(I Wish I Were) Oversleeping Reviews

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(I Wish I Were) Oversleeping Reviews

Post by mkilly »

i'm early. but it's true. i have a crapload of french homework i haven't done that i have to do before my test this morning at 10:30. two days ago i drove jazz musicians around town for ten hours for my university's jazz festival, and yesterday... well, i had a bunch of dvds i had to watch.
"It is really true what philosophy tells us, that life must be understood backwards. But with this, one forgets the second proposition, that it must be lived forwards." Søren Kierkegaard
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Post by Niveous »

What a killer line up. Case, Cashpoint, Puzzle, Melvin, Klownhole, Mostess, Stateshirt, Doscientos and more. That's one hell of a fight. I hope the music lives up to the potential.
"I'd like to see 1984 redubbed with this in the soundtrack."- Furrypedro.
Lucky Witch and the Righteous Ghost
DJ Big Dick
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Post by DJ Big Dick »

If you were too stupid to figure it out, I'm listed as DJ Big Richard. Apparently, the word Dick is unpermissable on the front page.
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Post by OriginalDankster »

Must've labeled it wrong, but the track titled Kevin Griffing is supposed to be another masterpiece by the artist formerly known as The Dankins (actually maybe still referred to as...).
Sometimes Iwonder...and I think, what if I werent so good at doing everything, that maybe just for one day I wouldn't be infinitely better than everyone else and I wouldn't have to hurt all your feelings.
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Post by TruthAndRegret »

I have stuff to study for, so I can't deal with it now, but I'll put my reviews up this weekend. Looks like another lost fight for me :wink:
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Post by Liechty »


Produce - my song. its about lucid dreaming (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lucid_dreaming)(edit: why does it censor wiikipedia? anyone know?). Lately, ive been trying to train myself how to lucid dream. i thought making a song about it would be a good catalyst for it. used a sample from Suikoden 2 from just before you fight that mist monster with the circus trio. its kinda weird.

Melvin - good sound, im not usually into this sort but the drums won me over. good vocals, solid phrasing, well done.

StateShirt - I think you could sound like a convincing Billy Corgan if you practiced. you know this sounds a little like a mellow pumpkins song. make a pumpkins cover band and fufill your destiny.

DJSnyder Del Sess and Drizzy G - this is terrible. dont record scratching if you cant do it. also the guitars are so off the track its kinda funny. i hope this is a parody.

Truth and Regret - hmm, industrial sounding. not feeling it so far. arpeggiated basslines can be awesome but it seems like ive heard this one about a million times already. lacks creativity. singing is subpar.

Meddling Kids - Its been awhile since ive been to this site and i like that there is a lot more loop-based production going on. this is all over the place though. find some idea and stick with it. drums are ho hum. not much i like about this one.

Hostess Mostess - hahah like how you went to "Raaaaaaiiiiinnn...". i would have went to a different note on the next measure though. but, i am not really a singer so what the hell. lay off the coldplay listens for awhile.

Glenn Case - i have a hard time commenting on guy and guitar songs. I guess there is really no innovation in it i can notice. just voice + strumming? not enough avenues to analyse for commenting on. for further guy and guitar reviews ill change my review style.

Klownhole - you need a solo somewhere in there. if you had one its because i didnt listen long enough. SONG IS TOO LONG.

Doscientos - This is what i would expect the literal interpretation of this title to sound like. uke (right?) jam, cool. i think drums could come up. good to add snoring at the end.

PiGPEN - too tinny. overall presence seems like its coming through the wall. i like "OH-VAH......SLEE-PING". something like this could use some more embellishment on the keyboard.

DJ Big Dick - i feel you on the beat making up all night stuff. whoa this is wild. not really what i would consider a "beat" though. if this was "robot schizophrenia audio files fight" you would win.

Caravan Ray - like this. goofy. good backup vox. not so good lead vox. bring those synth sweeps down a bit. B-

Kev Griff (oops Denkins) - I hope you can play this on a real piano. I would like to see that. i would have rather heard all this stuff played live. ugh, that bass drum doesnt work. i like the spaced out melodies and all though. contender for favorite song of fight.

Papercut Brigade - i want to go back in time to the sixties too. peace man.

15-16 puzzle - need a drum, but whatevs. nothing that jumped out at me. i kinda felt like i was sleeping when i heard this.

RattPoison - hahah neat sounding marimba/xylophone thing. burp is a one time joke to throw in. oh yes. i love how your song gets so wild and awesome from such a different beginning. i see how the burp works more than once for your sound. cool.

Ross Durand - hahah heart went straight to hell. ok song.

