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Niche Seafood Restaurant (All Skate Reviews)

Post by Future Boy »

New Album: Comes Apart | Missed Connections | With Johnny Cashpoint: A Maze of Death | modular synths on Youtube
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Post by j$ »

David Over - I hate waltzes, I have decided, so I guess you're not on a winner right off the bat. Or rather, I think you might be, just not with me. Well produced, and nowhere near as 'rushed out' as your last couple of entries have been. It's a good song. The rhythm feels a little synthetic and stodgy. Not that that's a bad thing but it doesn't quite have the swing that I would like from a good waltz. About a minute too long, me thinks, for the lyrical idea. But good.

Jay String - is me, with Me$$iah adding some cool guitar.

Outbax - hey great bass sample & cute backing vocals. Lyric seems more non-sensical in relation to the 'funk rap' setting, as the attention is drawn towards the words. Too many cooks spoil the broth, lyrically. It could be Frontalittle Squad, mind, so I guess for the genre, which i know little about, it's good. But you really had nothing to say, did you? :)

PYF - At least it's not sixteen minutes long. Sell-outs. Are you making the first 1/4 of your songs more traditional to see if people listen any further? I did. I wish I hadn't. Can you not find a midway point between the first 40 seconds or so and the remaining 3 1/2 that's not purely lateral, and work up some more interesting song structures from there? Hmmm. This may be the longest review I have given the PY collective. That must mean something ....

SFO - This is cute - the vocals are mixed too quiet. I wish the drums had a bit more kick to them, very pleasant to listen to, just as I was ready for the song to kick in, it was over. Boo!

Thornberry - I really don't like this style of music - is it emo? Is it Pop? Is it pemo? emop? Anyway, it sounds very earnest and not really my bag at all. However Ken & the New Incredibles win with similar quality pop all the time, so who knows? I think it will get a lot of votes (though wobbly vibrato is a bit off-putting), just not my thang. I am just not feeling the sensitive suffering lyrical feel, in relation to this title.

A very reasonable fight.
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Post by Kamakura »

j$ wrote:I really don't like this style of music - is it emo? Is it Pop? Is it pemo? emop?
Chortle :)
My fave of your uniquely cashpoint descriptive prowess is 'Poodle'tronica'.
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Post by Smalltown Mike »

Phunt your Friends

This is the beef I have with the Phunt crew. I think it’s a stretch to call this a “song.” If you enjoy making these, then you should probably keep making them, and maybe you have an audience for them, but they do absolutely nothing for me.


I dig a lot of this. There are a couple problems—I think the beat needs to be heavier, I think the rapping is tight but has to be just slightly tighter—but there’s also a lot of good stuff going on here.I love the effects on the voice at 1:09, and I love the rapper that kicks in at 1:16. I don’t know why, because he’s a little sloppier in flow. But I really dig his effort. Ease up on the reverb, especially over the spoken word stuff over the gtr solo. But good stuff.


Love the chorus—if I can call it the chorus. Great beat—but the verse kicks in when the “chorus” hasn’t finished yet, which masks the first line.


Nice voice.These lyrics walk a very thin line between cheesy and clever; I think they mostly stay on the clever side. I’m not crazy about the “all skate” part of the chorus—it doesn’t seem to go anywhere. But great production. There’s too many cymbol crashes in my ears.

Jay String

Dig the beat. It doesn’t seem cohesive to me though, more like a bunch of different unrelated riffs stuck together.

David ‘Over

I like the organ a lot. I think the back-ups (out in the dark) should be quieter than the man vocals. I like the “We’ve all been skating” part.

I give my vote to Outbax in the hopes it coaxes tighter and more interesting songs from them. And because I dig the chaos of that second rapper and the great tone of the first.
Punk rock is for children. Grab a six-pack at Half-a-Dozen Records.

Post by hillbilly »

wow I'm really digging Thornberry's voice. reviews coming

Post by hillbilly »

Punt-I'm impressed, you had my attention for a while.

SFO-who ever the girl is has a hot voice. I dont know enought about this project to coment much, but good job.

David-I miss your alegant picking.

