Drunk, Drunk, Drunk, Drunk, Drunk (Five Nights in Britain)

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Drunk, Drunk, Drunk, Drunk, Drunk (Five Nights in Britain)

Post by blue »

mmm, beer.
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Post by blue »

don't vote for the kitten eaters! just don't do it!

sos in '06!
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Post by Dan-O from Five-O »

Is it alright to vote for eating kittens though?

I like mine sweet and sour style.

EDIT: Oh and with a side of chips and a pint of beer of course.
jb wrote:Dan-O has a point.
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Post by WeaselSlayer »

Oh no! The Hot Tub Combo song is fried at the end! What did I dooooo!
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Post by blue »

i posted a fixed version to the QA thread, luke, but you prolly want to re-send the mp3 if you really think that last 2 minutes of BS is necessary. :P
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Post by WeaselSlayer »

It makes the song!
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Post by Spud »

Yeah, if you got a better version, send it. I put blue's up for now.
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Post by Niveous »

Someone needs to do a mash-up of the IPA's song and Bananarama's "Cruel Summer". It would be stupendous.
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Post by blue »

man how about that Melvin / Mrman+Drfunk / sos / stateshirt / steve gamble/ TMK / tiny robots run at the end of the playlist.

that is some hot shit. i'd hate to be someone who didn't have a strong, uhm, voting predisposition, this week. :D
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Post by Damien Verrett (Jonas) »

Ahhhh finally they're up.


A Log: The voice right now sorta hurts me in my right speaker. And everythings off time. The metronome in the background makes it really obvious that nothing is really working right now... The synth is a little annoying. This part at 1:30 is kinda cool, better than the other parts. That quote about sex was pretty funny... Ok it's over.

Bjam: I like the intro and I like this voice, I'm liking all of this right now. Cool cowbell. That tambourine might be a little off beat a couple times though. Good song. Very enjoyable, even though it's not really my kind of thing. High five ^_^

Chuck Chuck Moose: Awesome so far, really chill. Very very toe tapping. Wow, this is really jazzy. I love the chorus. Good solo too. I don't think there's anything I don't like about this song. Awesome job.

Damien Verrett (me): I hate the singing at the beginning because it sounds terrible. None of the singing is actually that good, but whatever. That said, my favorite part about this song is probably the lyrics or the bass line. I'll let other people review my song instead.

Dark Liberty: This is alright. Kinda quiet and not an extraordinary song.

Fourth Doctor: The robot singing is annoying. The other stuff isn't really ear catching either. I'm not sure what else to say.

Hot Tub Combo: Cool piano. The voice sorta bugs me. The drums are a tad loud. Actually, the voice isn't bad, kinda sounds like The Arcade Fire. I wish the quality were better because I would like this a lot more.

The I.P.A.: Very cool right now at the beginning. I think just one voice singing would be better. The accordian (pretty sure that's what it is) is neat. I like the instruments. The part at about 2:30 is nice.

Jesse Cooper: Mega quiet. Still pretty good though. The tune sounds very familiar for some reason.

Johhny Cashpoint: I like this. Nice accent, I hope it's fake. Nice beat. Pretty neat lyrics too. Good song.

Klownhole : I don't really like this. Sorry. I think it's mainly because of the singing.

M.C. Friend: I really am not sure how to review rap.

Melvin: Awesome. I've come to expect good stuff from you and this doesn't disappoint.

Wow, I don't think I have time to review the others right now. I'll get to it later.
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Post by LukeU »

I love you damien,

Love, Luke Ulrici

Seriously though review the rest of the songs fatty.
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Post by A-Log »

Hey guys, it's A-Log. I just want to apologize in advance for the quality of my song. I have a new music recording/making program and I'm still kinda new at it. You guys could at least understand that, right? Anyway, please be a little more sympathetic when (or if) you vote for me. At least I didn't use a keyboard to screw it up. As for a review, I kinda like my version still, along with the renditions by The I.P.A. and Mr. Man & Dr. Funk. Nice job.

Anthony "A-Log" LoGatto

PS- The two samples were from Monty Python.
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Post by LukeU »

Im lovin every song by Tiny Robots. You guys are awesome.Keep making songs!!!
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Post by Ross »

I had to tune in for Johnny's song after reading his pre-fight reference to the Kinks. Great Song! I've just been spending some quality time with Muswell Hillbilly's recently. Sounds to me like you got both Dave and Ray in the channel. I'll listen to the rest before I vote, but ... good song. and nice style break for you, too.
"I don't like this song, but at least it's good." - veGetar Ianra Ge
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Post by j$ »


(I feel I should have pointed out to any potential listeners that the song is referencing mid 70s pastoral Kinks - specifically 'Autumn Almanac' - rather than balls-out, gargae rock 'got me going' era Kinks.)
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Post by LukeU »

Someone should review the songs.
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Post by furrypedro »

Mr. Man wrote:Someone should review the songs.
and I know just the right person for the job :wink:
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Post by furrypedro »

No. I meant you should do it.
:x ah dammit, here goes

A-log: 1st thought – this is Rone-tastic. Maybe one day that will be a compliment, but that day is not today. The beat is definitely an improvement to the metronome; this almost has a disjointed wacky charm but your vox are too badly recorded and delivered. More beats and notes and stuff. Samples are fun but feel a bit out of place.

