This Ain't Your Father's Holy Relic (Georgia's Hand reviews)

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Post by furrypedro »

Wagaco: Not much to say here, apart from 'play it Paco', you fuckin' rock. Well, I say 'rock', for all the rockin this tune does it is actually surprisingly laid back, or I mean it's not so much driving as swaggering. You're both playing to your strengths here, although I too would like to hear some vox from Paco, I think your vocal style would be a good contrast and backup to Wages. I think you should do another track, one that's a bit more Pixies-ish.

Ribbits do the Work: Did you say I need an acid from you? I think if I wasn't a musician I'd think this was really good, I mean, I do think this is really good, but.....the drums are boring, everything's played a bit too straight, the song never does anything unexpected, verses and choruses all arrive right on time. It's all very well played though, and perhaps more importantly for this particular song well sung. well done, but not my fave.

Little Bip: Billy's gonna slow it down a bit for us now.....but not for long, I was thinking the opening riff sounded a bit like Where Is My Mind played down an octave or two. It's cool, and the slow bits are cool cos they make it easier to hear your vocals, you do like your reverb don't you. I think I prefer the slower sections in this particular song, but I love the bit where it kicks in, when the extra guitar comes in with the drum rolls is ace.

Native: Wow, this is the most fragile song I've heard all week, like it was recorded on papyrus with a balsa wood mixer. sometimes when you sing really softly it's difficult to get it right on the note but I don't think it matters much here. Normally I'd say this was a bit too long considering it's pretty much the same four chords for 3 minutes but somehow it just works. and I'm always up for a song with homoerotic overtones so well done.

Jacob Lynn: This sounded better when I listened to it in the car the other day, GnG and sitting in front of a computer doesn't mix. Anyway, I was singing along with this and it was good. In this fight I'm gonna file it under 'wank songs'.

Glenneth: This is what I've been waiting for......I dunno where you get these songs from but everything you write seems to flow so perfectly, most people would have to labour for hours over these chord changes and words and stuff, not saying that you don't but it all sounds so easy. That's the trick I guess. This reminds me a lot of Deshead's stuff too, which always hits the nail on the head, and on the occasions it starts to sound a bit bland an irrepressibly catchy hook swoops in to rescue it. good.

Minty: yes, uke's are great. although I do hate you because you can actually hit those high notes. I'm sure you wanted to do more with this song but I love the indie minimalism of it, the uke has charm by the bucketload and the organ and th4e backing vox are all this needs to flesh it out, was that a shaker I could hear as well? always welcome. I'm gonna keep this, the 'twin sister' line is gold.

Flyparper Orchestra: aah yes, I can hear the crickets now, see the stars, and feel the wind in my....I'm just gonna sit down for a minute, urgh. Nothing like a drunken grope. classy

TMK: I'm sure there was somehting I wanted to say about my tune.......nah, it's gone.

General consensus is this was a good 'un, personally I'm pleased because the title encouraged lyrics about mutilation and masturbation, brilliant.
best: Glenn, Ryan, TGFTF
I'm probably gonna vote for Ryan
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Billy's Little Trip
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Submitting as: Billy's Little Trip, Billy and the Psychotics
Location: Cali fucking ornia

Post by Billy's Little Trip »

Furrypedro wrote: Little Bip: Billy's gonna slow it down a bit for us now.....but not for long, I was thinking the opening riff sounded a bit like Where Is My Mind played down an octave or two. It's cool, and the slow bits are cool cos they make it easier to hear your vocals, you do like your reverb don't you. I think I prefer the slower sections in this particular song, but I love the bit where it kicks in, when the extra guitar comes in with the drum rolls is ace.
Thanks furry. Yeah, I kind of hear the "Where is my mind" vibe. I am a HUGE Pixies fan, and Frank Black is one of the giants that I stand on the shoulders of, so it's quite possible some giant juice bled into my brain. But here's even a funnier comparison. When this one was done before I added the bass on the intro and listened to it a few times, Linsey said the intro sounded like that old Dylan song "Lay lady lay", you know the one about the big brass bed, LOL. So I had to go download it, and sure as shiz, the 4 chords kind of sound like it. Subliminal? I've obviously heard the song because I knew what he was talking about, but I don't listen to radio stations that would play that genre.
But here is the strange part. EightLeggedOedipus mentioned Dylan in his entry on this one. I think Song Fight is haunted. :shock: *whispers with fog in my breath* I see dead careers.
The one I'm working on now will be unplugged. Also it's being done with pro tools at my friends home studio, so I'm learning some new things on next weeks entry. I miss my 8 track already, but we'll see what you guys think of the recording and mix. You can actually hear what I'm singing. :P
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Post by glennny »

