Leviticus 11:12 (God Hates Penguins Reviews)

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Leviticus 11:12 (God Hates Penguins Reviews)

Post by erik »

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Post by Caravan Ray »

:D Heh!
...but penguins are soo tasty - taste just like chicken
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Post by Hoblit »

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Post by j$ »

It's well known that I have no sense of humour, so it comes as no great surprise that this fight didn't tickle my barely extant funny bone. I wonder why I am drawn to enter fights with such humour-provoking titles (cf: 'feet').
Arbitrarily sub-divided for your pigeon-holing pleasure

--The Punks--

Army of One - I don't like the shouty bits and I am not over-fond of 'studio banter' - but other than that this pretty good. Got the point by 1.23

Big Mountain Fudge Cake - Erm. yes. or no. As before, I guess - pretty good. Fuck me, indeed ....

Buxtahoota - oh vocals too loud, backing track too buried! This is OK. Ninjas are so last year!

Dark Liberty - hi-hat too hi in the mix (haha). Relentless. Your mixing is improving song by song. Fairly standard structure, however, and off I drift. And you are clearly not a penguin. ps please stop entering songs in both fights, otherwise I might be tempted to disregard the enjoyment coming through your songs and just bash your next pair of 14 year-olds-with-a-cracked-copy-of-Sonar efforts to pieces with my rusty critical hammer ...
Humboldhead - well it's not really punk - it's a Ricky Martin song played by Metallica. Earnest earnest earnest! I hope this is arch humour. Well mixed, well performed, leaving me cold ... sorry. I think it will do well, if that's any consolation ...

Melvin - Kind of Weezer-esque, or one of those melodious punk-light bands, springs to mind. Nice climbing progressions in the verses, which I like. No solo? Oh, there it is :)

--The nu-folkies--

Ben Foxworthy - is this what Devendra Bernhart (sp) sounds like? I imagine so. Too 'i so wacky' for my tastes but certainly not bad.

Bjam - sounding good vocally, but turn your voice up above the acoustic, for gawd's sake! I kind of drifted away on memory bliss around about 1.45

Jim Tyrell - That bass sounds like a real bass made to sound like a synth bass! I love your voice and the jazzy inflections to your late 70s / early 80s sound. It's good, a little plodding perhaps - a few bpm faster would make it kick more, although doing that might crush the delicacy. yeah, nice enough.

--Ker-azzy Electronica--

Sausage Boy - fresh from your sidefight win, sounding much the same it must be admitted (no bad thing), you still make the vocals far too quiet. Don't care if you don't like your voice, I'd rather ehar a bad voice than not hear a good one... it's a good groove, and a nice bass tone. Not much else to say. getting a bit bored by this fight now, so I am burning out. Nice doubling of 'God Hates Penguins' towards the end. No need for the echo on 'Zebras' I feel.

Shovel Sitting Down - I'm putting this here although it's not that 'ker-azzy'. It's pretty though.

--Comedy Relief--

Carlos Wendell - cute. I can hear a Residents feel to this. However neo-classical fills aside, if ever a song needed to be 30 seconds, this is it, imo.

Fluffy - If this had ended at 0:13 it would have been perfect. This sails along the straights of art and unfortunately runs aground for me about 3.00 minutes in.

Johnny Cashpoint - What you thought I was being serious? I had to rewrite this song entirely on monday to realising that my original version sounded so great because it was, in fact, Lulu's 'Bang Bang'.

LMNOP - heh. I love a bit of swing. You sound a hell of a lot like King Arthur here, when he's doing out and out comedy (cf: 'Lavendor Splendour'). maybe it's just the 'speedos' reference. 'Speedooooos''

MVB.com - actually I find the first 30 seconds pretty funny, for a one-off listen, but I can't stand the 'blues' inflection of the singer who comes next. Extra bonus points for mooging. The Barry manilow shuffle is fine (a preset feel to it) - but I don't like the echo on the spoken part, and the 'soulful bluesy' take is just plain grating to these over-sensitive ears. Also isn't really going anywhere in the third verse - that could go and cut straight to the rather nice harmonies at the end. A curates' egg, but I really like the bits that I like, if you see what I mean.

