Babe Rigoletto (Baseball vs. Opera Reviews)

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Babe Rigoletto (Baseball vs. Opera Reviews)

Post by Albatross »

Curtain's going up... play ball.
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Post by j$ »

I'm limping off the field with a feigned ankle injury, hopefully ....

A late-night mix last night and I thought I had the best song ever. Cold light of day, can't stand it. How I didn't notice until today ....

Anyway, I have PMed the Masters o'fight and humbly grovelled that they remove the already-submitted song from the archive. Just in case they missed that, I humbly request it is not put up, or if it is already up by the time this is read, that they take it down. Ta.

The very pleasant instrumental version (and I realise it should have been an instrumental all along, and I don't submit them) can be heard, for curiosity value's sake, at

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Post by thehipcola »

aw...J$, we are our own worst critix. I'd be willing to be that this tune would be even better with your distinctive vocal stylings. Reneg on your reneg!!!!

We want CASHPOINT!!!
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Post by j$ »

Ha. No!

(though I am helping out on X-Tokyo River God's 'Ellis Island' this week, so all you cashpoint freaks can get your fix over there!)
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Post by Adam! »

j$ wrote:pleasant instrumental
That song was awesome.
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Post by jack »

replace it with the instrumental

*that was awesome and needs no words to convey the title.
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Post by Rabid Garfunkel »

Ahahahahaahaahaa! Awesome! Tres cool, j$.

Hey, peanuts!
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Post by Mostess »

No! You have a moral obligation to remain in this fight. Limping or not!
j$ wrote:Cold light of day, can't stand it. How I didn't notice until today ....
Story of my life. Everything I've ever recorded goes through the same swings:

1) finish recording: love it.
2) sleep
3) first re-listen after sleep: hate it
4) shameful avoidance period
5) first re-listen after avoidance: like it
6) lots of curious listening: like it more and more
7) near constant listening: love it
8) sick of it
9) long period of having forgotten entirely about it

Only then do the songs naturally divide themselves into two categories:
a) I never think about it and don't really listen to it
b) I rediscover it and let other people hear it

Since this process takes about 2 months in total, I never know whether to let people hear my stuff right after I've recorded it. SongFight is the only exception to this, and that's probably why I use a pseudonym.

Being motivated to post stuff you're embarassed you recorded just because you recorded it is practically most theraputic and interesting aspects of SongFight! I, for one, demand the fightmaster ignore your feeble, post hoc plea, obey the rules (and spirit) of the Fight! and post your song!

To not demand it is to allow you to escape the hard work of getting better. We'd be remiss.
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Post by deshead »

I haven't listened to the whole fight yet, but I was compelled to pop in for a quick "Hostess Mostess: holy freakin' wow!!! I love your tune!!"
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Post by Mostess »

deshead wrote:"...I love your tune!!"
Many thanks: but I need to preempt the reviews. I know, I know. Here's the context:

Mostess: I just realized my verse is a Pogues rip-off
Hostess: How bad?
M: Pretty bad. [hums both]
H: Well, most songs are rip-offs to some extent.
M: Yeah, I guess. [sends it off]
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Post by nyjm »

enough chit-chat! reviews!

baseball vs. opera

oh man, possibly one of the best fights i've heard yet.

- i really like the vocal harmonies that drive the chorus
- good use of samples
- seems to to just end, though, perhaps a long(er) fade?
- one more for the .MP3 collection
= leave it like it is, J$, and bravo

Boon Liver
- this really rocks out!
- i would like to hear the lyrics just a little more clearly
- could use a solo
- oh, and it just ends...
= nice, tight song: well-produced and rockin'; make the vox a little clearer and tack a rock-out solo on the end and you've got a winner.

Captain Synth
- a neat little idea that needs more precision and dynamics
- the brass (trombone?) is off-key (which is hard with two notes)
- the solo is awful
= i'm not a big fan of intentionally-bad songs (which i'm guessing this is); nonetheless, i think there's some salvagable ideas here if you were to go back and start again

Hostess Mostess
- love the guitar parts and the vocal harmonies (very much simon and garfunkel, which is a huge plus in my book)
- nice confluence of baseball and opera in the lyrics: assigned roles, predesigned sections, etc.
- goddamn what a great song from a title that i would have considered kind of thow-off gag title
- oh yeah, into the .MP3 collection it goes

Masterson Ah! Acapella
- not too sure what to make of this...
- an interesting melody, but this is very much a sketch and not yet a song
= with your name, i'm guessing the "no-music" thing is a set approach (i won't say "gimmick"); but acapella doesn't mean one person singing onto a message machine. this is a good start for a song, but needs much more work.