Georgia's Hand

I don't remember ever enjoying a fight so much from beginning to end. Every time a new fight comes up I do a little tweaking on the song order, this week I found it pretty imporatnt to move the Fly Paper Orchestra song out of where it came up alphabetically.
Before this fight was "released" I had a Song Fight day as I was working from home. I listened to every Paco Del Stinko track, followed by every Those Meddling Kids tracks, followed by every Melvin track. Sure enough all of these artists were represented in the fight.
Here we go:

Billy's Little Trip- This is my favorite of your 4 entries, but they're all very strong! I always get a Joan Jett vibe from the vocals. Something similar about the affectation. This is a great song. It reminds me of early 80's hard rock, especially the Runaways. Bass tone and bass line are fantastic. Everything is very well played, and well sung. Solo is tasty. This is a keeper. Love it!

Cranial Biffida- I really enjoy this. The female vocals are very necessary and balance the dark overlord vocals. The speed metal riffs are awesome. All the riffs are pretty rockin. I can't understand anything Satan is commanding me to do, but I always enjoy hearing his commandments. 3:20 is a perfect length, you say what you need to and it stays interesting. And it freaking rocks.

Cynthia Size & Eclectic Spoons- This song blows my mind.I want to hear more about Cynthia. What software is she? Is there a human input at all? Is it all software? Will robots take over the world? With such power I would probably do much wilder vocal melodies, however with this one I was fooled and thought your female friend Cynthia was using a vocoder. So other than the Cynthia business, this song is very ambient and beautiful and GOOD! I'm keeping this track. One of these days I really want to get Frippy over your Eno-ness. Wonderful!

Eight Legged Oedipus- Someone else say Cake? I love Cake. I love the guitar riffs, bass and drum tracks are very funky. Vocals are fantastic, very well performed. That fuzzy guitar solo does very little for me. It's soooo strong for the 1st 2:45 I'm a little surprised it doesn't end there. However the long outro allows me and my daughter to keep on dancing. It's a nice groove. Keeper!

Endless Attention Seeker- This is good! Very good! Harmonies are spot on. Guitar playing is solid with conviction. This is good folk. Love the vocals especially. Going from 8LO to this makes me feel like I'm listening to a Cameron Crowe or Wes Anderson soundtrack. This is a keeper.

Glenn Case- So this soundtrack progresses and here comes the single , the hit, the song you hear during the trailer. The pop genious of this reminds me of Paul Westerburg. I suspect that dwelling in Yacht rock and Hall & Oates lately have keyed you into some songwriting secrets. Extracting the pop quality of yesteryears AM radio and fusing it with modern indie sensibilities equals tough to compete with pop brilliance. So to nit pick, why not mike your acoustic guitar? It just sounds so Ovation plinky. Maybe some people like that sound. Your vocals are wonderful! There's a little more rasp/ passion in this track. I think this is my favorite of your recent flurry of songs. This is tough to beat. Although I have my usual OCD where I want to play lead guitar over it.

Jacob Lynn- It's great to let the pop power of Glenn Case dissipate into this charming little ditty. This unassuming song stands up with all these other great entries because it is so well written. The "oohs" near the end are brilliant! I'd totally want to cover this if I was back in my coffee shop days.

MC Paul Denyer- Very Ween, very cool. What a quirky riff. This is a great filler.

Melvin- One of my favorite Song Fighter's, and this is a very strong entry. I love all the guitar work. I think the melody is very catchy, and the song is very well crafted. Especially the background vocals. The bridge thing with the vocals doubling the guitar line is cooool! I think the bass line and drums are solid, but not as interesting as the vocals and guitars, may be that's as it should be. Those guitar bends over the "... left undone" at about 2:19 gives me goosebumps of "that's so brilliant".

Micosauded- The worst thing about this track is that it is so quiet, I have to run to my speakers and turn it up to hear what's going on. It's well worth it. The trinkling piano is very well played and tasteful. Piano makes the song for me. The guitar Gently Weeps bass line is is nice and restrained. Lot's of beautiful space in this track to really let the piano shine.

Minty Handy- Brilliant! Fantastic song-writing! With baritone vox this could be the Magnetic Fields. I have to go check out old Minty Handy stuff. I just love this. Actually there's something very Ray Davies about this also. This is a keeper and a contender. These may be the best lyrics of the fight, although maybe that's because I can hear them the most clearly.

Native Period- This is a beautiful little vibey piece. I like the breathy female vocals a lot. I want to hear them hold a note for a while but that never happens. This is sooooo quiet too. For so little going on, I think it would be stronger if it were shorter. It's still enjoyable at it's current length. I think the context of this fight serves it well.