--Open Mic Night--

On Cassette - well, I like your name ....

Special Relatives - bye! Actually this is quite soothing & entertaining but I wouldn't listen to it all the way through again, I don't think.

So one from each section - Melvin, Jim Tyrell, LMNOP and the Special Relatives. One of them, although I am not particularly enamoured with any of these songs ... i am such a grouch

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Post by Bjam »

Army of One
Hm. The music is pretty awesome. The vocals are too quiet and just real hard to understand. Also not digging the 'studio banter' either. However at about 2:50 I just got bored. I liked the double vocals at the 3 minutish work. But your 'oh-oh-ohs' could use some work. This reminds me of these two guys at my local open mic. They're basically rich kids doing angry rock and pissing off people in this nice little acousticyfolky setting. However you have more talent than them, so go you.

Ben Foxworthy
This is really cute. Your voice is pretty perfect for this. The lyrics however are kinda silly, but it's that kind of a song. “Look out a sealâ€
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Post by Smalltown Mike »

On Cassette

I get the feeling that making noise is the primary goal here. I could accept some of the hums, clips and buzzes in the recording if it was clear the artist was trying to acheive something.

My Virtual Band

I was a little nervous about the vox until you started singing. The speaking stuff sounds too close to the mic, but the singing sounds sweet. Love the synth at :42—pardon my ignorance, but is that the famous Moog in action? Man, God might hate penguins but clearly he loves the moog. A little more variety needed in the background music, though, cuz it sort of sounds like a preset rhythm.


Good production, good groove, vox, but it doesn’t seem to really go anywhere. I like the “oooooohâ€
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Post by j$ »

Smalltown Mike wrote:J$ This seems like it’s been taken straight out of a musical; the vocals seem to be over-performed and melodramatic.
previously, Johnny Cashpoint wrote:Johnny Cashpoint - What you thought I was being serious?"
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Post by erik »

I like a couple few songs this week, so here are some reviews:

Army of One: Okay, this starts off good. I'm with you up until the hardcore screamy refrainsat 0:22. I really hate hardcore screamy refrains, they are always so hard to record well, because people sound so dumb when they scream. This refrain is no exception. Okay, the vocals are too nice on this song for it to go on so long. Like, for it to go past the natural end at 2:08, the vocals have to do something. It's cheezy and hackneyed, but there needs to be some screaming on that breakdown. Oh dear, the harmonies at the end. That's not a good choice. Overall, this song is okay, but it's one of those songfight songs that would sound better if it had different words. I would like this song better if it was shorter and there was stronger vocals. This song is okay by me.

Ben Foxworthy: "Actually, I made all that up": I hate that literary device, the unnecessary lie, it seems cheap. Like starting a term paper with a definition from Webster's dictionary. This is nice enough, but it's juuuuuust enough of everything that it is. It's a little bit silly, but not silly enough. It's singalongy, but not singalongy enough. It's a bit fun, but not fun enough. Overall, sure, this song is okay, but I'm going to be rushing back to play this song again.

BigMountainFudgeCake: Okay, this is pretty rad musically, and the brevity works in its favor. The only lyric I could come up with for this song was "God hates penguins/ And I hate you" and seeing how that's pretty close to that, I like it. This one made me laugh. I like this song.

Bjam: The biggest thing going against this song is that you are singing about penguins. This song has lots of emotion painted across it, with the vocal swoops and the simple melody: the song seems to be like in the perfect range for your voice, it sounds really nice in this song. Iit seems a shame to put the word "penguins" in the song. If I heard this outside of the context of SF, I would think that you were on crack, I'd be like "Why the hell is this girl singing about penguins?" If I were you, I'd re-record the song as "God Save Nawlins" and just send it in again next week. I'd probably really like that song.

Buxtahoota: Ohman, these lyrics are loud, unemotive and reverse-engineered shoehorny (whereby you find the rhyme you want for the fourth line, then find a horrible rhyme to match for the second line). The music and vocal rhythm of this song really remind me of the song "Thing Start Moving" by the Adolescents, and by the end, it sounds like a pale imitation, and a long one to boot. I don't care for this song very much.