BJAM!: your voice sounds really good here, and there’s a couple of good hooks. The percussion is awesome. Not my style but a good song nonetheless.

Chuckchuckmoose: It’s like a cross between sleazy lounge music, 70’s film soundtrack, with R&B vocals. Kinda cool; but I’d prefer it with some funkier drumming (I watched Dirty Harry again last night and the drummer on that soundtrack is what you need), less chorus on the guitar and to sing more like either Tom’s Waits or Jones and less like Will Young. Pretty good tho

Jonas: Once again, pretty cool. You finally turned the vocals up, I still think that main synth could come down a notch or two. I quite like this.

Dark liberty: Right, I’m imagining real drums for you and it’s kind of working. If you scrapped the verse and the chorus, and kept those other weird bits and built them up and added some guitar noise and chugs this would be great, this was boring me a bit and then those bits came out of nowhere.

4th DR: I’m really not sure what to make of your stuff, because if one of my friends had done it I’d probably tell them I thought it was cool, and yet listening to it here I think it’s pretty good but there’s something missing. If i figure out what it is i'll let you know

Hot tub combo: for some reason I really like this, it’s like you’ve managed to capture the whole joy of making music with just the right type of dodgy recording. Really loud VU style drums, reverb drenched piano and yelping vox desperately trying to hold it all together. If it were shorter or had a really cool middle 8 or something it would be ace.

IPA: Not bad; sounds more like 5 nights in France. The shambolic arrangement is really cool. The song doesn’t seem to develop enough tho. It’s good but there’s no payoff.

Jessecooper: Nice jazzy feel to it, almost like Jack Johnson, but ultimately I think the vocals suffer from the same problem as with Chuck chuck moose. But that’s more of a personal taste thing so…

J$: It’s funny cos I usually try to write songs which get by with as few words as possible, whereas you like to squeeze small novella into yours and it’s cool. This should win just for the quintessential british-ness of it, but it’s good in it’s own right, great solo. Now I want to listen to Mr Pleasant. (in fact we should’ve swapped lyrics cos you mention blackpool and mine sounds like it was recorded there).

Klownhole: funny blend of stuff you’ve got going here. It wants to uber-rock but the keyboards are reigning in the filth and adding some kind of fairground-cathedral feel. Fine howling.

MC Friend: This could use a phatter bass sound. Vocal delivery is alright, but some of your lyrics are quality. Not sure about the penis as a prism line, but I don’t like Mel Gibson either and all Americans should drink Guiness when they come over cos then they’ll stop whingeing about being hungry :D . Yay

Melvin: yeah, it’s like you just pressed the nitro-ballad switch! That outro is IT. Well done.

Motor monkeys: hey, not my thing but I’m sure many a pub would happily be rocked by this.

Mrmananddrfunk: oh man, this is good and all but it lacks some important points. 1) no freaky intro 2) doesn’t smell like pot pourri 3) no duff notes 4) uses a drum kit instead of cowbells and maracas. Maybe I’m being unfair but I like shit music so there.

Sonofsupercar: All the usuals here then, guitars, drums, nice bit of feedback, and yet somehow its totally unique. This seems so miserable and yet full of character; I really like the way the vocals go form a bored mumble to a creepy wail. And the louder you sing the further off it seems. Coolio

State Shirt: Sounding good so far, very shoegazey – but in more of a Jeff Buckley meets Haven kind of way than proper shoegazing (which is definitely not a cuss). Ultimately though, like most bands of that variety, I think perfecting the style has got in the way of writing a really good song. It’s not your fault, I don’t think that big epic music needs words really. That’s why Haven will never be as good as either Explosions in the Sky or …Steve gamble: who’s got some cool lines and can squeeze in some silly one’s cos the tune doesn’t take itself too seriously. Apart from the fact that you’d never meet any of these people in England, the Moz line was bloody great, and then I saw Liam Lynch and he was all like “you totally stole my ideasâ€
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Post by Moose »

When Chuck and I are home, I normally just give him my feedback, but while we're both away at school, I decided I'd better start writing my own reviews. This is my first one ever so bear with me. Here goes:

Steve Gamble- I knew someone would do the “on my first day, on my second day…â€
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Post by jseavers05 »

A-log: haha, "rone-tastic". Furrypedro... haha, thats a good way to sum stuff up. i guess i would have to agree.

BJAM!: the tone of the guitar and your voice sound really good. not a big fan of the song style and such and i dont think the cowbell fits really well. it kinda breaks stuff up. but other than that, i think you did a pretty good job.

Chuckchuckmoose: so like the guitar totally reminds me of that one song "what i am". you probably dont know what im talking about but oh well. not a big fan of the jazzy poo. anyways, i guess im not a big fan but good job anyways.

