May 29, 2007

Complain about your schedule. Apparently people like that sort of thing.
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May 29, 2007

Post by Niveous »

Nothing of real interest has happened to me yet this morning but I wanted to start off the roll call regardless.


Question of the Day
What was the worst date that you ever went on?

For me, it happened when I went out with a lovely russian girl named Olga. It was about our 6th date and things had been progressing pretty well. We decided that that night we were going to consummate our relationship, so we bought a box of condoms. And then we decided that we were going to travel down to the beach for our rendevous. We hopped on a train, travelled for about an hour and when we got there we found out that the store had sold us an empty box of condoms. That was a mood killer. Yeah.
"I'd like to see 1984 redubbed with this in the soundtrack."- Furrypedro.
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Post by jimtyrrell »

Nice day here in the Granite State. Sunny and 70. I got a new computer, and after work I'll be attending to that. No shows until Friday.

QOTD: My worst date was probably Senior Prom. I had just been in a dirt bike accident a few days earlier. The doctor described my condition as a bruised epididimus. More like a bruised inseam. Uncomfortable, let's call it.

I was completely useless for all practical purposes. Between injury and medication, I was unable to dance, and there was no chance of any kind of post-game. I think my date left with her friends, and I sat by myself, smoking Camel Lights, full of codeine, picking at a plate of swordfish.
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Post by Heather. Redmon. »

My day has only just begun, not much has happened yet.

This weekend, to re-cap, was fun. I felt like we were on an HGTV design show. We put up curtains in the living room, I took down all of the old plastic mini blinds on the porch and put up 12 bamboo shades, rearranged the furniture in the living room and made pillows for the couch to match the curtains. We have also gathered paint chips and are planning to paint the living room and dining room in the near future!

We recorded vocals for Nur Ein last night and I was up til 1:30. I’m tired! The song turned out great! I heard a rough mix this morning and I can’t wait to hear the final version.

I’m drinking coffee this morning – work coffee, even… so this is testimony to my state of tired. It has Swiss Miss sugar free cocoa mix in it though to kill the work coffee flavor.

Now on to the QotD:

Well, I haven’t really “dated”, ever. I went from steady boyfriend to steady boyfriend until I met Phil. Other than getting thrown out of my asshole ex-boyfriend’s car because we were fighting and having to walk home, I’d have to say that the worst date Phil and I ever went on was Henry Rollins Spoken Word at the Pantages Theater in the middle of January. The show was great and all, but afterwards we were hungry. We drove around for a while and finally decided on Divanni’s for some pizza or something. We pulled into the parking lot behind the restaurant and parked without checking the sign. When we finished our food and were ready to go, our car was gone – towed. It was freezing and late and we had no way to get to the impound lot. We had to call Phil’s dad to drive us there. $200 dollars and near frostbite later, we had our car back. Terrible!
jack wrote:heather is the hardest working mom on songfight (in addition to being arguably the rockinist chick....).
Listen to our music!
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Post by Rabid Garfunkel »

Good weekend. Spent the whole thing with my girlfriend... correction, soon to be wife (can't remember how to spell the french-y word--is it a dangly off the c or a dingley on top of the e?--and am finishing off the evening's wine whilst waiting for the morning's coffee to brew, so I ain't all that chuffed about looking it up), like I said, a good weekend. Not looking forward to a day at the office surrounded by the grey people after three days of such color and brilliance.

Worst date: "True Stories" (1986). She fell asleep. In the theater. In the front row. (Okay, at least she had the decency to fall asleep on my shoulder.) Wish I could've too. That movie, ugh, not so good.
Last edited by Rabid Garfunkel on Tue May 29, 2007 9:52 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: May 29, 2007

Post by Hoblit »

Niveous wrote: Question of the Day
What was the worst date that you ever went on?

travelled for about an hour and when we got there we found out that the store had sold us an empty box of condoms. That was a mood killer. Yeah.
That sucks. Sorry dude.

My worst date happened about three years ago. This girl named 'jen' contacted me via Yahoo Messenger (1st red flag). I THOUGHT she was this regular chatter in a chatroom I monitored for work at the time. A Jen that I had recently befriended on a casual level. So I treated her as if I knew her and before I knew it I had agreed to a date...only later realizing that it was not in fact the same person. Now suspicious I asked for a picture exchange.