Ross Durand
- oh yeah! love the accordion! makes me wanna polka...
- fun lyrics; like Hostess Mostess, good way to join these two very different semiotic fields
- could use some kind of bridge or more of a solo
- always wanted a polka song...
= fun down on the bayou! i really like this and there's something very americana about the whole thing, from the music to the lyrics.

Tuba Toothpaste
- man, everybody loves the organ for this title...
- musically, this is hilarious, with the opera bits pushing in
- ... and it follows the others onto the hard drive
= i love a song that leaves me with an ear-splitting grin
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Post by j$ »


The least I can do is shout encouragement for 'my team' / abuse at 'their team' from my stretcher .... :)

Boon Liver - love that hammond organ. Wow this is good! It's like RHCP rhythm section with some great metal guitarist and Mark Mothersbaugh on keyboards - I love the way the rhythm goes ska but the rest of the band doesn't right at the end.

Captain Synth - If you can get the silly trombone loud why can't you get everything else up to that level? it sounds like this could be really cool. There's a frustration inherent in this which appeals. I only got about halfway through. Sorry about that.

Hostess Mostess - I wouldn't have heard the Poguesy feel if you hadn't said so. Even the harmonies just say 'celtic-esque folk' rather than specifically that tune. Also I've never heard Shane Ba-Ba-ba-ing like that. In a way I'd like to hear a rougher edged vocal on this song, it's a little smooth for my tastes, but very well done!

mastersons - "ha!" once, but I wouldn't listen twice.

Ross Durand - Ow, country. This reminds me totally of Timbuk3. I like Timbuk3 so I like this as well.

Tuba Toothpaste - Oh this is like RD part two. Country as is alien to a Brit like me as Baseball. Actually i could hear this in a 50s Walt Disney cartoon teaching kids about baseball. very nicely produced!

Thanks to the fightmasters for sparing the world mine. I now have an instrumental track I'm very pleased with to start my album .... :)


Boon Liver for me.
Drew Tetz
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Post by Drew Tetz »

I have listened to Hostess Mostess's entry 12 times today, and I'm currently on my 13th time through.

So they're basically who I'm voting for. Rest of the fight was pretty awesome, too. I'll try and get full reviews up later...
de Gaulle
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Mostess you genius!

Post by HansGruber »

Mostess - Goddam, that really transcends the title.

Though, I'm surprised you didn't submit one for 'Ellis Island' after your 1989 masterpiece 'Ellis Dream' (or do the Pickup Artists get credit for that one?). In fact, I considered ripping you off, but I know that your wrath would destroy me.

Good to hear you're still at it, even better than ever.
Last edited by HansGruber on Tue Apr 26, 2005 5:08 pm, edited 2 times in total.
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Post by MintyHandy »

Taking a break from the middle of the workday, and just listened to your entry, J$. Fan-f'ing-tastic. May be the first instrumental that I vote for.
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Post by ibellaluna »

Hostess Mostess = love child of Simon & Garfunkel, Queen and Damien Rice.
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Post by j$ »

MintyHandy wrote:Taking a break from the middle of the workday, and just listened to your entry, J$. Fan-f'ing-tastic. May be the first instrumental that I vote for.
Thank you very very much. After all the crap I put myself through with this, I'm very glad it's got a positive response. However, as for voting, well, I'd like to see you try :)

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Re: Mostess you genius!

Post by Mostess »

HansGruber wrote:your 1989 masterpiece 'Ellis Dream' (or do the Pickup Artists get credit for that one?).
Holy mother of crap!!! Who the hell are you?!! Where did you hear that!!!?

There is no wrath of Mostess. Rip away.

And yes, one of The Pickup Artists wrote the lyrics and the acoustic guitar parts for, and sung, Ella's Dream (get the title right!). Just honored to be in that band.
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Post by HansGruber »

hee hee hee...I was in charge of the reverb pedal!

I'm a monkey and I have short hair. I (barely) remember your brother (or was it YOU?) saying once, "it''s a caaaaan."

I've been inspired by this revelation to try to put my exhaustion aside this week and submit a song. I'm in the mood to give mad props to my homies.
Evil never looked so good.
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Post by Mostess »

HansGruber wrote:I'm a monkey and I have short hair. I (barely) remember your brother (or was it YOU?) saying once, "it''s a caaaaan."
I trust you destroyed te tape. (It was "I think we need a new caaaaaan", and it was me).

Mystery solved. Expect a PM tomorrow, B.B.!
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Post by Leaf »

get a room...
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Post by Leaf »

Reviews... man. Sometimes, I feel like... why bother doing reviews. No one cares what I think about their tune. Then I figure screw it I'll just write whatever I want and deal with the consequences later... might be entertaining. Then ya'll have end up with:

Boon Liver.

