Planes, Trains and Automobiles (Method of Delivery reviews)

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Planes, Trains and Automobiles (Method of Delivery reviews)

Post by Future Boy »

New Album: Comes Apart | Missed Connections | With Johnny Cashpoint: A Maze of Death | modular synths on Youtube
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Post by Kamakura »

I love that film
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jute gyte
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Post by jute gyte »

i'd like to point out that if anyone likes our pumpkin buzzard entry, we have 38 more tracks for download here:
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Post by j$ »

Blakrushin' - good opening ... until I realise it's not an opening it's the enire song - there are some great moments, some not so great moments - overall all a nice solid groove that needs to be expanded into a song imo

Boltoph - I know within ten seconds I'm not going to like this and that most other people will - some lovely ectronic blipping going on - obviously good vocals / voice - the lyric is a bit lacking in overall impact - days / haze and fix / mix aren't exciting rhymes in my book. What do I know anyway? This is pretty.

Caravan Ray - Interesting minimal arrangement. I like this a lot except the lyric, which is a bit obvious. My attitude is if you want to be dirty, be dirty. This is like Carry On Songfight. Still, good.

Chuck Chuck Moose - lovely trippy electric piano. Violin is good too. mix is sweet, I guess with such few instruments it's easier. Hmmm, too long for what's on offer. Still no drummer chez moose? A nice gentle drum machine would pick up the second half of this I feel ....

Dark Liberty - Whatever that is under the verse - keyboard? Isn't working and the mix is pretty poor - the drum and bass sound like they were taped in the garage and the vocalist is singing along in his bedroom, but actually if this was mixed up (verb and compression on the vocals, mastering of the individual instruments) properly this would be a great Louis Louis style song. The lyric is pretty weak, but utterly charming :)

Future Boy - Takes a little long to get into the song, but when it does classic future boy - although the vocal could stand to be a bit grittier on the verses - it's almost Pet Shop Boys at times. I like, of course.

Jay String - is me. Bad stream placement this time round :) This is an almost true story, based on my experiences last Friday in a gay club in Oxford. The words are meant to be a bit quiet - I wanted to capture that feeling in club when you can't quite make out what someone is saying to you over the music. *ahem*

Pumpkin Buzzard - What does Jute Gyte DO in Pumpkin Buzzard? Plug in your guitar already .... Sounds pretty much like the other 38 Pumpkin Buzzard songs on somesongs. With a good rawk name like that, you should ... um rawk?

Raw Strength & Courage - Well there's a case of an inappropriate band name! I was expecting Big Country but this has, dare I say, a Deacon Blue feel to this. It's not my bag but it's a pretty tune for sure. I am not convinced by the vocal take ... by which I mean (and I am probably wrong) that Bjam (Bjam, right?) is singing the words from a sheet of paper rather than feeling them. I'm probably wrong. All well and good however...

Rik Gerblick - I quite like this, in a way I can imagine that if you had longer you would have poodled out on the production - but the sparser mix (it's not that sparse just relatively) means that it veers away from 80s metal to a more 80s indie-pop stadium rock sound,w hich I personally prefer. Well done and all (though the solo is a bit out-of-place moodwise) - I can imagine it going to number one in Portugal.

Thornberry - Everyone likes you but me, it would seem on previous reviews - you have a great voice and write reasonable tunes, but there is an earnestness about it which makes my figurative skin crawl a little. I don't see how you could change that since it's all in my ears, but hey, honesty is the best policy. Urk, sorry man.
Last edited by j$ on Thu Aug 04, 2005 12:13 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by Bjam »

Blak Rushin'
Well you certainly got the title in here. This is just noise to me. The 'beats' are kinda nice, but with all the stuff on top of it, it's just... noise.

Ooh, this is pretty. I like that you tried to make it something other than guy and guitar, but I'd love to hear a just guy, guitar, and... bongo-y-bash-y things version. The beeps make it very unnatural sounding to me.(Actually, on a second listen I kinda like them) The lyrics are nice, but I do wish that there was some change somewhere throughout it. The doubled vocals at the end are very nice.

Caravan Ray
You have a definite, er, talent for clever lyrics :P "So just take my stamp and lick it baby lick it – see how sticky it gets " Very nice. I'm not a fan od the doubled vocals on the chorus and the effect on the outro, but your vocal delivery is so... zingy the rest of the time I can look past it.

