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Posted: Wed Jun 06, 2007 8:02 pm
by king_arthur
Our current foster dog, Tanner, finally available for public viewing! ... 1181185019


The photos in his gallery that aren't all out of aspect are ones I took. That pink elephant pretty much sums him up!


Posted: Wed Jun 06, 2007 8:16 pm
by Heather. Redmon.
I totally want that dog! I'm not even a dog person, but he seems great! Our kids are still a little young, but he seems like he has a great "person"ality. He's so freakin' cute too!

Posted: Wed Jun 06, 2007 8:17 pm
by sausage boy
Caravan Ray wrote:..."G'day luv, want me to come over tonight? Or are you still up on blocks?...(pause) know, is the Red Baron still flying about?...Ahh fuck it then...I'll see you next week"
I love that one, The Red Baron. I remember Mick Molloy using that phrase on MartinMolloy once, in a skit for Male Tampons.

We have... three TVs at home. And 4 computer screens. And 2 DVD players, 2 CD Players, and 8 drives that read DVDs or CDs. And two ZIP drives. Yeah, you heard me, ZIP Drives!

Today looks a little crazy, Laurie (the ad rep for Forests & Timber) has sent me around 30 ads to do in the last two days. And the paper goes into production today. Way to go, dipstick! Thats not inconvenient at all! What have you been doing for the last two weeks, buddy!? Its a good thing he is over in Melbourne or I'd put the boot up him.

Posted: Wed Jun 06, 2007 8:30 pm
by fluffy
Do the Zip drives still work? I'd have thought they'd have succumbed to the click of death by now.

A few years ago while I was cleaning out my closets and getting rid of stuff I didn't need anymore I came across my old SCSI zip drive and my cache of disks. Surprisingly it still worked. I looked at what was on the disks. One was labeled "large .wav files." The largest one was something like 800KB.

Posted: Wed Jun 06, 2007 8:33 pm
by Bjam
I have an awfully sore throat so I've gone around sounding like a grizzly bear all day. Not good considering I had to give two presentations today. :( In health we learned how to do testicular cancer checks. With prosthetic testicles. It was, uh, super awkward. Especially considering there are only about 8 people in the class, and none of us know each other that well. But at least it was the last time I have to take a health course at high school, which is nice.

The cookies I baked for an honor society meeting went down super well. Everyone loved them and didn't believe that they were home-baked. :) I managed to control my first meeting as president, and we got a lot done, despite me coming out of it sounding like a grizzly bear from talking so much and so loudly.

I had to fill out a questionnaire dealie for the guidance department today, and it reminded me a bunch of the QOTD questions. "What are the first words or phrases that come to mind to describe yourself? Optimistic, fun, polite, sleepy, funny(looking), sentimentalist".

As for this QOTD, we probably have four TVs(my room, parents room, living room, basement/brother's room) and three DVDs(my room, living room, basement/brother's room).

Posted: Wed Jun 06, 2007 8:37 pm
by fluffy
Butbutbut they were prosthetic testicles. How can that be awkward?

Posted: Wed Jun 06, 2007 9:21 pm
by Tex Beaumont
fluffy wrote:Butbutbut they were prosthetic testicles. How can that be awkward?
The whole scrotal area can feel quite tender for some time after the surgery.

Posted: Wed Jun 06, 2007 9:54 pm
by Billy's Little Trip
Prosthetic testicles? Things sure have changed through the year. We had to squeeze the Priests coin purse to learn how to check for testicular cancer.
.....I still don't know what that had to do with church, but it must have been important, because every time a kid would squeeze it, he said "Oh God". :?

Posted: Wed Jun 06, 2007 10:29 pm
by WesDavis
Yo, folks.

I live with 4 other dudes, and we have, between us, 3 TVs, countless DVD players, and one roll of toilet paper.

Today was a good day. Woke up around 11:30 after falling asleep while working on my Songfight entry at 4 AM, worked on said song for about 5 hours and submitted it, hoping it would be entered, despite being so late, and then went to a show. Had some beers, enjoyed some music, and got a free CD from one of the bands' bassist. All in all, an enjoyable evening. 9/10

Posted: Wed Jun 06, 2007 10:59 pm
by HeuristicsInc
Everybody wants prosthetic testicles on their real testicles!

Posted: Wed Jun 06, 2007 11:06 pm
by WesDavis
HeuristicsInc wrote:Everybody wants prosthetic testicles on their real testicles!

Posted: Wed Jun 06, 2007 11:07 pm
by sausage boy
fluffy wrote:Do the Zip drives still work? I'd have thought they'd have succumbed to the click of death by now.
Last I checked they were working fine (maybe 6 months or so now). I remember the Macs at TAFE having the click of death, but they got the shit beaten out of them by know-nothing TAFE students. In fact, I think I still have one of my original zip discs from TAFE, 7 years old now, and it still works. You just have to take a little care in how you handle them.

Now, of course, I can get a 2GB flash drive, and they are infinitely more robust. And they aren't even $50 per disc or whatever, they are giving that shit away in Corn Flakes and stuff now.