Seperate paragraph because this is where the magic happens. She sent me a somewhat professional pic of her wearing black. (red flag number 2) I could see in the pic she was a bigger girl but I played along. I had already agreed to the date and I was trying not to be shallow. Later we chatted with video... her video was dark and of course just from the head up. (red flag #3) I could again see from the video that my situation was progressively getting worse. BUT, I had already committed myself to this night out.

The date: I show up at her door (all the way in St. Petersburg) and her roomate opens the door and calls for her. This is the moment I realized that I had made a huge mistake. (never mind the pun) Ok people, I've had friends who were overweight, hell I could probably lose a few pounds... I've even date girls who were not exactly skinny minnies... HOWEVER, this girl was very very huge. I mean, unhealthly so. I mean this girl was over 300 lbs. When she waddled over to the door I knew that no matter how short this date was, it was going to be too long.

We settled on a Coffee House where she ordered a french soda. This is soda with sweet syrups AND cream. She wasn't even trying. We talked for a long time because I didn't want to go anywhere else and it was a convenient way to waste/spend time. I took her home, hugged her and left. Never saw her again. She messaged me once or twice, I politely turned down her advances. She took it well.

Sorry about the novel. But that DATE is etched in my memory forever. If I'm not mistaken, I think Glenn Case called me in the middle of that date.
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Post by Phil. Redmon. »

Yep, Nur Ein is in and I'm stoked!

Last night, while I was waiting for Brian's vocals, I watched a bunch of Heathers clips on YouTube. Now I'm trying not to say "Fuck me gently with a chainsaw" in front of the kids.

They're eating Peachy Bramblemash right now. (Peaches too soft to hold mixed with crumbled golden grahams. You know, slob cobbler.)

And, my QOD = Heathers, for SURE.
hoblit wrote: She took it well
Prove it!
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Post by Bjam »

Today was pretty good. A beautiful 75 degree, sunshiney day. I got to spend about 1.5 hours outside during lunch and then into art starting my watercolor landscape. The only downside is that I was looking at bright white paper in the bright light so I got pretty headachey. I finished my essay for college apps, so I gave it to my English teacher to read and revise. I need to think of some good American inventions/innovations for school tomorrow.

My worst date? I was out with a guy and we decided to go to dinner. I liked him, but I wasn't crazy for him. Anyway, we get to the place and order food. We were there for just over an hour, and he went to the bathroom four times, each time for about ten minutes. So for 2/3 of the date he was in the bathroom. Then once we paid for dinner(which he didn't offer to pay for, despite bragging in the car about getting a huge bonus at work) he drove me straight home, said goodbye, and drove off. Needless to say, when he asked for another date I politely declined :P
Songfighter since back in the day.
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Post by jack »

hey hoblit, i think i remember you telling me about that date when it happened. i'm pretty sure i in fact encouraged you to "go for it" even.... :)

my worst date. i'll have to think on that one.

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Post by WeaselSlayer »

I bought tickets to see the Hidden Hand (Wino's new band, his previous bands including Saint Vitus and The Obsessed!) on Valentine's Day because my girlfriend is the one woman I've ever been involved with who not only didn't laugh her ass off at my metal obsession but turned out to be obsessed herself. Anyway, I'd bought tickets about 2 months in advance, but I was nervous as to whether or not the show was 21+. There was no indication ANYWHERE that there was. I checked about 100 times, so did she. Valentine's Day rolls around and it's just snowed a mega-fuck-ton. The show's somewhere in Alphabet City, so we're hoofin' it because there are no trains nearby. We finally get there, and it's a bar but the venue is downstairs, isolated from the bar. Kind of like the Bowery Ballroom in reverse, except they aren't fucking DICKHOLES at the Bowery Ballroom. So some greasy dude in leathers with a fuckmook look on his face says "ey ey whoah wait a second, I need to see some ID." Fuck a bunch of liquor laws, man. To add insult to injury, Wino was like THREE FEET AWAY FROM US just hanging out. I should have just told him what was up, but he'd either come to my aid or just kick my ass for no reason.