Carlos Wendell: Well, good job at googling "God Hates Penguins". The lyrics are clever, but never get my blood pumping. The music after the intro bit is not my cup of tea, and just seems long. This is okay, I suppose, just really not something I'm going to listen to again.

Dark Liberty: hhahahhahahahha, you are eleven. Or Andy Milonakis. The music is proficient-sounding, but forgettable, and the drums are annoying. The lyrics on this really should be the focus, it sounds like it could be a really funny song, but I can't hear the words at all. Well, the words *should* be funny. It should be one of those retardofunny songs that makes absolutely no sense. Is it? Maybe. This song, I don't care for it.

fluffy: okay, what are you doing here. Will there be a song? Ohdear, it seems not. This is very rambly. And it just throws out the supposition that God hates penguins without any sort of explanation why. This is very long for not having any real structure to the narrative. "I made them to be stupid". Okay, man, start with that. THAT makes sense. The whole thing from 4:09 on seems concise and nonrambly. And a bit funny. Until the "Okay, I gotta get home part". Parts of this were okay, but mostly not.

Humboldthead: awesome guitar tone. awesomeawesomeawesome. awwww, then it segues into standard chugchugga rapmetal lickery. This would be pretty cool in a bar. I would go see what it was about. Man, there's that guitar again. I would go see the guitar player, for sure. Here's another song that shouldn't be about penguins. The word just sticks out of the song like a bone out of a leg. This song is not bad.

Jim Tyrell: This is very well arranged and recorded. Nice balance and the song moves along at a decent place, and the chorus melody is a bit catchy. But this is too schmaltzy for me. Sounds like it would be played at a furry wedding, it seems so weird that you're singing in earnest about penguins.

Johnny Cashpoint: This song is playing too fast. The lyrics sound all smooshed together, especially since the melody doesn't have alot of jumps between the notes. Gawd, this would probably sound really cool if it was played about half as fast. Okay, what's good about this is that the chorus really makes up for any eyerolling that may be done during the verses, which is the exact opposite of some of the songs in this fight, that the eyerolling comes when they get to the chorus. Good chorus, wish you would have ended on it, like I thought you were going to. I think this is an okay recording of a good song.

LMNOP: This is fun. The chorus lyrics need to be cooler. Ohman, this is too short. Seriously, this could have gone on longer. A whole nother verse, a bridge about the good things that penguins posess, a final verse about how being a penguin might not be so bad afterall. This is a good song, with a chorus that needs some help, which deserves to be longer than it is.

Melvin: I really like this song. Yes, there is a Weezery sound to the arrangement, but there is also a Mr. T Experiencey sound to the songwriting. The verses are reminiscent of the verses to the song "I'm Like Yeah, But She's All No". The chorus, I really really like. I must really like it, because it reminds me of that damn penguin movie, which I hated, and yet I still like this. The chorus of "Marching like soldiers so brave/ Hoping that one day He'll save us" really needs to pay off more at the end. I mean, you kiiiind of do, with the whole "He'll take us to another land/We know that that's his master plan", but there's this whole theme of "Those who suffer deserve good things" which feels unresolved. I wanted some sort of pengiun-heaven where they can fly or something. It sounds so cheezy, but so does they theme of "Penguins sure have it rough" and I think you managed to sell that really well. I think the one part of the song that could be tightened up is the choice to make all four lines per stanza to be rhymes or slant-rhymes. It makes it hard to come up enough good rhymes and boxes you into lyrical corners. Overall, I really like this song and would like to hear more stuff from you. Yay you.

myvirtualband.com: Okay, this is nice enough. That first voice is loud and dry, with obvious rhymes, which is a shame because the music is kind of fun. That second voice is a bit cheezy, and mentioning poodles. These lyrics are making me roll my eyes. That's not a good thing. At the end of the song, I'm left wondering, why are you singing about penguins, I never really feel like there's any good reason to have the lyrics be about that. If you changed the lyrics that might make it better, but only if you don't make the next topic something shoehorny and weird like this one was.

