’m into it. I should remix this and take out the synth and drop in some 50s sci-fi samples. Give me the stems. I have Audition.

WreckdoM - Another short one, mercifully. I like these vocals. Song’s got a groove to it. Solid one. Always a pleasure to hear live drums on a SF track. I’m nodding my head and I would do so at The Parlor were I to hear this live, there.
Last edited by mkilly on Fri Dec 16, 2022 10:48 am, edited 2 times in total.
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Re: Let's get loud and luminous (Radio Galaxies reviews)

Post by gizo »

Thanks everyone for the reviews, and I’m sorry I don’t have good reviews to share back.

I found quite a few of these entries sounded very muddy or muffled - so much that I really made Paco stand out (in a good way for Paco)

BSS and Wreckdom both had some drum sections that were unusual choices to my ear and didn’t seem to fit the feel.

I love Merle but I somehow found this MagLetters number hard to hear (something about the double vocal stylings)

I loved what Dirge had hiding behind the mud

James Owens - I actually dig the idea of doing two versions of the entry, but would’ve preferred if one of them was a much different take on the same song

As for me and the LHB - I wrote half a song and then pissed off to the beach so instead of another verse and chorus and substance I only had an outtro which was probably too long, and a morse code guitar which was probably equal parts too silly and too simple to be valuable

Also, never fret about accusing me of being a Kiwi - I have some of that blood flowing through me

Hugs, all.
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Re: Let's get loud and luminous (Radio Galaxies reviews)

Post by MellyP »

Absolutely Credible: Breezy start with a good progression and good singing. Lyrics brought me in quickly. Whimsical is the word I was reaching for to describe the vibe in the beginning. The pre-chorus is a good pick-up from the verse. Feels a bit like an Andy Partridge-style lyric (a compliment) at times. Have you heard the song “River of Orchids?” Recommended if you haven't. Your transitions are great. While I do enjoy the chorus, it strikes me as appearing out of place considering what’s come before. Either way, I really like this song. The bridge is cool. Nice job.

Berkeley Social Scene: Good rocky sound propels this song forward. I like the vocal, and the synth really adds an important element. The guitar work is real nice. It’s a fun idea and any tune with all these words – Whoops!, Oops!, Shucks! And Flurb! -- is going to be okay in my book. Was it intentional leaving very faint vocals evident during the intro? I heard ‘em. This is a tad long in my humble opinion but it’s well mixed, written and executed.

Caravan Ray: It’s like a muted party beat. I am dancing to the radio galaxies at present. I like the change at the end when you combine two previous parts. It’s quick, simple, gets in and gets out. Lots of fun to listen to. There, I just listened again.

Dirge: There’s a great song in here trying to get out but seems like technology might have been the biggest challenge preventing you from reeling in that marlin!(?) It’s got some super elements and maybe needed more studio time. I could be wrong. It has something very appealing so I think it could be great.

Guitarz and Vocalz: Some more precise singing and vocal volume control would help a lot. Sounds like you leave the microphone occasionally to check guitar fingerings. I still like this a lot and think more takes would bring a better result. Really enjoy the howling/whistling sounds added. You made quite a big sound with mostly just guitarz and vocalz.

Hanky Code: It’s a pleasure to hear me some banjo – not a common occurrence on Songfight! Ha ha. Love the change from country to techno. Nice synth work. Good lyrics. Perfect. And funny. Now we’re rocking on home. Super creative tune that must have taken some work to get right. Well done!

Hot Pink Halo: The vocals are really nice – slightly pitchy – and I am really enjoying the lyrics. Especially: “There’s so much that can’t be known, Until you shift onto a different plane” have no idea how to produce a song like this with all the programming, etc. that it I’m guessing it would take. I wanted to hear it again when it stopped so I listened twice more. Nice work.

Inflatable Vegetables: This isn’t really my bag but I can appreciate the good elements, including establishment of mood and instrument choices. Heartfelt singing is so tough and you put a lot into this. The change to a rockier sound around 1:55 is welcome. I kind of wonder if I would have preferred the whole tune to have been like that. IMHO it would have been good, though I know it would have lost something too.

The Late Heavy Bombardment: Harmonized sounds at the start is a good way to go. Auto-tune is a nice choice here. I like the way this builds. Synth line is cool. I like the call and response element. Still building…. Right to the end. Not a lot of songs do that – or do it as well as you did, anyway. I wanted you to start singing higher near the end to vary the treatment of the “we radio galaxies” lyric a bit but this is awesome.

The Magnetic Letters: You have a gift for melody – this is unique and seemingly simple. Very pretty. A second song where I wanted to ask the writer if XTC is a favorite. The perfect length of song. Great! I like a lot and I vote without hesitation.

The Mellfire Trifecta : Ours. Really liked everything about it -- except the guitar sound, which is kind of crucial. I’m re-recording this weekend with a better tone. Will see how it goes.

James Owens: A more produced and tuneful version of the Guitarz and Vocalz one… This is understated and a fun listen. I like that understatement, but I wonder how it would sound if you let it rip (vocally) so this could really build before and into the bridge. The drums are difficult to hear but maybe that’s conscious on your part. Cool take.

Paco del Stinko: The mad scientist has taken control of the studio and the vocal mic. The chorus is great but I wasn’t as taken in by the verses. The guitar work, as usual, is fantastic. Such as clean sound. [And on a completely separate note, I’d love to give you, Paco, a new song challenge. Would love to hear you do something with choirboy vocals over a simpler arrangement. I love your stuff, but the idea of a sweet Paco-built lullaby intrigues me….it's Christmas so I'm just telling you what I want!]

