
Post lyrics to your song fight entries. If you have lyrics in search of music, post those here in the Lyric Marte thread.
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Stable Diffusion
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Post by Reist »

Convalescence by Jolly Roger

There are not many people I would hate to be
I'll admit you're one of them as you can surely see
Every single step you take I'm sure to step the other way
But you can't hide from me no more
Yeah you can't hide from me no more

I'll admit my theory's just a little bit blurry, but I know this -
The approximate amount of life you get out of life is about how much you put in.
And if you sit there convalessing, and trying to heal your wounds
Then you'll find that you've just been stressing, and being pretty rude

There are a thousand choices you choose not to make
I'll bet my life you're faking it - you just want to take
Everything from the poor you don't want to work for
But you can't lie to me no more
Yeah you can't lie to me no more.

I'll admit my theory's just a little bit blurry, but I know this -
The approximate amount of life you get out of life is about how much you put in.
And if you sit there convalessing, and trying to heal your wounds
Then you'll find that you've just been stressing, and being pretty rude

Convalescence, what's your essence?
I want to get rid of you.
Convalescence, what's your essence?
Convalescence, what's your essence?
We want to get rid of you.

So get up, start pulling your weight, and maybe
Your life will be great.
MC Eric B
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Post by MC Eric B »

Convalescence - By MC Eric B

"We need to talk"
that's how the conversation began
those are never good words
uttered by a woman or a man

She told me she loved me
but in love she was not
that it was time to move on
we'd given it our best shot

Then to top it off
she said we could still be friends
and she'd come back later
to pick up her little odds and ends

I sat there stunned
taken completely by surprise
could feel tears of sadness
welling up in my eyes

The walls of my soul
began to crack and crumble
all I could do was respond
in a idiotic mumble

As she walked away
I just sat and stared
she'll never really know
how much that I cared

That she rocked my world
made my life complete
when I stared into her eyes
my heart skipped a beat

Now I'm all alone
in the darkness of night
only ashes remain
where there once was light


God help me
God help me through
this emotional convalescence
heal me and take away the pain
you give me comfort with your presence


Like that injured English Patient
all alone I convalesce
haunted by the memories
I tried so hard to repress

I move from room to room
take your photos off the wall
trying to make believe
you never existed at all

But everywhere I go
I still see your face
I hope the passage of time
gives me some breathing space

Will I get back in the game
and someday fall in love?
Will I walk through fire
when push comes to shove?

I know all this hurt
has only made me stronger
wallowing in self-pity
I can live with no longer

So I'll do what it takes
to regroup and recover
find my own way out
from where the storm clouds hover

Maybe tomorrow
will be a brand new day
the ghosts of my past
I will wash away

I'll breath in the air
and lay out in the sun
feel the peace of knowing
a new chapter's begun

God help me
God help me through
this emotional convalescence
heal me and take away the pain
you give me comfort with your presence

Lift me up
show me the way
help me to try to understand
when all hope dies and faith is lost
we just need a helping hand

[song starts to fade to the end]

God help me
God help me through
this emotional convalescence
heal me and take away the pain
you give me comfort with your presence


For more songs by MC Eric B visit <A HREF=""></a>
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Post by ephedream »

well, like I saiid, i din't look up convelessenc before I started reocrding, thought I knew wht it meant. turns out I was tinkng conjugal.

so,'s my lyrics.... :oops:

i take my lessons
in the bedroom
while you're watching me
watching you...

..put your hands on me
unzip my pants baby
aahhhh, goin' down on YOU.........

and body lessons
you won't be dressing
you're impressin' me

oh yah

and you corner me
when you call to me
and put my hand on me,
you like it that way

i take my lesson
which your dishin'
then we move to the garage
with tools and implements
for your body bends

i got one night to live
and you got one body to give.


I think thy stilll wrk ok.
pump it up!
Mr. Beast
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Location: New Hampshire

Post by jimtyrrell »

A lullaby for the condemned

Rest now while you can
The places you have been, we can't begin to understand
We have so many questions and we need you to be tough
There may be no answers but we'll ask you soon enough
So rest now while you can

Your race is all but run
And all they said in your defense was you knew not what you'd done
And when they settled on your unattended judgment day
They held you to a price you're not yet well enough to pay
So rest now while you can


I know you're getting better and I know you're asking why
You may see no reason but we need for you to try
So rest now while you can

In quiet convalescence 'til you're well enough to die
Rest now while you can
Steve Durand
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Instruments: trumpet, trombone, sax, clarinet, flute, keyboards, banjo, guitar, bass, ukulele
Recording Method: SONAR 6, Dell Inspiron E1705, Edirol UA-25, Studio Projects B-1 Mic
Submitting as: Steve Durand, Elastic Waste Band
Location: Anaheim, CA