Anyway, today is looking to be another ho-hum miserable day. I'm actually missing New York here in Tucson. My job sucks, my memory card on my ps2 got erased somehow, and there ain't no beer in the fridge. Shucks.
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Post by fluffy »

Trying not to fall asleep at work. Still recovering from my sinus infection, plus also the fact I stayed up late finishing Super Paper Mario (for shame).

I don't really have a good answer for the question of the day since I can't really think of many "dates" I've been on (just dinner and a movie with people I was interested in and nothing ever came of it). Nothing disastrous has ever happened, anyway, aside from ennui and/or malaise.
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Post by sausage boy »


Our 'helper' guy, Nick, is in today. He does odd jobs of the design nature, helping ease workloads, doing flyers and such, that kind of thing. He's about 35 years old, and today I get to boss him around. I always feel odd giving orders to much more experienced people than myself.

PP Bradshaw came back yesterday afternoon. There was an 'issue' with his hands and his clothing colours. So I have redrawn his hands (to be honest, I was feeling completely uninspired, and ripped off some hand gestures from Penny Arcade comics) and recoloured his clothing (this part wasn't too hard, I set up my illustration files so they are easy to change). So, he is back to proof now.

Worst date I ever went on? To be perfectly, perfectly honest, I have only ever been on a handfull of dates. Maybe... six or seven. One with this girl when I was in high school, the rest with Legs. All have been good. Have I missed out on something?
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Post by Billy's Little Trip »

A tired day for me.
Lots of partying over the 3 day weekend.
I managed to get my Nur Ein song in on time
I like it, but it might offend some palates
Things didn't come out as I planned, but it all worked out
I kind of took the day off
Just phone calls from my home office, etc
Tomorrow will be pay back

I can't remember. I don't think I've ever had a bad date because I've always known any girl that I've been out with and friendships just kind of evolved. So I've never had a blind date or anything like that.
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Post by king_arthur »

Add me to the list of songfighters who have never been on enough dates to have had a particularly bad one. This really can't be... coincidence, can it? This just goes with the territory, right???

So maybe my worst date story would be from when I flew to Wichita for my sort-of girlfriend's high school graduation and somebody brought her a big bouquet of flowers, which set off her allergies, causing her to take an antihistamine that knocked her out for the rest of the evening.

I made Irish Onion Soup for dinner and it had Guinness in it and then I had a couple glasses of a rather disappointing Chilean chardonnay, and betwixt the two... well, I'm not JB drumk or anything, I'm just... just at that point where you think about it later on and you wish you could feel that way again...

I came up with a lyric for Sugar Shaker, and even turned on the cable TV "dance" music channel for a while today and I have something in the works for next week. I'm sure the part II challenge will be entirely beyond me, but I'm having fun with the song. I, too, was inspired to some degree by Rone the Barbarian's dreams of cradle robbery.

Yeah, sometime tomorrow when I'm totally depressed about my life I'm gonna be goin', "now, what did I do that I felt so okay about myself last night???"

King Arthur out.
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Post by Heather. Redmon. »

I went to the grocery store after work today and got some of the usual stuff like bananas, but I also got the fixin's for home made hummus. We're having a pot luck tomorrow at work so I broke out the food processor and whipped up a double batch. It's yummy and extra garlicky. I'm not sure if the people at work will like it, but that just means more for us!

Phil, being the sweetest husband on earth, volunteered to do my laundry that I didn't get to over the weekend. I haven't gotten a load together yet thanks to hummus making and talkin' on the phone with said husband. I really should go to bed, I've been awake too long. I'm pretty sure I'll be able to put together something to wear with what I have clean... I hope.
jack wrote:heather is the hardest working mom on songfight (in addition to being arguably the rockinist chick....).
Listen to our music!
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Post by Spud »

Now I don't usually make long posts in this thread, because, well to be honest, I think the whole thing is kind of ridiculous. But be that as it may, I am going to go ahead and tell you about my day.