Songfight is weird. First, I get hooked up here by the awesome Hipcola, whom I played in many bands with, including my first band ever, but hadn't seen or talked to really in five or so years, and we get to play together again. And then I "bump" into SmalltownMike... from my second band, who I haven't seen or talked to in a decade... If Flea starts frequenting the boards, I 'll have the opportunity to jam with someone from the third band. oh ya, me and Flea...we are tight. I love this tune. I think Sm 's lyrics are fantastic... and he wrote a fun tune. And I expect us to do more...I'm biased, I think it's a solid contender. I do believe a few others walked onto the my review style shall utilize some of the silly elements like... oh... vegetable grades vs did you really talk about baseball in an endearing fashion or use "fat lady sings?" (We did the second. Our vegetable grade is Peaches and Cream Corn. )

Captain Synth:

I just don't really think this is that great. I mean, it's cool that your having a good time, and the unconventional aspect is kinda neat. somethings remind me of Octothorpe... but without the charm. Maybe it's cause I don't know you... I dunno. The vibe at the beginning is ...kinda energetic, But the solo... well, suffice to say, you don't want C Hack hearing that one.... yeah, no vote for you. and for today, you remind me of...left over brussell sprouts. Did you use the cliche, or refer to baseball in an endearing fashion? I have no idea... and I'm not about to find out. I did listen to this piece three times though, so I guess I'll give you a cherry tomato for that.


Oh you bastard. First of all, you can sing reauulll ggoooooooddddd. Second... you can play guitar..... pretty gooooodddd.... third... well... basically, you suck for being so good. Seriously, man, I love your backups, great song. Now, I'm basically anit-baseball.... like occasionally I watch cause I'm drinking beer and I miss high-caliber hockey... and then I realize I 'm watching simply the boringest game before curling, and then lose interest. ... so the whole praising the glories of baseball is lost on me as much as me writing a song about hockey would be on Caravan Ray... but still, pretty excellent , a CONTENDER to be sure... like asparugus... if you cook it wrong.. oh man, watch out, but if it's done just right, and tender, damn is it good. Of course, it colours your urine. I didn't hear any fat lady sings there... but hello. Baseball, the greatest game ever invented by man.... have you SEEN an x-box? No. Not the greatest game. They wear knickers for god's sake and do steroids. When I don't pay attention the lyrics, I think wow. You are awesome. I sure like the line "Filled out the churchyard to watch the Trojans"...but only cause I get a different visualization. I can relate to the whole business of sport versus beauty of the game thing.. but the opera comparision is a bit of a stretch... maybe I'm missing something. Great mix.


I was in a choir. So there are things I enjoy about this. And it sounds like an old old a 38 or something. And you kept it short, which was wise. Your voice has some real endearing qualities, but you got this theatre-british accent going on... which makes you singing about baseball pretty odd. Should be cricket. The fuzzy thing sounds crappy. I'm assuming that' s accidental. I like it. I don't think it deserves a vote, and it could be way better both in production and conviction of the singing, but the idea is cool.

Ross Durand.

For the video, you should write the lyrics on huge white bristol-board sheets and then just drop each on as you sing a lyric.

First thing I think of when I hear this. It reminds me of a ton of bar bands. The accordion totally saves it, and the bass line is great countryesque (spelling. My forte). This is really good, competent country rock. Also painfully reminds me of Eddie Rabbit. Way too much. Except the chorus to driving my life away kicks it up another notch, this chorus just kinda sounds like a continuation of the verse, doesn't take me anywhere. Yeah, I've played this kinda stuff way to much. It's competent, and I just want to drink a beer now and maybe check out some strippers. I don't like the drum sounds... but I really like the quirky elements to this. You do this well, but it's not very original for the genre. I bet you could write this kind of stuff better. So, just totally abuse the cliche "fat lady sings", and get a plate of fried green tomatoes.


At first, this was prettycheesy. The intro... total cheese. The Mets? c'mon... but got crazy on me. Oh yeah, I started paying attention after "playing the A's" and the weird "signpost from LA Story sound". And all these cool little things happened. So you got this cheese with some warpy moments that made it fun. The cheese, I could totally do with out.. this is like steamed carrots... you know what your getting, and it can sometimes taste sweet, but then if you had to eat , like ten lbs of the stuff you might have a change of heart. Except your mom coated it in brown sugar... so it's like this total mind fuck. Shame on you for singing about baseball like it's some decent game. Pretty cool tune, just a shade too cheesy.

What an interesting fight.
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