Robots Do the Work- Great rock song. Vocals are very cool. Wow, this is probably the 15th time I've heard the fight and this is the 1st time I've noticed the keyboards. Good dynamics, nice song craft. Everything is very straight. Good stuff, won't be surprised if this takes it.

Ryan Rickenbach- Best vocal performance of the fight. The Elliot Smith strum pattern on the acoustic is done really well also. This is fantastic. I'm very jealous of the vocals. Wow, I never noticed that cymbol before this listen. I think I liked not noticing it better than noticing it. Wonderful song! I love the shift at 1:22 very Karma Police (for a minute there I lost myself). This is a contender, wouldn't mind losing to this at all.

Thank Glennny for the Frisbee- Hey I'm Glennny. This is again Frisbee's song. This was a very "pass it on" collab. Frisbee sent me his GnG of the song on that Friday night. Staurday I asked Ken to lay down some drums on Saturday. He was quite the gentleman, he said if all he was doing was drums he didn't need credit in the name of the project. Besides Thank Semolina Pilchards for the Frisbee is just silly. Anyway, Frisbee took off for Mexico after he sent me the track, Ken threw down his drum beats with no guidance and Sunday I had the track to myself without feed back from either of the 2. Frisbee still hasn't heard it as far as I know. It was quite a joy to give a Frisbee song the full treatment. You know I only recently heard the Melvin/Frisbee song. I wasn't in that fight. That was spectacular and this does sound reminiscent of it for sure. I listen to a lot of Melvin, I'd be lying if I said he was of no influence. In fact one of those riffs I do, I remeber thinking to myself as i wrote it "Melvin is going to love this". Not sure if it held true, but he seems to like the song. I'm totally stoked with the result of this track. It was great to play off of the Acoustic and Vocals and drums that were already there. I think everything compliments each other. BTW this was the hardest bass line I ever wrote and tried to record. I'm not sure you can really hear it, but I did the Will Lee playing "Walk on the Wildside" thing where you hammer on a double stop then slide one note up the neck and the other one note down the neck ending in another double stop. (it's at 0:28 for the 1st time). Anyway, i'm quite happy with and proud of my part of this track. I'm also quite impressed and pleased with these other guys. Hope you enjoy it!

Those Meddling Kids- I adore this track! This is the most interseting and artful music of the fight to be sure. There's some really beautiful space in this track too. This is a great journey of sounds that are woven together in a very clever way. This is the song that stops me in my tracks and grabs all of my attention. I love all of the twists and turns and dynamics, it's very original. That guitar tone at 1:31 is bad-ass! The little harmonic feedback thing is delightful too. Fantastic! Contender, keeper, impressive!

Wagaco- Best Wages to date, and it's ALL about Paco. Damn! The Paco stuff is so tight and rockin! This reminds me of the 1st Kiss album, this is the 1st time Ive heard the Ace Frehley you always claim to be emulating. Wages, you've got a great voice as usual, some of the performance is a little shakey, while the band is flawless your vocals sound a little unsure of where there going. I think with a little more time and a few more takes this would've taken the fight. I'd love to hear more of this collab. Don't get me wrong, as is this is ceratinly a keeper and contender and excellent! Good Show! (I still want to hear Paco's vox too though)

Zipleif- Well it would've been Zipline, but Martyr is in Europe. Sammy and I still craved our Tuesday night live jam fix. So I called up an old friend/singer/ songwriter/ guitarist/ producer etc... Leif Welch. We went up to his studio and approached the song just like we would as Zipline, however things were very different. 1st off, this was a headphone jam. Poor Sammy the jazz drummer melodic in his flurry and subtleness had to play V-Drums. There was some getting used to, only 3 sounds out of a piece of the kit instead of the infinite. I also went through Leifs Line6 thingy instead of my good ole miked tube amp. So as soon as Leif started singing I got chills, he's got a really powerful voice that just sounds great, especially when you're in the room with the guy. Also breaking from Zipline tradition, there were plenty of overdubs, done after Sammy and I left. I have the main solo, but all the other guitar noodling is Leif. I don't think I ever really pulled off the main riff. It was a single note line, but then I got ambitious and tried to do the same line in a Wes Montgomery octave kind of way. I was getting better at it but never got it the way I wanted it. The lyrics were "da da doo da da doo dah doot dah dah" on jam night, it was interesting to hear what Leif came up with. I like the mode change for the head of the song. I like the result a lot, but I won't argue that it's not cheesy.

Fly Paper Orchestra- Sounds like a hidden track, it is very drunken. I find it to be the perfect cap on a very strong fight. Cool stuff.