On Cassette: Oh man, this is awful. I've done this too, just strummed a guitar without caring about whether I was making pretty sounding chords or not, and sung about whatever came out of my mouth. And yes, sometimes one comes up with gems like "Jennifer Looks Like a Japanese Hooker" or "Brown People and White People (Getting it On)" but alot of the time, the songs just sound like this: improvisations that lack anything truly great about them. This song, I do not like it.

Sausageboy: Sounds like Madonna's "Vogue" to me, with the verse from "Once in a Lifetime" by the Talking Heads for a chorus. But about penguins. It needs a hook, because it's all groove at this point. Which is good, up to a point, but then there's nothing to really remember about the song, and that's not a good thing. This song, it's not bad, but I don't like it.

Shovel Sitting Down: This is nice enough. The vocals sound too unexcited for me, I wanted more emotion. The lyrics are random enough to not have it seem weird that you are singing about penguins. The chorus is a bit catchy, but it doesn't sound different enough from the other parts of the song, so it kind of all blends together. This song is okay.

Special Relatives: Hmmm, this song is weird. That's all I got.
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Post by sberryreal »

j$ - excellent submission taxonomy. I was thinking of something similar, but yours is spot on.

<b>Army of One</b> - Powerful tune. I agree the studio banter is unnecessary. That rhythm guitar distortion sound troubles me a little - too thin? Decent lead. Bass/drumming rock.

<b>Ben Foxworthy</b> - Often these quirky songs pain me, but I like this one. Charming. Nice rhymes. "All dressed up with nowhere to go"

<b>Big Mountain Fudge Cake</b> - I like the first 25 secs. Where's the beef? This could have been good.

<b>Bjam</b> - Better guitar than I've heard before. You might try playing with metronome to tighten up the time. Nice vox.

<b>Buxtahoota</b> - Mine. I like the guitar sound (strat -> delay -> mic'd small amp cranked). I tried a Cake-style repeat-the-lyric-block-twice which didn't really take it anywhere (except to about 3 1/2 minutes). I like some of the lyrics; others pain me. Production is crappy again but better than last week. Hopefully it's a trend.

<b>Carlos Wendell</b> - Moog-a-licious. Very goofy-ass which I know is how you want it. Good job.

<b>Dark Liberty</b> - Dude, you blew my mind on Rattle. This isn't as good but has good bits. The chorus is weak. But keep it cranked up and don't change.

<b>Fluffy</b> - At first I thought, why is this 6 minutes? Then I started giggling uncontrollably about 4 minutes into it. Some sort of hypnosis thing. You also sound just like Napoleon Dynamite's brother...that's cool.

<b>Humboldt Head</b> - Love the vox, nice guitar, backing vocal scares me it's soo good. Solo just OK. Cool song.

<b>Jim Tyrrell</b> - Aww, makes me want to hold hands. Carefully crafted song. I think you need to go for it a little more on the piano solo.

<b>Johnny Cashpoint</b> - Nice vocal delivery and fab rhymes. Very nice.

<b>LMNOP</b> - Nice Randy Newman-thing going on. Fun rhymes, goofy, well done. Good church feel at moments.

<b>Melvin</b> - I like the ooohs on the intro. Well-written and tight. I preferred this to your Rattle song, but they both have good elements.

<b>MyVirtualBand.Com</b> - Love the libel line. Good lyrics. Muy moogy. Very nice harmonies at the end of the song, like Paul and Linda.

<b>On Cassette</b> - Musically painful. I like some of the lyrics. "Took away their singing voices"

<b>Sausage Boy</b> - Funky groove. The song is a little too disconnected to me.

<b>Shovel Sitting Down</b> - Glad you posted the lyrics. Very clever song. I like it, but that percussive element (woodblock? snare rim?) makes me want to kill. Cool lilting keys part.

<b>The Special Relatives</b> - Sorry, not taking me anywhere.