Actually, it's about my week really, because I've been working on a deadline at work for over a week. It's for a competition that was due a week ago last friday, and I was supposed to send in something I have been working on. I missed the deadline, but there was a late deadline last tuesday, and I missed that too. I guess they really wanted me to enter (just kidding), because they extended the whole schedule out a week, and my boss called and said, let's really get that thing in now, PLEASE. So I have been working on it all week. I missed friday's deadline, so today was my last shot. I checked with the post office and they closed at 5:30. My final deadline was established.

On of my problems is that my favorite piece of software (the one in which I do all my 3d modeling) doesn't want to run on my new laptop. Thank you Microsoft. I finally, recently, found a DOS emulator for gamers on which it runs perfectly, even in the weird VESA modes and all, because it actually emulates a 486, including running at 486 clock speed! Hahaha. That means the software runs on my computer, but it is as slow as hell.

Anyway, I was rendering up the drawings over the last few days - each one took about 8 hours - and the last one was started at 3 o'clock this morning. Unfortunately, it was taking longer than 8 hours, because the drawings were progressive, and this one was the finished thing - the most complicated.

I went ahead and processed the rest, did all the writing and layout, putting them on pages, etc., while I waited for this last one to finish. At 4:30, I picked up my (running) laptop and headed into the office to print the pages, bind them, turn them into a pdf, and burn them onto a CD (competition required both paper and electronic submissions). However, I had to wait for the final drawing to make the last print, convert to pdf, and burn the CD.

At 5:10, it was still not done, so I grabbed it anyway, quickly touched it up in freehand (it was a line drawing), printed, bound, converted, burned, stuffed it all into an envelope, added postage (good thinking), and headed off to the post office at 5:20.

I got there at 5:33. The desk area was locked.

Fortunately, there was a package drop outside the locked area with a sign on it that said "packages left afte 6:00pm will be postmarked with the next day's postmark". PHEW. Mission accomplished.


A friend of mine in architectural school set me up on a blind date to a sorority dance with a friend of hers. I had only been on one blind date in my life, set up by my mom, and it was the second worst date ever (to this one), but this was a triple blind date so I figured it couldn't be that bad. It was.

I showed up at the sorority to pick up the girl and she shoved a "boutineer" at me. I had not brought a corsage. I had never been to a sorority dance before. The boutineer sat in the car between us all the way to the dance, and I never put it on. She never talked to me the entire evening, although I split the cost of the dinner with the other two guys.

The only positive note was that the other two girls were a hoot, and one of them turned out to be best friends with the woman that would eventually become Octothorpe's "Crash". I ran into Amy (who I had recently met) at the dance and told her what a horrible time I was having. It may have contributed to her asking me to the next dance, which was one of my best dates ever, so no pain no gain, I suppose.

Anyway, with that single exception, the entire evening was a total disaster. Turns out the girl had JUST broken up with her long-time boyfriend, and I was a temporary and unwelcome replacement for one date, foisted on her by her friends. She had no interest in me whatsoever, even before the corsage issue. They got back together the next week, and got married a year later.

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Post by fodroy »

May 29 was about two days for me.

It began in Bangkok, where it is the future. The year there is 2550. Then at 1 am we started flying north to Seoul and then east to Atlanta and then north to Indy. Then I drove 5 hours to my parents' house in Michigan where it is 2007. It was a very long day. I am very tired.
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Post by Leaf »

Today when I crossed the ferry to where I work, I got in my car that I keep on the other side, started it up , went to leave... and it...stopped...working.

Some stole my gas that I put in the day before.

So I didn't go to work.

Worst date? Hmmm. I don't think I can think of one really.
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Post by Ross »

Today I got to be a college professor.

Today the new Nur Ein! songs are up.

Smalltown Mike was my guest vocalist, how cool is that?

Worst date - I can't possibly go through teh whole story here.but...

Eileen O****s (just in case she ever google-s herself) - all girls catholic school winter formal - called me the night before, her date had cancelled, she had to go because she was on the committee (she could have gone stag, I later found out) - she drove, I was too young to drive - the guys "went to the bathroom" more than the girls; together - while slow dancing - she could have picked her right ear with her left hand - tried to walk me to the door - we were in a play together (the Flower Drum Song) where her character had an unrequited love for mine - never looked at the photos.
"I don't like this song, but at least it's good." - veGetar Ianra Ge
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