Chuck Chuck Moose
Oh, the intro sounds like it's gonna be very depressing. This is actually really nice. Your voice reminds me of Kermit the Frog sometimes, especially on the falsetto, but you sound so sincere I can imagine a litt--oh holy crap, violin-- now I can totally imagine a heartbroken Kermit wandering the streets crying and looking for his love. I really like this.

Dark Liberty
This isn't grabbing me. Standard 'rock' song, that's just not... I dunno. I just don't like it much. Your vocals are slightly better than last week.

Future Boy
This isn't as good as last weeks, I think it's just that the music isn't as... grabby. The buildup just before the 3 minute mark is real nice.

Jay String
I like the story in the lyrics, very celver and well-delivered. Not a fan of the music that much, but that's just personal genre likes and dislikes.

Pumpkin Buzzard
Um. I don't like pumpkins usually, and I don't like this either. It's hard to understand, and the music is just headache inducing.

Raw Strength & Courage
Ooh, look it's me and stueym. I'm not digging the percussion much, but I am digging the mandolin.

Rik Gerblick
You sound like the guy on my RENT soundtrack. Strange. I like this, kinda cute and whatnot. The lyrics are nice, I like the "Tried to say "you're lovely"/Comes out "that dress really shows your ass"" line, very nice. It's a little short, but it's nice.

This is nice, but then I'm a sucker for G&G. Your voice is nice, and the guitar playing is also pretty nice. I like the outro with the "in my dreams" much. Where's the "Method of delivery" connection? Post your lyrics.
By which I mean (and I am probably wrong) that Bjam (Bjam, right?) is singing the words from a sheet of paper rather than feeling them.
:( You were totally hiding in my room when I recorded the vocals, weren't you? Yeah, I wasn't feeling them as much this week. I dunno. It's been a weird week for me music-wise.
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Post by Rik »

j$ wrote:I quite like this...
You must be feeling generous this week. :) Thanks!
I never thought that a rush job with poor production would be rewarded with praise. I think I'm on to something here.
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Post by Thornberry »

j$ wrote
Everyone likes you but me... honesty is the best policy. Urk, sorry man.
Hahahahaa, no problem man. We are just polar opposites in the musical worlds, as I am not your biggest fan either:)
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Post by boltoph »

Thornberry wrote:j$ wrote
Everyone likes you but me... honesty is the best policy. Urk, sorry man.
Hahahahaa, no problem man. We are just polar opposites in the musical worlds, as I am not your biggest fan either:)
You're not alone, Thornberry! At least 1. Everyone likes you and 2. Maybe it took more than ten seconds in your case... :o
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da fight

Post by chuckstas »

Good fight this week, tough to do one that fast. Here's my thoughts:

Pumpkin Blizzard-I really don't understand what you/you guys are trying to do here, I'm really not enjoying this one. Decent drums, that's about the only nice thing I can think to say. <poor>

Dark Liberty- Lyrics are kind of lame. Vocals are slightly better than last week, but still not there by any means. They're all over the place and need to be compressed. I like the guitar tone. The mix is kind of quiet and sounds uneven. This is <below average>. I like the song better than last week, but the mix last week sounded much punchier and more polished (besides the vocals).

Raw Strength and Courage-This is nice. I like the mandolin and guitar playing, Bjam the vocals are nice as expected from you. The percussion doesn't really seem to work, I don't know if it's the choice of bongos/congas or whatever or if its the fact that they sound like they're all on the left side of the mix and are very quiet.

Future Boy-You always have something enjoyable, and this time is no exception. The vocals are a little muddy sounding this week, and I think the delivery sounds a little lacking in emotion. Still, a solid groove. There were some cool harmonies that I didn't expect, especially that one that comes where you say "clearly I need with all practical speed". Also the chorus section sounds more like a prechorus almost, it seems like you need something more. This is <good>.

Boltoph-I'm not usually a big fan of this kind of stuff but is so well done that I can't help but love it. The acoustic has great depth and detail to the sound. I love the synth and the bongos/congas. These aren't elements that you usually here in this style of a song, but they work. I think the synth kind of fills the pedal steel role. My only complaint is I think the vocals could be a little more prominent in the mix. This is <great>.

Chuck Chuck Moose-This is my group. I really didn't do much on this, I just played the violin and did the engineering side of things. I also contributed to the lyrics. My friend does the vocals and the keys. We did it all in one sitting, which is a first for us. I think it turned out pretty good. It's also the first song where I feel I found the right balance between wet and dry vocals. Please excuse the spotty intonation on my violin playing!