What's up with all the double submissions? I thought that was discouraged:

http://www.songfight.org/music/por_favo ... rfavor.mp3

Por favor, limite sus entradas a una por semana.

I'm not big on following rules and directions myself, just curious.
Last edited by sberryreal on Fri Sep 02, 2005 4:47 pm, edited 3 times in total.
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Post by Bjam »

erikb wrote: Bjam: The biggest thing going against this song is that you are singing about penguins. This song has lots of emotion painted across it, with the vocal swoops and the simple melody: the song seems to be like in the perfect range for your voice, it sounds really nice in this song. Iit seems a shame to put the word "penguins" in the song. If I heard this outside of the context of SF, I would think that you were on crack, I'd be like "Why the hell is this girl singing about penguins?" If I were you, I'd re-record the song as "God Save Nawlins" and just send it in again next week. I'd probably really like that song.
I already have new lyrics for this. I came up with the music, then figured that I may aswell share it with Songfight, and for the life of me I could not come up with anything for GHP that didn't sound utterly stupid, and Rattle just wasn't inspiring me. I dunno whether it's in the rules that I can enter it again next week. *shrug* I could just do it anyway. Change one chord or something like that. Thanks for the review. :)
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Post by Reggie Dallas »

Sausage Boy - So far off to a bad start. And right onto a bad finish! You gotta get a session goin' some time. Get a drummer!

On Cassette - I had lunch with Syd Barret once. He tried to take my pants off, so I slapped him. HARD. I'd like to do the same with you.

Humboldt Head - I once opened for Los Lobos. Now they know how to wrap everything up in cellophane. Anyway, if this were meat it would never keep. You dig?

Buxtahoota - When I wrote "Simply too Damn Hot (But I'm Wearing this God Damn Jacket Anyhow)" People said I was crazy, writin' a song that ended up over 2 minutes long. Well now that was a number 1 hit for months. In this case, shit's unacceptable.

Shovel Sitting Down - Yeah, you better sit down.

Big Mountain Fudge Cake - I think one of you stole my mic stand. Motherfucker.

Jim Tyrell - Oh wow.

Johnny Cashpoint - Get yourself a real piano and keep that mouth shut if you want to hop the pond, son! Promise. Give my studio a ring, though, we could use a session man.

The Special Relatives... - ...are often kept out of sight at parites, dig?

Fluffy - You just scared the shit outta me. I played with Buckethead once. Bootsy gave me a call and was going on about how I needed to meet this Buckethead, but anyway you're way scarier. And you can't play for shit like he can. Damn, those fingers were incredible!

MyVirtualBand.com - We never go to Vegas when we tour. This is the fuck why.

Melvin - Don't make me repeat myself!

Ben Foxworthy - Any time you want a good time, baby, you give me a call. Oh, oh wait shit. Forget I said anything, man.

Carlos Wendell - Just take some NyQuil and stay away from pollen, that'll fix those vocals right up so you can get back to SHOUTIN'!

Army of One - Yeah, that's how many soldiers I'd need to kick your ass.

LMNOP - I was a guest star on Sesame Street this one time, those cats were cool, man. And the band was incredible. I jammed with the guy who plays Big Bird - turns out he's an INCREDIBLE sax player - for like 3 hours. Anyway, this song is some bullshit.

Dark Liberty - I ought to slap you so hard.

Bjam - I wouldn't ask you to sit in on any session of mine, if you know what I mean. But if you're fine I might buy a couple of drinks while you were playing, dig? Also, if you don't want God to hate you I'd suggest looking into a band and maybe an electric guitar and maybe a band and also maybe you should just stick to management, are we solid on that?
Gemini, drive that funky soul.
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Post by thehipcola »

Reggie, you are killin' me brother! I'm laughing my ass off over here. :lol:
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Post by Reggie Dallas »

TheHipCola wrote:Reggie, you are killin' me brother! I'm laughing my ass off over here. :lol:
Right on, man, you comin' to the tryouts?
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Post by LMNOP »

Tough title. There’s nothing here that particularly floats my boat in terms of a complete song but there are good bits to admire/steal here and there so I’ll try to mention those as I encapsulate my $0.02:

<b>Army of One</b> - Tight playing, makes for good energy. Sounds like you had fun. And, personally, I <I>like</I> the studio banter.