Lethargio - i really like the intro, but the recording is kinda hard to get into. song just goes downhill from there. i dont like speed up/goofiness finale that much. C

Johnny Cashpoint - british vocals sound good no matter what. lucky bastard.

All Onion Diet - ugh i would hate it if your band name was something i was on. I would also hate it if you didnt tell me that you were just Athlete in disguise. I'm right, aren't I?

the artist formerly known as Kevin Griffing or RattPoison win.
Last edited by Liechty on Thu Mar 02, 2006 2:02 am, edited 1 time in total.
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michael gum
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Post by michael gum »

15-16 Puzzle
Excellent in its simplicity. I like the line about the fax machine that no one uses if they don't have to. In fact, that whole bridge is just great. Nice chord choices and harmonies. Contender.

Allon, I On Diet
At the beginning of the song, when your vocals came in, I thought I was going to hate this song. However, around the part the drum machine entered the song, things started to really turn around. I thought it was going to be some boring schmaltzy acoustic ballad, but it turned into this sort of two-steppy thing. It surprised me, but it really works well. Another contender.

Caravan Ray
Instrumentation is good, but I'm not fond of the lead vocals... they're kinda off. I like the keyboard part and the ba ba ba's (and other backing vocals).

DJ Who Happens To Be Quite Well Endowed
At least it's short.
(Heh, that's what SHE said... no wait)

DJ Snyder Del Sess and The Drizzy G
Vocal track is muddy and too bassy. You really shouldn't be rapping, your voice doesn't really fit it. The electric guitar track gets really really off-tempo at points. I couldn't listen to the whole thing.

Hey now, this is really happy! :) I really really love the instrumentation in this one. I think your vocal track can use a little less reverb. Otherwise, quite enjoyable.

Glenn Case
This song goes down smooth. Love your voice and your guitar tone and chord choice. Beautiful, rich vocal harmonies. Dunno what else to say. This song is really good. Another contender.

The Hostess with the Mostest!
All these good songs in this fight, I'm running out of ways to say "this song rocks"... what ever will I do? I'll just say that this song is making my vote decision harder.

Johnny $.
Another good entry. The intro makes me smile. The vocal melody and synth work together really well. The hi-hat is ahead of the tempo a couple times near the end of the song, though.

Kevin Griffing
An odd MIDI instrumental track that doesn't have anything to do with oversleeping, as far as I can tell. Thanks but no thanks.

Mixed really really hot. Yow. Each track seems to work against the others. Couldn't make it through the whole song.

My biggest problem with this one is that it's not very well recorded. The instrumental portion sounds very thin and empty, sounding like perhaps one microphone hanging from the ceiling of your basement. Vocal tracks don't sound all that great either, with the warbly underwater effect. Also, the harmonies aren't on-key, and that's kind of a requirement for harmonies. Most aspects of this song would actually be pretty good, if better recorded and performed.

Man, not ANOTHER good one, come on! You're making my decision really hard :x "I'm not oversleeping, I'm just keeping my dreams alive." Good line, and good chord choices/harmonies. Works very well to distinguish the chorus from the verse portion. Recorded very well, but I'm sure you know that. Yet another contender.

Papercut Brigade
Pleasantly lo-fi. The backmasked-sounding guitar solo doesn't really work very well, as it's quite echoey and buried in the mix. Sounds too distant. I see what you did with the main line of the song, but I don't think it works very well. It's kinda forced.

Vocals are so so incredibly thin. Music sounds too fakey. Sorry, I'm just not all that fond of it.

Ooh, a TMNT3 sample. I like the beat. I don't think you really have a good voice for rap, either that or the production doesn't do it justice. However, you do what you can with it. Initially the lyrics are kinda weak, "hey yo man what's up oh nothing oh wait here's what the song is about," but as the song progresses they improve. It's obvious that you think you're clever. Fortunately, at times you actually are ;)

Oh I get it, calm intro, all of a sudden it goes insanely loud and says "WAKE UPPPPPPP". Sorry, this one's not for me.

Ross Durand
Guitar tracks sound good. The vocals really really are not doing it for me though. Lyrics seem a bit forced.

State Shirt
YET ANOTHER serious contender. CUT IT OUT, you guys! Production is good. Chord choices are good. Vocals are good. Good good good. What's that swishy sound in the background, though?

Those Meddling Kids
Starts out sounding really happy and fun, and like it could turn into a really great song, but then it just kind of goes nowhere. I suppose it's sort of dreamlike, but I can't see much other connection to the theme of oversleeping.

Truth and Regret
The track is poorly mixed, and the vocals are kinda off.