Caravan Ray-I think your voice is pretty sweet. The percussion is cool on this one. Drums only wouldn't strike me as a good idea, but you definately make it work. This is <good>.

Rik Gerblik-I'm not a big of the sound of your acoustic. That electric in the right channel sounds a little out of place at the beggining. Good vocals. Sounds like you kind of shortchanged the guitar solo, I was hoping for a little more there. Good song overall, why does it have to end so soon? This is <good>.

Blak Rushin-This is a cool jam, it just doens't go anywhere. It doesn't really count in my book as a song because of this, and so I have to say that as a song it is <below average>.

Jay String-I don't really know about you, man. I always love the grittiness of your synths and drums and stuff, but I can never find anything melodic to latch onto. This is <okay>.

Thornberry-My first introduction to you was through your all skate song, which I pretty much couldn't get out of my head for the next couple of days it was that good. This is also excellent, although it makes my song sound cheerful in comparison. Nice guitar playing, just the right amount of playing with the tempo. Vocals are awesome as always. I was hoping the end section would build up and go back in to the main section, but I also like the way you did it. This is <great>.

This fight's a tough call between Thornberry and Boltoph. I'm going to go with Boltoph, but it's pretty much a toss up for me.
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Re: da fight

Post by stueym »

chuckstas wrote: Raw Strength and Courage-This is nice. I like the mandolin and guitar playing, Bjam the vocals are nice as expected from you. The percussion doesn't really seem to work, I don't know if it's the choice of bongos/congas or whatever or if its the fact that they sound like they're all on the left side of the mix and are very quiet.

Ha! Bjam wanted the percussion so far back in the mix. I think she must have been frightened by a drum kit at a formative age!! :wink:

Actually having listened back to it I am convinced that Groove Agent did something weird during mixdown from Cubase and because the percussion was set back in the mix I never noticed it until way too late. The rhythm is off from what it was originally and just is annoying.

That aside thank you for the kind comments.
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Post by j$ »

boltoph wrote:
Thornberry wrote:j$ wrote
Everyone likes you but me... honesty is the best policy. Urk, sorry man.
Hahahahaa, no problem man. We are just polar opposites in the musical worlds, as I am not your biggest fan either:)
You're not alone, Thornberry! At least 1. Everyone likes you and 2. Maybe it took more than ten seconds in your case... :o
I often wonder if I should have a caveat - 'these reviews are the opinion of someone who has very peculiar tastes which I am fully aware do not subscribe to the generally held opinions of a large body of listeners." In other words, a good review from me is the kiss of death as far as popularity goes.

I review pretty much every week because I think it's the most important part of the songfight community, but I would hate to think someone actually cared what I specifically thought about their song.

And as if to prove my point
chuckstas wrote:This fight's a tough call between Thornberry and Boltoph.
I think that's great. I listen to the music I like and other people listen to the music they like. Just 'cos I wrote something doesn't make it true :)
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Post by Rik »

j$ wrote:I review pretty much every week because I think it's the most important part of the songfight community
Well put, I for one appreciate the fact that you often review fights your not even in. All the input from the musicians here is great. It beats the hell out of pestering your friends with new bits only to get the typical "no, really I like it". The honest reviews here help, even if sometimes it's not what you want to hear.
j$ wrote:Just 'cos I wrote something doesn't make it true
Sure it does, it's your opinion. Your review of Thornberry, while not flattering, was sincere and not at all mean spirited. Hell, you even apologized at the end.

For the record, I am part of the everyone that likes Thornberry. :)
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Post by Rik »

This week I tried using the DownThemAll plugin for Firefox (Thanks THC for the tip in last week's fight thread). That gave me some extra time, I put all the songs on CD and took them with me in the car. Now I only need to find a way to write while I'm driving. I think Jim of Seattle had the right idea, recording his reviews. Unfortunately, I'm not able to be concise enough for that. The reviews would be longer than the songs, and filled with lots of studdering, 'um's, and cursing at other drivers. Oh well, back to typing them again. The good news is I got to listen to all songs quite a few times, and now one more time as I review.

Reviews for 'Method of Delivery' SongFight!

Blak Rushin' - This is freaky. There's not much to the lyrics, but there is ample variation in the delivery. I really like the vocals through the overblown distortions, nice effect. This is cool simply due to the weirdness factor.

Boltoph - I was worried at first that this might be a country tune. Pleasantly surprised to find it's not. This is a nice mellow tune, I am liking it so far. Love the way you break it up at 1:14, woo ee woo, solid effect. The hand percussion really accents well throughout. This is just good stuff, not much else to say. Voteworthy.