I have no idea how to pick a winner in this fight. I think it's anybody's fight. My favorites are BLT, Cyn&Spoons,8LO, Endless, GlennCase, Melvin, Minty Handy, Ryan Rickenbach, TGFTF, TMK, Wagaco........... all I didn't mention are great too!

Good job everyone!!!!!![/u]
Phillipso, Older Brothers, Semolina Pilchards, Zipline , Thank Glennny for the Frisbee, The Odoriferous Valley, The Worldly Self Assurance, Berkeley Social Scene, Very Gentle Knives, Daddy Bop Swing Set, GUNS, The Kraken Lives, Cavedwellers
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Billy's Little Trip
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Instruments: Guitar, Bass, Vocals, Drums, Skin Flute
Recording Method: analog to digital via Presonus FireBox, Cubase and a porn machine
Submitting as: Billy's Little Trip, Billy and the Psychotics
Location: Cali fucking ornia

Post by Billy's Little Trip »

glennny wrote: Billy's Little Trip- This is my favorite of your 4 entries, but they're all very strong! I always get a Joan Jett vibe from the vocals. Something similar about the affectation. This is a great song. It reminds me of early 80's hard rock, especially the Runaways. Bass tone and bass line are fantastic. Everything is very well played, and well sung. Solo is tasty. This is a keeper. Love it!
Oh hey, thanks for comparing me with a girl. At least she's a tough chick. But you know, we are both from Ohio. Maybe we sound alike because she's one of my illegitimate sisters. Is it wrong that I still want to boink her anyway? 8)
I find it interesting that I keep hearing that people like the bass lines I've been doing. I'm not a bass player and I play bass like a guitar except I'm cross picking the notes instead of strumming the chords. It does help drive the song, but it doesn't always work well with the drums. I do try to pop with the kick as much as I can, but you know how that goes. Our full band songs with my bass player Edgar are much better in my opinion, he really kicks ass on bass. If you go to my profile, there is a link to isounds and I have a few songs of the whole band if you're interested. Thanks for the comments Glenny.
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Ryan Rickenbach
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Post by Ryan Rickenbach »

glennny wrote: Ryan Rickenbach- Best vocal performance of the fight. The Elliot Smith strum pattern on the acoustic is done really well also. This is fantastic. I'm very jealous of the vocals. Wow, I never noticed that cymbol before this listen. I think I liked not noticing it better than noticing it. Wonderful song! I love the shift at 1:22 very Karma Police (for a minute there I lost myself). This is a contender, wouldn't mind losing to this at all.
Ahh, I was wondering when someone would call me for ripping that opening strumming pattern off. I'm sure Elliott heard it somewhere, too.

Funny you mention those two songs. I've been teaching myself piano since the summer and I can only play about 4 songs all the way through with vocals. Between the Bars and Karma Police are 2 of them. I suppose constantly studying the music of two extremely talented musicians makes your own music a little better.

I'll have reviews by Wednesday.
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Did Somebody Say V-Drums!!!!!!

Post by the_prisoner »

Ok, as Glenny said, I was playing a completely electronic drum set for Zipleif. Yes, I played electronic drums on a tune for the first time, and it was a strange experience. Rubber cymbals, what do I do with those things? At least the drum pads were ultra-sensitive, which also presented some problems too. Even my hi hats were made of rubber; extremely sensitive $500 rubber, but rubber nonetheless.

At least the sounds were excellent. And yes, the tune has some cheesyness, and it is way different from any other "Zip" track to date, but YOU all asked for some cleaner studio work and vocals, and dammit, that's what we gave you!

Yes, I had to tone my drumming way down, and we finally had our first song with overdubs, but I have to say, just playing regularly again, after years of not playing at all is just way too much fun! Thanks Glenny, Martyr, and Leif!

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Georgia's Hand has 3 aces.... what do YOU have?

Post by beatlebrent »

Billy’s Little Trip – It’s got a good pounding beat. The kind that forces your head to start bobbing up and down right to the rhythm of it all. Good performance and song and recording quality. And the break down leading into the heavier part rocks. The effects give it a very retro sound and feel. I dig it. Keep up the good work.

Cranial Biffida – Holy Freaky Movie Music, Batman! Other then wetting myself cuz I thought someone was gonna kill me, it had a very palatable sound even though it’s not mainstream radio friendly rock. Which is good. It’s one of those songs that could take a dude who’s never heard heavy rock, and make him like it.

Cynthia Size and the @eclectic spOOns – ElectroBliss. Clean recording, bit the writing is bit too abstract for my tastes.

Eight Legged Oedipus – Maybe you should poop out your demos more often. (reference to your “poopy demo” sub title) ‘cuz I think it sounds really good. Simplicity sometimes really knocks the song into my brain far easier then over-processed crispy tunes. I think it’s got a good fill. Totally dig the backwards snare. Keeps it smooth… I mean, smoove, yo.