Mr. String- I could understand you this time, good job. Very funky.

Thornberry-welcome aboard-vote
Smalltown Mike
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Post by Smalltown Mike »

I'm not involved in them, but I'll stick up for them: Hillybilly, no Outbax review?
Punk rock is for children. Grab a six-pack at Half-a-Dozen Records.

Post by hillbilly »

Outbax- sorry I missed you. If I wasnt crazy over Thornberrys voice I may have voted for you. Very well put together, loved the different voices and killer guitar in the background.

Post by DELETED »

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Post by Me$$iah »

Ive listened to the fight a few times and the production levels all seem to have taken a step up in general so well done everryone, and I dont just mean in this fight neither, chech out the other 2 as well.
Heres my reveiws as I Listen again ti the fights

David Over
NIce intro. I like the melody. The dum is a little annoying ( i dunno just not right ) really like the melody. the Guitar sound is a bit gnarly in the lead sections, great in the rythym for me but its cool. Lovely solo with the intro riff recuring. Well produced.great end. Result

Jay String
I really like this and not just cos Im on it. What you did to my guitar is great. I like the mix and it has that absolutly typical sound of yours, which I really dig. Top Draw dude. Result

Groovy as. Great rapping. Really well produced maybe a little too much reverb on the spoken part. Good lyric. also a Result

Dude I thought that you got it to begin with, and youd actually done a song then a minute in and. Yup . You do itand.....ohwell.........BBBBBBBWWWWWWWWrrrrrrrrrrrrfAAAAAAAAAAAAA
all these moments
all these
lost like tears in rain
nnnnnnnnnnnnnnDDRDDddd bbbb
Tears in rain
Good voice on the girl. The rest sucks big ass

Nice harmony, Really good production, the drums sound grat I like the double cymb hits, Acc guit sounds good..But its just empty and dead. It dont move me at all. I dont know why, but it just seems that I cant get off on a song that I dont think you got off on in the first place.Production is a Result - Song not, sorry.

Good fight
Hard to place a vote anywhere. So I'll probly give it to....

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Post by h »

jay string like the bassline and the little random beeps every once in a while... the mix is really good. reminds me a just a tiny little bit of daniel ash if he had a sense of humor...

phunt your friends love it.... love it.... love it.... love it.... my brain is ejaculating through my ear .... if Thích Quảng Ðức and Damon Alban had a baby it would sound like this

song fight orchestra blondie and paula abdul wrapped in dirty cellophane

thornberry this reminds me of a girl i saw the other day... perfect nose, great lips, beautiful eyes, nice body... but really she wasn't that atractive...why? who knows... best parts are the little bit of "you got a job to do" good harmony . the part that has "that holds no spite" it's sort of where you want the power hits, or maybe more harmony with the voice to really underline the difference in rythm. why don't i like this song? everything is there... maybe it's because i don't believe the delivery... it feels like it's going through the motions... maybe if you recorded it live ... i don't know

david over it's great. i like the second voice "out in the dark" how did you record it? sounds like ween a lot, which is, of course, a great thing. love the solo. this wins for me.

outbax it sounds sort of like outkast and a jerky boyz phonecall... maybe it's a thing with the mix, where you expect a beat like that to just really rattle the bass in your pimpmobile, but i feel that if i crank this up in the ride with my hoes it'll sound like talk radio

so that's MHO...
david over wins my vote.

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Post by Thornberry »

Haza Wrote
... maybe it's because i don't believe the delivery... it feels like it's going through the motions...
Thanks to everyone who has reviewed my song, I really appreciate it.

But for the quote above, you are not the first to have mentioned that. What exactly is it that doesn't click not sure what word to use here...authentic?, but anyways, what is it that makes it seem like its just a going through the motions song?
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Post by over »

Here are my reviews (for what they are worth).

Songfight orchestra: The mix works better through (I believe that’s spelt ‘THRU’ in American) headphones. The synthesised cymbals drowned out the words when played through the monitors. That said, I like this song (or where it seemed to be going) but it finishes before it gets going. That’s not necessarily a particularly bad thing, I’d rather a song is too short and I had to put it on repeat than it being too long and have to fast-forward it. And it’s always nice to hear female vocals on songfight. This also sounds like you’re not aiming for a particular musical genre, which gains kudos with me, possible vote winner right here.