Caravan Ray - I think the coolest thing about you is the fact that you can jump genres every week. Let's start by saying the lyrics are awesome, very well thought out. The music isn't doing much for me, but I do like that drum pattern. I am really getting into the breakdown at 1:24, but I
don't care for the fade out at the end.

Chuck Chuck Moose - Another nice bit, I think you found the drum sound you were looking for on this one. :) This is very nice, every week you seem to change up your style as well as your instrumentation. Electric piano and violin this week eh? See, and last week someone was complaining that non-guitar entries are shunned. Not so, this is a solid song and I am really enjoying it. I would have liked to hear the violin come back into the mix (maybe a bit softer) later in the song to close it out. Voteworthy.

Dark Liberty - This is classic Dark Liberty. Dude, you've had quite a few entries here, I'd say it's time you registed and put some input on the boards. As for the song this week, well, it's classic Dark Liberty.

Future Boy - This song isn't grabbing me like your last. This is a solid song with good production, something's just missing for me. Favorite thing about this has to be the backing vocal harmony line.

Jay String - Yeah, I like this. You have a crazy ear for production, wild sounds throughout. Really like the high keys that follow along the verse line. Overall this is a catchy song, with cool rhythm.

Pumpkin Buzzard - I'm not really getting into this at all. Wild use of the space on the drum track, starting with the single drum 'hit' at about 0:38 the percussion sounds like you're beating someone bloody. Okay it's about 1:15 in and the vocals are actually making me laugh, not content but the screaming fits. By 1:55 the screaming is no longer amusing, just screaming. Interesting, but I'm afraid I won't be going to somesongs to check out the rest.

Raw Strength & Courage - This is a nice song, Bjam you have a great voice and it's perfectly fit to the style music you write. I am really liking this, reminds me of the N.C. college-alt stuff I listened to back in the days. I could see sitting down and enjoying a full album of this. Time for me to check the archives. This week your production may have been better, but I felt it lost that 'live' energy you had last week (sorry stueym). Voteworthy.

Rik Gerblick - (Me) Well, short fight and a short song. I figured the mailman angle would be beaten to death so I decided to go with the "I can't say anything right" bit instead. I only had Sunday evening to put this one down, so most of the parts on this were done in one take, some written on the fly. I also took the first mixdown as the final, so this song really suffered all the way around. By the end I started to hear someone else's song in there, I can't place it but this is too damn familiar. Overall I don't really care for the way this came out, but it was fun making it so what the hell.

Thornberry - Cool song, as always I am a sucker for the simplistic GnG when it's done well. This is a strong song, flows well up to the end. I don't care for the very end, the repetitive follow up, but I see what you were doing with it. The dynamics of your voice convey emotion well, I really like the way you go from soft to punchy with energy throughout. This is good stuff. Voteworthy.

Great fight, especially given the short time frame everyone was given. Favorites this week were the acoustic tracks by Boltoph, Raw Strength & Courage, Thornberry, and mellow electric piano track by Chuck Chuck Moose. Tough decision, but the vote goes to Raw Strength & Courage for invoking some pretty cool memories. Totally an emotional vote, but only a damn good song can put me somewhere else the first time I hear it. Now off to Bjam's archives to DownThemAll, then back to work on this weeks bit.
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Post by Bjam »

Rik wrote:Now off to Bjam's archives to DownThemAll, then back to work on this weeks bit.
You seriously don't want to do that. I only learned not to suck in the last couple of fights.

But thanks for the vote!
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Post by boltoph »

Blak Rushin
I really love the way that synth on the right slides. And the bit of melody surfacing from the bass. The problem is it never goes anywhere interesting with the melody, the rhythmic structure, or the vocal.

It's me. I could tell you that this song is just about not getting proper delivery of something to the soul, material, something heard or seen, whatever. Six specific ways of failed delivery. And the moogy part is my fav - moog was the foundation for the song, walking around the city. Got stuck in my head, th' bastid.

Caravan Ray
Sack. I read the vocals, the tribal method is rawking me like I'd imagine Spert would if he ever busted out a gnut. It's almost like a Wreckdom song without all the distortion and stuff....until the end. Quick and brings smiles.

Chuck Chuck Moose
I like the keys and the nostalgic melody they're playing. I like the change at the first minute and on "a lot". Could build up earlier, instrumentally, depending on if you're just going for the solo artist live performance or not. Fav thing is the melody on "at all". The cello is a nice addition.