The Endless Attention Seeker – Yer geetar is outa tune. But it almost helps sell the backwoods drunken feel of the song. I dig the harmony.

Flypaper Orchestra – Hey! Yer geetar is outa tune too! I’d say it almost helps sell the backwoods drunken feel of the song…. But you’re like the endless attention seeker after WAY too many shot o’ hard liquor. If I were drunk too, I might dig it. But I ain’t. Sorry.

Glenn Case – Very clean recording. Not a fan of the heavy chorus effect on the guitar hanging out in the right speaker on the quiet parts, but when everything kicks in, it has a Fender Rhodes sorta sound. Which is cool. Very radio friendly. It reminds me of some hit song from the 90’s… but I can’t quite place it. Maybe Counting Crows… Maybe Rembrandts. Not sure. The only thing I don’t like the double time drums at the end. Woulda kept the beat danceable.

Jacob Lynn - Dirty dirty song. Musically probably my favorite “one acoustic guitar” song.

MC Paul Denyer – Wesley Willis uses that vocal effect too. At least, he did before he died. Your casio sounds better then his though. Odd song.

Melvin – Ok, I’m getting really tired of all these perfectly recorded songs. It makes me wish my crap sounded better. I like the song. You never do any poopy songs. I really like that middle bridge part with the 3 part harmony and double-time drums right at the 1:11 mark. It adds some fun energy.

Mico Saudad – I wish the song didn’t take so long to get goin’… cuz it’s got a good retro jazz feel. But each layer is spaced too far apart; it makes the 4 chords get old quick. More layers would really help. Other then that, it was fun hearing a style you don’t hear much on here.

Minty Handy – I like this song a lot. But I kept waiting for things to “kick in” with heavier …something. But the harmony and organ really sell it.

Native – The quiet vocals are nice. I like the simple feel to it. The only thing I’d suggest is a pop filter, and a low end cut on the vocals.. .cuz they really hum on the low frequencies. But that happens when the mic boost is up as high as needed for your soft vocals. Other then that, good song.

Robots Do The Work – Very Modern Feel to the song. Very Radio Friendly feel. It’s structured just like what I’m hearing splashed on mainstream radio right now. Good work…. Or should I thank the robots? Since really, they do all the work.

Ryan Rickenbach – I like how the style of your song isn't so easily categorized. It’s palatable and flows well. I really like when you break away from those same two chords and wish it happened more.

Thank Glenny for the Frisbee – Wow! This is late 70’s powerpop. The song has a very sloppy analog feel to it, like my old 8-track stuff. But song wise… it’s my favorite. It actually made me sit up a bit straighter. I wish more music like this existed.

Those Meddling Kids – I had to take off the headphones. I LOVE stereo pans, hard pans and stuff, but it made me so dizzy with the headphones on. Too funny. Not my fav song, BUT there were so many changes and layers that I couldn’t break away. Instrumentally, there’s nothing stale about this song.

Wagaco – Decent rockin’ tune. Not my fav though.

Ziplief – Very 80’s pop. In effects and everything, except the time. It’s a bit too long for 80’s pop. I like some of those lead guitar parts. Some are too loud in the mix at times. But it’s got a very catchy chorus and intro riff.
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Post by Thanks For The Frisbee »

well im back from mexico and i must say that i really like what Glennny and Ken turned this song into. thanks you guys.
Thanks for the frisbee is on Spotify, iTunes, Apple Music ect.
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Post by MintyHandy »

although I do hate you because you can actually hit those high notes.
You're being generous, and I thank you for it. I'd categorize it as, er, standing near the high notes, poking them with my finger. And truth be told, I had to transpose it down four steps from where I wrote it. In retrospect, that should have been about 7...
Brilliant! Fantastic song-writing! With baritone vox this could be the Magnetic Fields. I have to go check out old Minty Handy stuff.
You, my friend, have just pushed me back into enthusiasm for my entry this week. I've been having a hell of a time recording it to my satisfaction, and was thinking about submitting as-is, but now I'm going to start over and see if I can get it right. Your enthusiasm is very much appreciated. As for the older stuff...I promise nothing. ;)

Oh, and now I can put "Brilliant! Fantastic song-writing!" on my first CD. Heh.
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Post by glennny »

Oh, and now I can put "Brilliant! Fantastic song-writing!" on my first CD. Heh.
You can even say "Brilliant! Fantastic song-writing!"- Glen Phillips not the Glen Phillips of Toad the Wet Sprocket
Phillipso, Older Brothers, Semolina Pilchards, Zipline , Thank Glennny for the Frisbee, The Odoriferous Valley, The Worldly Self Assurance, Berkeley Social Scene, Very Gentle Knives, Daddy Bop Swing Set, GUNS, The Kraken Lives, Cavedwellers
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Nigel (spOOn) Clements
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Submitting as: Nigel Clements, Accessory Twelve, @eclectic spOOns, Cynthia Size
Location: Spectrum HQ, Cloudbase.