WreckdoM: The drums come across as excellent right out of the gate. Guitars are also nice. As usual with WreckdoM (if I’m right) the melodies tend to put the pressure on the vocalist to deliver and this time you do! This just works so well. Short is good. Packs some punch!
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Re: Let's get loud and luminous (Radio Galaxies reviews)

Post by Paco Del Stinko »

Good fight with a lot of stuff needing a little more cook time. Going with the top three get a vote bit.

Absolutely Credible - Lovely intro, the melody comes in right where it should, everything moves togethe3r down the swift currents. It doesn't feel overly long, but a whittle somewhere might not hurt. End, likely. Complex but easy to eat.

Berkeley Social Scene - Tight massive guitars tuned in from far away. Rockin' the Earth! I like what this does though it's missing some soar during the chorus to push it higher. Riffs during verses are great as are the keys, bass line is quietly excellent, driving, not pushing. Hangs around after, too.

Caravan Ray - Ha! The vocal coming in made it briefly sound like Zappa. Incomplete foundation, the dance to the radio part kicks on first appearance. Scratchpad+ needs to be taken around the block for a ride, a beating, Mafia abduction, or to the body shop? I dunno. But it would look better with a bit of grease and chrome. (Ha!)

Dirge - Starts as Pink Floyd, turns into R-Head inspiros. Good song buried under some wool, but the mood or feel still translates. Tighten the bass and vocal delivery, the lo-fi will be a sell. It's right there, lean arrangement works very well. Screwdriver!

Guitarz and Vocalz - It's like the garage is hurtling through outer space. This of course begs for a pounding rhythm section, but the song is very good. Some good melodies and hooks, a slice here and there in the arrangement would make this killer with a band and re-mixed effects. Very 60s, man. Far out.

Hanky Code - Awesome. Crosses different frequencies across the galactic radio. Colors, more warmth than outer spce deserve. Spacy without getting heady, hooky, goes far and home in a short time, but nothing feels jammed in there. Very feel-good vibe that the whole family can enjoy, and no-one feels dumb listening to it.

Hot Pink Halo - Parts of this could fit in a neon-colored John Hughs segment. But maybe like someone dreaming of being in a sci-fi disco or something. it's up tempo and dark enough to add some weight. Very nice. It's tempting to think of a Lene Lovich version of this, and while that may add a sense of danger, the warmth might also vanish. Layered very well. Grown up people frosting.

Inflatable Vegetables - Epic is over-used, but apt here. Fantastic. From croon to soaring into space...wow. Love the melody and the lyrics are excellent. The layering is just right though the guitarmonies maybe do a couple of noted extra than they should. The very first moment you hear the vocal you almost go: uh-oh. But yeah, gone man, gone. Very strong candidate to win.

James Owens - Garage tune. Needs a crackin' snare, but the progression, vocal line and take this right from the sixties to tomorrow. Call up your buddy Ty Segal and see where it goes. This sounds like a great one to play live with the gang, just not sonically kicking or cutting in this version. Love the melodies, serious.

The Late Heavy Bombardment - Nice build, wonderful when it opens up to the chorus. Very good atmospheric driving. loopy chants and response. I feel grounded and looking up here versus zooming off into outer space. Ain't nothing wrong with some looking up, hopeful. Stars shine, aware that you're a speck on a speck. Does that make you smaller or bigger?

The Magnetic Letters - I think that I heard this song on the Squeeze Does Zappa Doing Folk album. A standout! Pleasing and complex melodies are easy over the laidback progression. Nice synth work as complement. I totally enjoy where this goes and how I feel as it does, I get almost a bit sad when it ends, as it's moved on and away from me. No more hug!

The Mellfire Trifecta
- Nice hooky grab you bittersweet from the get-go. Double time feel comes right as needed, and then not, into the breakdown bridge and out. Excellent-ness right there. It's almost begging for a double chorus at the end, but length-wise the time is enough. Good serous sounding power pop. Now you can have a pint!

Paco del Stinko - Goon rock starts pretty tight. Fairly rare keyboard solo. I like this one despite the vocal limitations, for the most part, even if it's very me. No vote for you! Meaning me!

WreckdoM - There're some Pixies elements here, but don't add up to sounding like them. Whiffs of Patti Smith delivery give it an underground club vibe despite the very arena rock pounding and riffage. Little bit scary, the lyrics could easily be set in some gonzo acid rhythm head trip venture, a million light years from home. Right arm.
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Re: Let's get loud and luminous (Radio Galaxies reviews)

Post by Paco Del Stinko »

Good batch of reviews this round, folks. Keep'em coming!

Mellfire wrote:Would love to hear you do something with choirboy vocals over a simpler arrangement. I love your stuff, but the idea of a sweet Paco-built lullaby intrigues me….it's Christmas so I'm just telling you what I want!
It would probably make you lose faith in Christmas, but let's see what happens. ;)
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Re: Let's get loud and luminous (Radio Galaxies reviews)

Post by crumpart »

This is a real good round. Reviews incoming, probably four days late like my song (finally managed to buy a house this week, currently in the process of moving 200km).
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Re: Let's get loud and luminous (Radio Galaxies reviews)

Post by Lunkhead »

The winner is Hanky Code!
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Re: Let's get loud and luminous (Radio Galaxies reviews)

Post by Paco Del Stinko »

Congrats to the Hanker!
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Re: Let's get loud and luminous (Radio Galaxies reviews)

Post by gizo »

Happy Hanking!
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