Dark Liberty
It's such a dirty guitar tone to start. The whole band could blend better together, like put the bass closer to the middle and bring the guitars panned out. The lead vocal would be saved by massive screaming. Scream, damnit.

Future Boy
Good rhythmic and catch. All of the melodies are dissonent to me, all various sorts of sevenths and minors, the tone of the whole song doesn't really pull me in any direction until a little after one minute in. Some nice changes there. I like the moogy catch too.

Jay String
Rockin beat, I like the distortion on everything and the persistence of that bass line. On the headphones and liking the panned out techno (synths). The chorus doesn't catch me as much, might be because of how evenly the vocal is sung in eighth notes. The spoken parts are fun, the lyrics are dirty. I could really dig if the chorus was a little richer, melodically

Pumpkin Buzzard
Hard to find the key, maybe kinda funny. The part where the drums drop out could be built more I think. I like the tremolo guitar or more of it with distortion.

Raw Strength + Courage
The mandolin melodies are soothing, and I like the production, I can hear backing vocals over this. Would love to hear a bendy sort of organ, more melodies going on in the parts without vocals. I think I'd like to hear the vocal melody vary a bit more here and there. I enjoyed it, overall.

Rik Gerblick
There's a good melody going on in the guitars, would like to hear more of a mic'd tone versus the pickup tone. The lyrics are kinda dirty, I can smile at that. Very catchy in a Boston sorta way. Needs the Tom Scholz guitar tone doing a massive solo, and a few high D's on the vocals to go along with it. It's caught in my head. I wished I had totally country'd out my tune so I could've horrified you. hehe

I think it could benefit from some more instrumentation and some good mastering/mixing. Some nice melodies going on with the guitar. It's heartfelt and would make for a good live acoustic performance. The ending is haunting.
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Post by Thornberry »

j$ wrote:
boltoph wrote:
Thornberry wrote:j$ wrote Hahahahaa, no problem man. We are just polar opposites in the musical worlds, as I am not your biggest fan either:)
You're not alone, Thornberry! At least 1. Everyone likes you and 2. Maybe it took more than ten seconds in your case... :o
In other words, a good review from me is the kiss of death as far as popularity goes.
I hope you didn't think I was at all upset with that. Even before I really got into songfight and just casualy looked at some of the boards, you were one of the people I always remembered cause I liked your reviews. From what I've gathered of your musical taste, I actualy thought how much you'd probably hate it when I submitted it. I appreciate everybodys reviews on here, which is why i do it. To get feedback from people other than the trying-to-please-me-by-saying-its-good people around me. So in conclusion, if you thought I was angry or anything like that, I really am grateful to you and everyone else who does review no matter what they say, as long as it honest:)

Thanks everyone!
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Post by Thornberry »


I think it could benefit from some more instrumentation and some good mastering/mixing. Some nice melodies going on with the guitar. It's heartfelt and would make for a good live acoustic performance. The ending is haunting.
Basically what your hearing is an acoustic live permorance. I recorded this 3AM the night before it was due, while my whole house was asleep, so I had to sing and play kinda quietly. Thats why it is solo/not very good mixing (or at least thats the excuse I give myself) Thanks for the review though!
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Post by boltoph »

Thornberry wrote:Basically what your hearing is an acoustic live performance.
I figured so, but still worth mentioning that with more instrumentation and some serious mixing, it'd really stand out. At least just in my opinion.

I enjoy J$ reviews, always, the more harsh the review is, the better! Rip it up! :lol:
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Post by HeuristicsInc »

Rik wrote:The reviews would be longer than the songs, and filled with lots of studdering, 'um's, and cursing at other drivers.
i think all reviews should have more cursing at other drivers... it would certainly be interesting, and possibly humorous to boot.
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Post by chuckstas »

boltoph wrote:Chuck Chuck Moose The cello is a nice addition.
It's a violin, but thanks! (Cello is the big guy you play between your legs). :)
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Post by boltoph »

chuckstas wrote:
boltoph wrote:Chuck Chuck Moose The cello is a nice addition.
It's a violin, but thanks! (Cello is the big guy you play between your legs). :)
Eff! it sounded lower, like a viola. Well, very nice addition, indeed.
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Caravan Ray
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Post by Caravan Ray »

chuckstas wrote: (Cello is the big guy you play between your legs). :)
I've never heard it called a 'cello' before.
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