Post by Steve Durand »


By Steve Durand

My girlfriend went to Reno
To play in the casino
I thought that she'd be gone for a week

But that little girlie
She came home early
And caught me with my pants down
So to speak

She was so jealous
She got overzealous
And attacked me in a fit of pique

She grabbed a kitchen knife
Causing me some strife
And performed an alteration
On my physique

Several hours later
On the elevator
After leaving the emergency room

The doctor said it's best
If you just get some rest
You won't get any action too soon

It isn't very pleasant
To be a convalescent
It's making me so bored I could shout

I'm in for the duration
Of rest and relaxation
At least until the stitches come out

In order not to damage
My reattached appendage
I've got to lay low for a while

Until I can recover
My status as a lover
It's really going to put
A crimp in my style

Having to be lazy
Is going to drive me crazy
'Cause all the nurses here are so hot

It's so frustrating lately
'Cause they all want to date me
And I can't even use what I got

It isn't very pleasant
To be a convalescent
When all the girls are asking me out

Despite the invitation
I must resist temptation
At least until the stitches are out
"Writing about music is like dancing about architecture" -Unknown
"Seems to me this is the point of Songfight" - Max The Cat
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Post by PipeFist »


Throw it out the window
Just toss it out to sea
It might just come back
But do you really want to be

There when it returns and burns up everything that you have earned
That feeling that recedes impedes and generally keeps a-you weak
You're definitely dead finitely when you're under ever-nightly urgency
Well then you find you're blind and stifled and it seems that life is no peach

So drop it by the wayside
Just leave it at the door
You'll feel much better
When you do I always find that your

Convalescent effervescence reassures me things are not bad
Y'know these caustic diagnostic signs that you had lost it were wrong
So do not believe the things you see that say you have to be sad
Life is not a peach but each must do his best to sing his own song
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Caravan Ray
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Location: Toowoomba, Queensland

Post by Caravan Ray »

by Caravan Harriet and the Embarrassing Parent

I'm not going to daycare today
I'm gonna stay at home
My Dad's gonna take the day off work
So I'm not all alone

I got a funny tummy and my nose is runny
My temperature 38.3
I'm gonna spend the day at home and Dad's gonna stay with me.

Cough cough
Sniffle sniffle
Cough cough
Sniffle sniffle

But if I rest and take my medicine
Tomorrow, I'll be good as new

All the other kids at daycare wil be laughing, running, singing all day long
But I'll just stay at home and rest and watch TV and maybe write a song,
With my Dad

I'm not going to daycare today
I'm not going to daycare today
I'm not going to daycare today
I'm gonna stay at home
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Post by Zoosneakers »

This is the scariest place I've ever been
A nightmare dream where I don't fit in
Pinned behind a wall in an alley full of holes
I look to the sky for convalescence

Affirmative, Blackhawks en route. Keep your heads down, boys, convalescence with a C coming.

I've seen little children die
I've seen their mothers cry
I'd run and hide but nowhere's that's safe
So I fold my hands and pray for convalescence

Red Delta team, your coordinates are received. Got some iron coming your way, delivering convalescence.

Rolling down this dusty road
Not a drop of water for miles
This is no place to die, this is no place to die
Should I ask my creator, should ask my soul?
For the touch of convalescence

Blackhawk gunships are in the air. We are releasing the hounds with convalescence.
When that smoke clears, Alpha, you should see nuthin' but daylight, over?
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Billy's Little Trip
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Location: Cali fucking ornia

Post by Billy's Little Trip »

by Billy's Little Trip

Sitting by the window
In your wisdom chair
Fresh baked lobotomy
Silly stare

Today is visiting day
Everyone will tell you, you look great
You'll look at them with a great big smile
It never leaves your face, not even for a while

You can feel it
The flies are swarming
And you know it
Your time is coming
But it's ok
Fresh effervescence
It's a nice day
Leaving convalescence

They know with one look, that you were once cool
By the hole in your septum and your wrinkled tattoos
Can't read what they say, but you know what they mean
Flames and skulls will put you at the scene

You can feel it
The flies are swarming
And you know it
Your time is coming
But it's ok
Fresh effervescence
It's a nice day
Leaving convalescence

-ending verse-
Sitting by the window
with a drooling smile
Last edited by Billy's Little Trip on Thu Feb 01, 2007 10:57 pm, edited 3 times in total.
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Post by SteveHandPuppet »

by Steve Hand Puppet and His Poorly Considered Solo Effort

I knew you'd come to see me
I never doubted that
But I never dreamed you'd wait so long

Now I'm new best friends with the ceiling
and together we're peeling back
the layers of the harmony of our lost song

The stolen hours
in the dark and smoke and noise
you gave what you could but I wanted more