Post by Nigel (spOOn) Clements »

Ziplief: Great 80's intro, then a touch MOR for my liking, I would have loved this to go all 'Skin Games' on me, but I'd give it full marks just for the intro.

Wagaco: Oh the promise, Oh the senseless waste! (oops! getting all Zackary Smith here), this is a really good track, put together by two really good songfighters, but this should be so much better (maybe my expectations were too high, but then I regard you both rather highly anyway), I hope you guys work together again, Wages you come up with something like you 'Wedding Song' entry and Paco you just go all Pacoish like you do with your solo entries, and you'd have a surefire winner!

Those Meddling Kids: I reckon yours is an aquired taste, and it's a taste I love, all swirly, and lots of stuff bundled into a nicely compact little ditty, British 'Indie' as it should be. Great!

Thank Glennny for the Frisbee: Always great, I'm becoming much more accustomed to your sound now, and can catch the little sublime moments far easier and quicker now, though never instantaneous, always a grower, by Tuesday I was singing along.

Ryan Rickenbach: delicious harmonies, just special, great construction, though took a while to grab me.

Native: is that Emily Rose? I like this loads, you really have to concentrate on tracks like these, then the lyrics just drag you in, absolutely superb.

Minty Handy: this is really sweet!, the ooohs are spot on, simple and good, the nicer lyrical moments seem tied together quite loosely, which is a shame.

Robots do the Work: Was expecting something else, the bass is really cool in these headphones, though not on my others??? vocals seem a little low in the mix, and really need to come out and make themselves heard.

Mico Saudad: Oooh dramatic, 1920's cinema music, the heroine has just found that her love has been abducted... ah shame, this is three songs in one, the jazzy tune is nice, and the vocals all seem to fit, but kind of pull in different directions... maybe it's just me!

Melvin: thas better Melvin, I was getting worried about you, this has a suppressed wedding present feel, and I'd love it to kick in after the 2nd verse and go all frantic, 'cause that seems to be where the vocals are taking it, backing vox are terrific!

MC Paul Denyer: Its knocking off time at the chocolate factory and the munchkins are up in arms because they didnt get their christmas bonus... great fun as always!

Jacobe Lynn: I love this when all the voices come in, up til then It was pleasant, but the multiple vocals used as backing harmonies is great!

Glenn Case: beautiful opening, this reminds me so much of 'Bowling for Soup' or 'Reel Big Fish' really cool song, and lyrically smart as always.

Flypaper Orchestra: sorry dude, this is quite aggravating for me, though that loose strung guitar is strangely appealing...

The Endless Attention Seeker: Very very White Stripes, which is good in itself, sorry everytime i hear this my mind wanders somewhere else and I mentally sing something else!

Eight Legged Oedipus: Oh what a fabulously open track, and that first verse is just pure gold, I could listen to this for hours, Brilliant and probable winner!

Cranial Biffida: Oh if only I could rock like you guys, I love your shit! this is just so much fun, deep, dark and jolly too!

Billy's Little Trip: A lot more stripped down than previous weeks, sounds really cool, but I just can't help expecting it to really take off everytime I listen.

Cynthia & spOOn: Hastily put together thing, that works on some levels... nuff said!

It's between Eight Legged Oedipus, Cranial Biffida and Glenn Case!

Post by hillbilly »

Hey Stink----you get around on that guitar pretty good.
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Ryan Rickenbach
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Post by Ryan Rickenbach »

8LO - Great hook at the beginning. This song has a good sound and I have a soft spot in my heart for erotic lyrics. This reminds me of Phantom Planet. I'm left wanting something else, though. Everything is well put together, but it's missing some kind of climax. (See what your lyrics have done?)

Cranial Biffida - This is not my kind of music so I think my review would be just about pointless. Some of the MIDI comes off very corny, though.

Minty Handy - Very nice, very simple, very catchy. I can see this opening up a comedy. You know, some guy gets up late, gets the paper, jerks off, opens up a welfare check, etc. I think this has a very good tune, but the songs needs a new angle. It's tinny sounding, I think that's intentional, but I'd like to hear a different arrangement.