<b>Ben Foxworthy</b> - Really reaching for some of those rhymes, eh? I like the verse about what the penguins might have done to raise God’s ire – “maybe they lost one of his favorite hatsâ€
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Post by Smalltown Mike »

LMNOP wrote:This is the only track that I didn’t listen to more than once – I didn’t want to dilute the experience of hearing it for the first time.
Well, the Fluffy song, from my experience, was actually better the second time around. I truly believe this was a real conversation with penguins. I stand by my earlier praise.

And LMNOP, though I know nothing 'bout basses, from the pics, yours looks really sweet. I can see why you're braggin about it.
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Post by boltoph »

It may be cold in Antarctica, but it's been rainy lately in central Chad.

Army of One
It's rocking at parts and even getting hooky. My fav parts are the very first "aaaauuh" the vocal melodies in the first verse, and the way the guitar varies during that first verse between palm mutes and open chords, particularly that one Eflat open right before the other palm mutes. I'm a guitar freak. That little nuance grabs me. I think I'd like to hear it with more bass guitar and all the levels quieter.

Ben Foxworthy
Now this is damn corny style hooky like the commercial that you hate because it gets stuck in your head for days. I love it. It really makes me feel so cooky. There are some good lines about penguins. Why oh why? All dressed up with nowhere to go...similar to one of my favorite lines, from a little tune by the Police. Fav thing is the hooky corny vibe. Sticks to me.

Big Mountain Fudge Cake
I like the guitar intro. I bet it was laid down in like 3 minutes tops, or even instantly. Ah poor Cherry, she forgot the colonic. Luckily, God hates penguins.

I like the "if God hates penguins" idea. I hear a part where it could be built up with more instrumentation, but sits nicely as is, I'd like to hear the vocals turned up a little more. Jammin me the most on the "walk right out that dooor" I like that bluesy stuff going on. Glad that the tambourine came in and picked up.

I hear the reference to your avatar in your music, the production really gives it an older classic sort of vibe. Could use low cut on the vocals to get rid of those p's. Some of the vocal rhythms like around "packing", I really like. I was glad to year "orca" brought in. That rocks. The chorus gets a little repetitive. In all I think my fav thing is the chord change on the guitar between the verse and chorus, and the 60's feel of it.

Carlos Wendell
This is very funny, and reminds of something from the soundtrack to A Clockwork Orange, except it sounds much more Bach than Beethoven. Is this a J.S. Bach Invention? I'd actually like to hear this with nice string samples. The cheesy synth is boring after about fifteen seconds. My fav part has to be the somberness of the vocal intro.

Dark Liberty
Right of the bat I want to hear the guitars thumping palm muted with the bass drum instead of the bare power chords. Could have built into more following that first chorus. My favorite part has got to be the change around :50, "I'm A Penguin", it breaks right there into something that could be an unforgettable line.

It's killing me, I just picture a cartoon penguin having this inner dialogue, straight from a cartoon penguin show. Has Disney done a good Penguin movie yet? hmm. I like the part when you get pissed about hell, the most.

I think that all teachings about said "God" teach that God loves all creatures...i think... Humboldt is a type of penguin, but the lyrics are more about emperor penguins. This is arch humour, and it's just sorta pretending if I were a penguin, and the premises that God hates penguins, what I might be thinking. My fav thing about this tune is that Deshead and the HipCola jumped in and rocked on this with me.

Jim Tyrrell
This has the most well developed lyrics so far in this fight. It has a nice airy mellow Sunday brunch feel, I like the key changes going on and the bit of minor involved. I think i'd like to hear it with just some light percussion instead of the drum kit, and a more arpeggiated feel. My favorite thing is the lyrical development.