Jonas: damien. haha, so like good song. its a much better mix for the vocals than your previous songs. anyways, for the future, just an idea.. try holding the mic a little further when you sing, and it might sound a little more clear. the drum stuff in the song is cool. ive already told you i thought the song was cool before, so thats bout it kiddo.

Dark liberty: so this is a fun little punk song. it almost doesnt sound messy enough with the computer drums and the vocals have the rooms echo. not totally my favorite, but it was good.

4th DR: cool synth stuff, but the vocals arent doing it for me. mabye its the vocals effect or something, but oh well. the song sounds cool. seems like it would be background music for like a video game or some auto show thingy or whatever... what do i expect with a bucket of snakes?

Hot tub combo: so im totally diggin the lo-fi live sound. the one microphone thing is cool but its really hard to understand the vocals and its hard to hear what exactly the piano is playing but its good song

IPA: haha, so the song seems kinda cool, but the mix sounds good and bad... like the drums have no low range EQ and it sounds a little dry. not my favorite, but it is likable.

Jessecooper: this is totally sounds like jack johnson. i think the vocals are stressed to fit at times. even though its a little repetitive, the song itself is cool but it would sound better obviously if the quality was improved.

J$: haha, so like the british accent is totally overstressed. i think the song itself is pretty funny and cool. im not a big fan of your singing voice, but its unique and you can carry a tune, so its all good.

Klownhole: im not a big fan of this slow draging heavy stuff. haha, some of the stuff is funny. i hope there was humor intended a little bit. if not then sorry. the vocal solo thingy when the song ends is hecka rad to the max. haha, not my favorite kind of stuff.

MC Friend: the bass sounds really midi. haha, and totally pointless lyrics. some of its funny. it seems like sometimes when you rap you get ahead of yourself and get off beat. hopefully theres nothing really cool at the end of the song cause i skipped it at 2:30

Melvin: dude, haha, you suck. i havent heard one bad song from you... i havent heard one alright song from you. i expected a totally rad song from you and thats how it ended up. awesome stuff. amen.

Motor monkeys: totally sounds like 70s ish with british rock. so like its kinda cool. not my favorite, but that doesnt mean its not cool. good job.

Mrmananddrfunk: me and luke. not mr henley, but the other kid. anyways, lukes mad cause i cut off the end part (which was pretty cool) but oh well. ill leave the reviews up to you kids.

Sonofsupercar: the backwards guitar at the beginning sounds cool. the lo-fi sound is cool. i think the guitar riffs and drums sound really nice, but some parts of the song sound better than others.

State Shirt: the mixing and mastering of this song sound totally professional. i cant let that brainwash me into giving you the vote. i still need to consider the song itself. the song is written really well. its defenitly one of my favorites of this fight. reminds me of Marazin.

Steve gamble: haha, the singing stuff is really funny. i like the laid back feeling. this song is just plain fun. good job bff.

those meddling kids: this stuff is brilliant. i love the sampling and harmonies that you use. really cool stuff.

Tiny Robots: your stuff is always cool. it reminds me of the softies but with drums. really cool x 50

Tommy sheets: almost reminds me of tom petty. the drums are sorta loud and arent mixed up enough. the song itself is pretty cool, but the song structure and chords are good.

Veuve Clique J&Z: haha, this is stupid.
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Post by frankie big face »

Moose wrote: I also want to mention that our good friend Frankie Big Face wrote and played an awesome bass track for this. Thanks Mr. C.
Hey, this track turned out all right. I like the mix and the string patch at the beginning--should have brought it back at the end. And to clarify, I would hardly say I wrote any part of this track--I just improvised a shoddy bass line. Anything for you, Mr. S.
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Post by melvin »

A-Log: A song without a beat OR a tune. This is impressive.

Bjam: I’m tired of beating around the bush about this – I’m in love with your voice. Melodically, this isn’t the greatest, but you could probably make A-Log’s song listenable with that voice. The lyrics have some cute bits, and I understand that this is only one song from a whole album written and recorded in a day. Sweet!

Chuck Chuck Moose:
I kinda don’t want to like this, but then I picture myself hanging out in a cheesy hotel bar, sick with the blues, and I kinda do. Good playing, nice groove.

J Murdock and The Child Inside:
Way to go, dude! It’s nice to hear your vocals up in the mix, even though I’m not finding the instrumental aspects as catchy as your previous entries. Perhaps your next song will achieve that perfect balance of catchy music and audible vocals.

Dark Liberty: I appreciate what you’re going for here, but those drums sound a bit ridiculous, and I think you should place just a little more emphasis on hitting the vocal melody, even for filthy punk rock.

Fourth Doctor: This just isn’t my thing.

Hot Tub Combo: This is a terrible recording of what I suspect is a good tune. Singer reminds me a bit of Frank Black. Is this a Luke Henley collaboration? I still want to be your/his producer.

The I.P.A.: This is great! The recording’s pretty lousy, but whatever, this is a solid tune. “I know everythingâ€
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