Ziplief - This instantly reminded me of "Fast Times at Ridgemont High". Now it's reminding me of Bruce Springsteen, and I don't really like him. I could hear this at a bar somewhere. The words "rainbow" and "airflow" clash and compel me not to take the rest of this song seriously. Too long. Songfight usually frowns upon guitar solos because you have to be really well respected song writer for anyone to give a shit that you can play guitar solos. Every guitar solo I have ever played with the exception of one has been boring. Lead guitar skills is one thing, but making a catchy solo is a whole other skill.

Robots Do The Work - Sounds like a late 90's rock song. Not that that's a bad thing, but you know. The electric guitar sounds really good, really professional. The lead guitar leaves something to be desired. I mean it sounds good, but I wouldn't hum it walking down the street.

Billy's Little Trip - Listen to Sublime much? This starts off well, but doesn't go anywhere. I don't know what to say about this except it gets repetitive. I don't really like this kind of music either. Oh no, another guitar solo. Leave these out of songfight! This is another one that's a little too long.

Mico Saudad - I've been listening to jazz the last few weeks, so this song grabbed me as soon as the keyboards kicked in. This is just the length I'm looking for. I don't know what it is, but I really like this song. I wish I could play jazz piano. Your voice is a little goofy because I'm expecting someone with a honey rich voice to serenade me. But like I said, I've been listening to a lot of jazz, so I'm spoiled. I wish it was a cello instead of a electric bass guitar. Good job.

Flypaper Orchestra - Conor Oberst mildly retarded and/or insane.

Glenn Case - Well constructed song. Drums are a little busy. This is very John Mayer/Jason Mraz. This is a great song. There's something grungy that I don't like. I think it's the background guitar. I think if you left it purely acoustic, I'd love it. But I'm bias. I like your voice a lot, but I wish it was a little smoother for this kind of song. Gets too busy the last few seconds.

Melvin - You get a little flat sometimes. This reminds me of Cake. But it's too busy for Cake. Less drums, maybe? Great harmonies! Reminds me of Queen. Oh man, we still have a long way to go. And a guitar solo just kicked in. Maybe I'm just impatient.

Thanks Glen For The Frisbee - You need to do something with that electric guitar. It's distractingly bad sounding when it comes in. The tune is good though. You kept is short. Good job. If this had a better production it could be a hit.

Jacob Lynn - This is a good song. I wish the guitar had a gentler tone. This is my favorite kind of music. I don't need a lot to entertain except a catchy tune and some good lyrics. Good lo-fi stuff man.

MC Paul Denyer - I'm just curious to why you think that doing that to your vocals makes the song better. Who can tell if you have good lyrics? Because those would have been the only saving grace.

Endless Attention Seeker - I'm a sucker for southern lo-fi rock songs (forgive me if I'm wrong classifying you as this). Some of it reminds me of early Elliott Smith stuff with some Nirvana/Rolling stones thrown in. Ever heard of Leadbelly? You thought Johnny Cash was badass...I'm partial to this because you used 'eating out of Georgias hand' like my song.

Wagaco - This reminds me of Ween. I love the "oohs" and "aahs". You did a really good job with is. Your voice is flat sometimes, but the hook during the oohs is just cool. Great job harmonizing the guitars too.

Those Meddling Kids - Reminds me of some Radiohead B-sides I have. Woops, not anymore. It just changed direction. I don't like the voice. It doesn't blend with anything and there are too many elements for them to come together together well. Wow, just changed direction again. Sounds like a soundtrack for a bad action movie now. It just changed again. Ehh, not liking this so much.

Spoons - It reminds me of that synth-ed beethoven from a clockwork orange. It's not gentle enough to be relaxing, and not interesting enough to be remembered. Not my kind of music.

Native - I have a feeling that you have a stronger voice but you're being really breathy because you're trying to imitate a vocal style you admire. If this is you, congrats, you have a really gentle voice. It's too gentle for me to like it though. I like Revel Yth's voice better.

Me - I wish my electronic beats at the end were louder. This was the first song I produced without headphones, and it's made such a huge difference. One thing I've noticed is that I'm most creative while recording. My songs are usually boring until I start recording and ad-libbing into the mic. Does anyone else do that?

Just a suggestion for some people:

When I stopped trying to come up with extra verses and filler because my song was too short and said what I wanted to say without caring how long it was, I started getting better reviews. Don't use filler. Everyone picks up on it and no one really likes it.