Jay String: Wow, are you playing that guitar or is it programmed? If you’re playing it then I’m very jealous. Also I love the ‘salt and pepper’ reference, great. Sounds like this one took all week to get right, and that’s muchos appreciated by my ears, good work.

Outbax: Watch me dance to this tune! Funk-a-groovey baby! Oops, hang on ‘saggy titties’! You were building up a good song and kinda belittled it with that line. But the great guitar part comes in to save the day. Love the end too. And (I’m also guilty of this, but) I must just say, either go for comedy lyrics or not, don’t put in a funny line or two in an otherwise non-humorous song. Still good song, and a strong fight so far.

Thornberry: Nuts! You shouldn’t be allowed to use that voice in songfight, it’s a little too good. Please smoke heavily and drink multiple tequilas before submitting another song (it’s only fair on the rest of us). Great harmonies on the ‘job to do’ hook. Bugger, bugger this is a bit good buddy. I’m damn well gonna have ‘you’ve got a job to do’ stuck in my head for days! How about next time you do a songfight song you send it to me but leave a little space for me to play a howling guitar solo? Yeah? Probably got my vote here.

Phunt your friends: ‘Everyone needs to lubricate’, ah words of wisdom my friend. Oh you were doing so well when it was a song, but then the noises took over, what is that! I’m not here to piss on your parade though, use experimental sounds as much as you want, it’s just not for me. Hang on! Many, many apologies, you used the words ‘scoobie-doo’ and that makes this song mega cool! Good work.

David (me) ‘Over: I had a bit of time on my hands after breaking my foot so I threw this together, kinda like it.

thanks for your reviews, and it's good to be back

david 8)
Come on man, let's go, I've got a blonde wig in the car
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Post by thehipcola »

<b>David 'Over</b>
This is prety cool..I like the tightness of the organ and guitar playing. I think you need to roll a bit more bass off your voice, maybe 180hz and below. I like those drums...need to be a bit thumpier. Just me nitpicking here, but how about something to distinguish the 2nd verse section from the first..some higher register organ descant or something? I do like the chorus...I want it heavier though. LIke the guitar solos...and their tone. Yep..that distorted bass in the chorus rocks...needs to be more prevalent. Ooh...not a fan of the ending. But good work overall.

<b>Jay String</b>
Like the synth bass. Nice guitar that you? This sounds vaguely Cashpoint-esque. Has to be. The guitar riff second time through is not happening for's too much. Love the chorus! I have a hard time understanding your vox in general though. Heh..the guitar has me picturing Steve Vai on the side of the stage, big spotlight on him, just ripping. I'm not sure it fits in the tune, but it's interesting. Cool track overall, needs polishing imo. Mix isn't bad, maybe a bit crowded.

I like the voitar/envelope filter effect. This tune opens strong but it takes too long to get into it's thing. Not sold on the transition into the 2nd part. Some of the flow is awkward..but I dig the oldskool vibe. The mix is pretty good, sometimes the vocals sound more amateurish than the rest of the mix. Bad ending. Good tune overall...not a keeper for me though.

<b>Phunt Your Friends</b>
Wow..the wacked out oooh's at 1:00 are crazy. I like those very much. This is disturbing. Sounds like hockey player hell. Dude, you're freaking me out. Not sure how to critique this, so I won't. Nice collage of sounds. YOu lose me when you sing, "Frickle Frackle Froo.".

<b>Song Fight Orchestra</b>
This is crazy and frenetic. I like that. But it's almost too much. The vocal treatments are interesting, but I found the mix to be cluttered and hard to get inside as a listener..maybe too much going on in such a short time. Not bad at all though. SFO is such a great thing.

Wow..Neil Young. Great voice! This is a nice track. The acoustic guitar could use a tad more high end, but as it is it's nice and unobtrusive. I don't like the reverb you chose for the lead vocal..needs to be a smidge subtler. The drums could use a little stereo panning to liven it up. This is quite a nice song. A little loose at times...but easy to listen to. Keeper.