My body's broken
but I know I'll survive the pain
because I've been through a longer convalescence before

I don't know why I think of you
after all these years
We had no regrets
and not many tears

You no longer sell your dreams
but I managed to buy my share
compared to mine your's always were so bright

Everything has a time and a place
and ours is not here or now
you were a shooting star in my darkest night

The stolen hours
in the dark and smoke and noise
you gave what you could be I wanted more

My body's broken
but I know I'll survive the pain
because I've been through a longer convalescence before
Bums of Portrero Love The Hand Puppets.
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lyrics by ross durand

Post by Ross »

By Ross Durand

It all starts with a light head
And a sharp pain
Right in the middle of your chest
You catch yourself and try to rest
You slowly lose all sensation
Your vision blurs, you sweat, you get short of breath -
That's how I felt the day you left

But I think I'm getting better now
Time heals everything
I stopped waiting for the phone to ring
A little time can do me good, and how
A little time till I can walk again
A little time till the light comes in
And I think I'm getting better now

I stayed in bed and I didn't each much
I spent a lot of time trying not to cry
And then I'd wonder why
But my heart beat and my lungs breath
And bit by bit my blurred eyes learned to see
That there's more to life than you and me


They say that that doesn't kill you
Will only make you strong
That sounds good to me
'Cause I've been weak for way too long

It took awhile for me to gather
The broken pieces of my heart
And put them back together
But I think I'm getting better now
Cause you broke my heart and you walked away
I guess I'm the one who lived to love another day
That's what my doctor's say

"I don't like this song, but at least it's good." - veGetar Ianra Ge
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Post by spinlock »

by SpinLock

He threw the last letter away
It was finally ending today
Her final barbs had been removed
He was still stinging from those wounds

He locked the door, pushed the key through
And set off to do something new
He was free of her spell,
released from her curse - he had fired the nurse

Cos he could keep getting better
keep getting better
He could do it on his own
He could make it alone
He would keep getting better
Keep getting better
She'd gotten in his mind
But now he was feeling fine
He would keep getting better.

He was infected by her smile
It stopped him from thinking for a while
Intoxicated by her scent,
It followed him wherever he went

Her voice seemed gentle and benign
When he took her out for the first time
But now she whines and hates
He's tired of her tears
He's covering his ears - cos he can


She told him everything to do
How to think, how to dress, how to talk to you
She stopped his friends from coming by
But never gave him a reason why

She sold his car, she cooked his meals
But never once asked how he feels.
He'd done being a child,
He left the lunch behind, cos he made up his mind - that he will


She's a spider
She's a spider
And she spun him in a web
But he's broken free
And got his own
Ideas in his head - that he will


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jeff robertson
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Location: Illinoiss

Post by jeff robertson »

by Flvxxvm Florvm

I know about your accident
I hope that you feel better now
I am right here beside you
following your progress.

We know that we can't do without you.
We know we really need you now.
That's why we're so interested
in your convalescence.

I was with you all time
you know I saw it all go down
baby don't you worry
about the stuff you can't remember

We are gonna help you now
Gonna make you better now
Gonna make you faster and
stronger than ever.

Know that you have been perfected.
Know that you're a killer now.
Forget about the past
and the time you were defeated.

We are gonna take 'em on.
We are gonna kick some ass.
We are gonna win the fight
after your convalescence.
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Post by Eidolon »

by Eidolon

I was planning to get better
I was planning everyday
but I love procrastination
in the most unhealthy way

and I struggle through the mornings
and then I struggle through my days
for my planned convalescence
is just wearing me away

I think I'll take my time here
there's no need for rushing things
even though I will recover
for now I'll linger with my pains

and I struggle through the mornings
and then I struggle through my days
for my planned convalescence
is just wearing me away

I feel I like my home here
all things clean and orderly
so much communication
all these letters of sympathy

and I struggle through the mornings
and then I struggle through my days
for my planned convalescence
is just wearing me away
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Post by wages »

Atonal Coil Bros.
Vocals, guitar, chorus drums, poor mixing = Wages
smooth keys = Heuristics Inc
great bass lines = Billy's Little Trip
verse drums = loop

with every note that I been wailin'
every word you hear me sayin'
every unnecessary feelin'
I'm tellin'...
you're not gettin'..
the meanin' of ...

how is your time spent?
I don't know where my healin' went

you think I'm livin' in a day dream
your thoughts just make me want to scream
all these places where I have been
I'm not concerned...
I'll keep it earnest...
in a place with...


Well its up to me whether to love you
I could even try to make do
and I wonder how it'll look to you
it'll take some time...
I'll have to rhyme...
I just need...

Wages - Hoglen & Wages - The Affirmative Mention - Gawking Urethras - The EAF - and more
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