My favorite's were:

8LO - The only song to paint a picture in my head
Minty Handy - Catchy and simple and not too long
Mico Saudad - A new sound that I appreciated
Glenn Case - Master of chord progressions
Wagaco - Clean sounds
Endless Attention Seeker - I just love this kind of music
Last edited by Ryan Rickenbach on Wed Dec 20, 2006 7:13 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Billy's Little Trip
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Post by Billy's Little Trip »

Ryan Rickenbach wrote: Billy's Little Trip - Listen to Sublime much? This starts off well, but doesn't go anywhere. I don't know what to say about this except it gets repetitive. I don't really like this kind of music either. Oh no, another guitar solo. Leave these out of songfight! This is another one that's a little too long.
Leave these out of songfight? Wow..........just wow! Is there a dress code here I missed? This has to be the most self centered thing I've ever seen a member say here at song fight. I'm sorry you don't like it, but there is plenty more just like it to come. Put on your ear plugs skippy. :mrgreen:
....oh, and thank you for the wonderful review.
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Ryan Rickenbach
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Post by Ryan Rickenbach »

Well, sorry if it came off self centered. There isn't a "dress code", it's just a bit of advice. It's your song and you can do anything you want with it.

Electric guitar solos, unless they are very good, are usually just filler and it seems like you're just showing off how you can play lead guitar. It's boring and it makes a song I already don't like less enjoyable.

How do I know this? Because I've recorded endless streams of crap on songfight and I have learned that long solos often earn you a bad review.

But by all means, continue recording them.
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Post by glennny »


PLEASE keep the guitar solos coming!

I think this is the classic fued in many rock bands between Vocalists and Guitarists. Not to reduce you to just a vocalist, but I think it's your strongest asset. So vocalists want everything to be about vocals/lyrics etc.
I'm in the guitarist camp obviously, I look most forward to the instrumental aspects of songs and especially the solo section when it comes.

I certainly don't speak for other songfighters, but when I was lured into SongFight it was because there was a "need" for guitar solos.


From your review I take it you won't be asking me to play some Johnny over your Thom in the next Radioheadish song?
It's distractingly bad sounding when it comes in.
Love your song, respect you as a musician, so I'm curious what "bad" means? Loud in the mix? Don't like the tone? Don't like the line I'm playing?


Phillipso, Older Brothers, Semolina Pilchards, Zipline , Thank Glennny for the Frisbee, The Odoriferous Valley, The Worldly Self Assurance, Berkeley Social Scene, Very Gentle Knives, Daddy Bop Swing Set, GUNS, The Kraken Lives, Cavedwellers
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Post by Ryan Rickenbach »

Haha, I suppose it is a vocalist vs. guitarist thing. I mean no offense by it.

Glenny, I went back to the song and I'm listening and I can't remember what I was talking about. I know I meant the tone, not the quality of the guitar playing. I write the reviews as I listen, and I think the sudden appearence of the distorted guitar put a bad taste in my mouth. I take it back.

Also, I'm usually a negative reviewer. I'm not trying to be "self centered", but when a review does nothing but praise, it doesn't help anything.

I dislike guitar solos in almost all of the music I listen to. Unless you're Jimi or Jimmy....

One more thing.

I never claimed to know one god damn thing about music and what would make it better. Most of my advice would probably make it worse. You should take my review as a grain of salt, unless you have the same taste in music I do.

I just write what I think as listen.
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Post by Billy's Little Trip »

Ryan, I appreciate the follow up on the subject. Everyone has their own musical taste, so it's a welcomed review. I just thought it to be odd to speak for the entire site because of your dislike for a sweet solo, or any other instrument or style for that matter. I have never been the type to be swayed from my person style that I've worked hard to develop over the years.
Also, the mention of Sublime is not even in the ball park. I don't listen to Sublime other than what I hear on the radio and to be honest, comparing me to Sublime is a huge put down to them, LOL.
But anyway, we're all here for pretty much the same reason, and I'll continue making music that comes from my soul, and I'll continue reviewing your music objectively. Because after all, it's all about the music. I've said it before and I'll say it again, I love original musical creations.
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Post by beatlebrent »

Heck, if Rone Rivendale can keep knockin' hit after hit into the cheap seats, then anyone can keep on playin' in song fight stadium, says I.

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Post by beatlebrent »

Besides, if you want some killer vocals, check this guy out. It's an audition tape from a guy trying out to sing at a Christian youth conference

Oh Holy Cow!

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Post by Steve Durand »

Ryan Rickenbach wrote:Oh no, another guitar solo. Leave these out of songfight!


What we need more of is trumpet solos. :D

Except, at Songfight!, the guitar guy always beats the trumpet guy over the head. :cry:

"Writing about music is like dancing about architecture" -Unknown
"Seems to me this is the point of Songfight" - Max The Cat
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Ryan Rickenbach
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Post by Ryan Rickenbach »

Ehh, everytime I make a generalization about songfight, I regret it.

But trumpet solos would be awesome.

I review on impulse, which usually doesn't carry much value. But the first thing that popped into my mind was Sublime.
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