All fights have been reviewed. I think I have to say that Twin Kiss was the best overall fight. But this had some great moments too. Thanks for the tunes everyone! I'm not sure who to vote for, that will require 3rd listens to the whole field later today.
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Post by Gemini6Ice »

<b>Phunt Your Friends:</b> The beginning of this is CLEARLY a spoof of Sandcastle Surgery's Feet: ... y_feet.mp3

Isn't this against SF rules? I'm not 100% sure.
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Post by Mogosagatai »

So glad somebody noticed! :D

Against the rules? Eh. Covers are (you know, like Phunt; don't tell.'s "Satisfaction"), but they don't say anything about parodies.
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Post by Egg »

Gemini6Ice wrote:<b>Phunt Your Friends:</b> The beginning of this is CLEARLY a spoof

Isn't this against SF rules? I'm not 100% sure.
I hope we don't get disqualified! haha
Thanks to Sandcastle Surgery for making a sweet song and being a cool dude.

And thanks to SongFight! for letting us cast our songs out across the Internet. It's really great to have a deadline-oriented community to share music with.
glug glug glug egg makes wine. You can make wine too.
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Post by shadowdog »

some kick ass songs... just can't stop listening... yes even you PYF

David Over - fantastic sound and voice
Jay String - most coo, definitly shakes things up |=
Outbax - great rappin' dude (makes you bob your head and smile)
PYF - much, much, much, much better (actually enjoyed this... coo)
SFO - I (unlike many) love Techno... but like others, love the chicks voice (too short :()
Thornberry - great quality and damm good singing :)
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Post by h »

But for the quote above, you are not the first to have mentioned that. What exactly is it that doesn't click not sure what word to use here...authentic?, but anyways, what is it that makes it seem like its just a going through the motions song?
i think it's hard to explain it in words... listen to janis joplin's "summertime"

i'm not saying that you should sing like her, or that she's the best at this or that ( i don't even listen to her music ... )

i'm just saying i believe her when she says it

i hope you don't take this critique in a bad way, i think it's more that your song is pretty damn good, and your voice specially good that i think we're all just being "picky" and wanting it to be perfect! =)

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Post by HeuristicsInc »

j$ - i don't feel like the drums are tying the whole thing together and it feels disjointed. i guess i get the lyrical concept, but it doesn't seem that closely coupled to the title. still, enjoyable, and the guitar is cool too.

outbax - cool bassline... not sure about the vox. they need something to work in this song. some parts you get off time, too. interesting.

thornberry - you used the wrong "your", haha kidding. odd lyrics. not bad. you should get a backup vocalist to sing "aah" near the end.

david - heh this sounds like calliope. that's cool. i like the somewhat ominous sound that comes in with the bassy drum. great!

phunt - there are maybe too many background noises here. they're distracting. but this is like an actual song. heh. this sounds familiar in the vocals. this part at 2:30 is not meshing well with the sound of this dude in the hall sawing a metal pipe, but that's not your fault. you seem to have gotten lost, though, now that the sawing has stopped.

sforch - ooh, cool. i love the rhythm track with that weird noise. i gotta listen to it again. good synth opening. and i like the girly sounding vox. "all the oil in the wells" doesn't work rhythmically, if you rework that line i think it would benefit.

1: david, sforch
2: j$, thornberry

don't know who to vote for yet. better decide soon.
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Post by HeuristicsInc »

i find it awfully hard to vote for sforch because just when i get into the song it ends. i know that's the point of the thing, short songs, but it doesn't really lead to votes from me. anyway i'd like to hear a longer version of this song that has more time to develop. that would probably get my vote, but as it is it's going to go to david over.

ps "as it is it's" and "going to go to" are odd serieses of words.
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Post by tonetripper »

I voted for phuntyourfriends for the sheer insanity. I thought you nailed the title in the opening part but drifted into some kind of acid-y freak-out womb turning sonic sound scape which seemed a little outside. Very cool. Reminiscent of some Waits music. Brooding, contemplative pop music. My favourite.
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