Johnny Ca$hpoint
I'm really into that vocal melody line on "understand". Really want to hear a high harmony and totally cheese out. And I also dig that bit where the keyboard changes at :22, and then again at :44. I wanted to hear a bar or two more of that little minor keyboard part. I like how it reminds me a little of early Bowie, just a hair in a couple different parts. The ending is clever, and the words too. Those breaks on the keyboard are my favorite thing, and a bit of that line, like I was saying.

The lyric story is what I like best about this tune. I like the playfulness of the vocal melody, and the classic blues feel. I like the backups and the bit of organ floating around in the back of the mix. Great ending, too.

That's a really catchy verse vocal melody, I really like how it just drives forward and has those really catchy pop vocals and nice placement of background oohs towards the end. This is a really great little catchy tune. The only odd thing is that the whole song sounds like an ending, not a full song. But that aside, I think this is my favorite of the fight so far. I have to say my favorite thing is the intro., the oohs of the intro.

The line about "suing for liable" just destroys me. I see a whole room doing a choreographed dance scene with the lead singer in Penguin mascot costume. I like the swagger of the vocals on the "black and white". They aren't much good at differential calculus, and they should sue God for liable! They're not even in the bible! That's great.

On Cassette
It took me up until about :25 in to get into it. The change shortly after is rough but I like the chord changes from the second half and out, starting at "clipped their wings". I like the idea and the vibe it lays. Was it really on cassette? It really has a cool sensitive feel from a little before half way thru to the end, thats what I like most about it.

Sausage Boy
It's a good use of sound clip in the beginning, I dig that. The techno vibe and some of the samples during what feels like the chorus. My favorite thing about this is probably that sped up voice during the chorus, and the harmony vocal going on there.

Shovel Sitting Down
Starts a little abrupt but washes in so nicely in with those melodies. I really like the vocal play going on in the middle. And anytime I think I'm at a loss for something I'm gonna end up with this tune. The title line's catchy, I like the varying vocal tone. Tight ending. My fav thing is probably the vocal melody.

The Special Relatives
Feels like it could've developed more or gone somewhere else after the higher voice in the middle. I like the creepy lower vocal, and my favorite thing is how it comes out in the end a cappela.
Last edited by boltoph on Tue Sep 06, 2005 3:17 pm, edited 2 times in total.
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Post by sberryreal »

LMNOP wrote:And, although it deserves a funkier debut, my <a href="http://www.loco-mojo.com/newbass.jpg">new bass</a>.
Geez, those fingers look so life-like...

Cool bass. Is that a Music Man? Different headstock though. Harmony maybe? Neato.
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Post by Albatross »

LMNOP wrote:Me. And, although it deserves a funkier debut, my <a href="http://www.loco-mojo.com/newbass.jpg">new bass</a>.
That was Abecedarian's bass, right? I've actually played that. It's nice, isn't it?
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Post by LMNOP »

Smalltown Mike wrote:looks really sweet... I can see why you're braggin about it.
sberryreal wrote:Cool bass. Is that a Music Man? Different headstock though. Harmony maybe? Neato.
Albatross wrote:That was Abecedarian's bass, right? I've actually played that. It's nice, isn't it?
In a former life, it was a Peavey. Now, with new electronics, new hardware and a one-of-a-kind bitchin' re-finish, it's a Custom Sean Thomas. Plays like a dream, nice punchy tone. Glad to hear it's got some Albatross mojo rubbed off on it.
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Post by j$ »

LMNOP wrote: Glad to hear it's got some Albatross mojo rubbed off on it.
Dan-O from Five-O
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Post by Dan-O from Five-O »

Reggie Dallas wrote:
TheHipCola wrote:Reggie, you are killin' me brother! I'm laughing my ass off over here. :lol:
Right on, man, you comin' to the tryouts?
Maybe you should just get:

1) Syd Barret
2) Los Lobos
3) Buckethead
4) Bootsy
5) Sesame Street
6) Big Bird
7) God

to come to the "tryouts".

Name drop enough? #'s 5 & 6 look really impressive on a resume.
jb wrote:Dan-O has a point.
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Post by Albatross »

LMNOP wrote:Glad to hear it's got some Albatross mojo rubbed off on it.
Wait a minute... I have mojo???
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