15-16 Puzzle, All Onion Diet, Glenn Case, Melvin, State Shirt. Hard choice, man, hard choice. I really don't know what I'm going to pick.
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Post by melvin »

15-16 Puzzle: Wow, it turns out one of Songfight’s most persistent curmudgeons can actually write a song. And not a bad one either. Nice melody and cute lyrics. Reminds me of an office romance I once suffered.

All Onion Diet: Very sophisticated production and good performance, but I can’t help feeling I’m sitting in my dentist’s office listening to a piped-in easy rock station. Competent, but uninspiring.

Caravan Ray: Another relatively straight-ahead production job by The Ray, and I like it. Nice lyrics and a solid vocal performance.

DJ Big Dick: Short and shitty.

DJ Snyder Etc: Rap-rock lives! Unfortunately it lives in a rusted-out trailer with garbage bag curtains on the outskirts of some crappy little inbred town that nobody ever wants to visit.

Doscientos: I’m still not tired of your amazing vintage production skills, but the novelty is starting to wear off a little bit. That said, this song is okay, but not your greatest.

Glenn Case:
This is really sweet. Great singing and playing. The harmonies are particularly freaky. Glenn Case, you’re pretty good. By the way, I came across your cover of Alison recently, and was really impressed. Great job on that, and this.

Hostess Mostess: A reliably strong performance, but I find this tune rather boring. Bonus points for the low-octave voice, which sounds great. Still, this gave me an itchy skip finger.

Johnny Cashpoint: Stellar lyrics set to a decent melody and backing track. Tones and production are pretty much the same as always. I probably wouldn’t buy your album, but I’d buy your book.

Kevin Griffing: How could anybody sleep through this?

Klownhole: This is okay, but I prefer my Klownhole more on the punishing and relentless side. Still, I love the drumming in this. RAWK!

Cara Bray: Not sure what’s going on with the name of this file/artist, but “Lethargioâ€
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Post by GlennCase »

Here's my chance to test out a different review style that I was thinking about recently. I will grade the songs with a pass/fail on 5 categories.
(lyrics or melody in the case of an instrumental, music, performance, production, and overall composition)
<b>DJ Snyder Del Sess and Drizzy G</b>

Lyrics - FAIL - The vocals sound uninspired, and it makes the lyrics stand out like a sore thumb. Too bad the actual words seem just as uninspired as the delivery of them.

Music - PASS - Snyder, you KNOW that I think you make bad-ass beats. You really do. The best parts of this are the instrumental bits. Great job on the music half of things.

Performance - FAIL - The vocals kill an otherwise promising entry. A big part of the problem is the approach, it's very unaffected, I don't believe a word that is spoken because there's no sense of emotion whatsoever.

Production - PASS - Some of the intial scratches are a little loud in the mix, and the vocals are up WAY too loud in the mix. Outside of that, the beat itself is really cool. I can't knock the production strictly based on the vocals, because once they stop? It actually sounds pretty good.

Overall Composition - FAIL - Headlines would read "Good beat can not save bad vocals" Sadly, the vocals outweigh the beat on this one. My advice on the vocals? Make me believe that you mean what you rap or sing. That's what is missing here. Then you might consider turning down the vocals in the mix, too.

END RESULT (2 out of 5)

<b>PiGPEN </b>

Lyrics - FAIL - Much improved over past efforts that I have heard from you. This is nearly a pass, based on that alone. You are on the right track, but there isn't much in the lyrics that generates interest in what you're saying. It gets repetitive.

Music - PASS - The chord changes themselves aren't too bad. Not wild about the instrument sounds, but there are elements of dynamics happening in the track. The repetitive cymbals can get annoying during the verses, but they work within the topic of the song.

Performance - FAIL - Not wild about the vocal style at all, and that's the primary focus in the song since the rest of it sounds like MIDI or something put together in fruity loops, or a similar program.

Production - PASS - The mix doesn't sound too bad for what you are working with, and for the style of song.

Overall Composition - FAIL - It's not horrible, but I really don't enjoy the song either. I don't ever imagine myself being in the mood to listen to this. This is an improvement over past efforts I have heard you do. You're probably on the right track.

END RESULT (2 out of 5)
<b>Glenn Case</b>

That is me. I am not going to review my own song, but I am fairly happy with how it turned out. Hopefully some of you will agree.
<b>Johnny Cashpoint</b>

Lyrics - PASS - The words are very fun.

Music - PASS - Loving the chord changes.

Performance - PASS - Your vocal style has grown on me. I didn't always like it.

Production - PASS - This is a freaking great mixdown! You have severely improved over time in my opinion.

Overall Composition - PASS - This is now one of my favorite Johnny Cashpoint tracks that I have ever heard. You kept it short enough to leave the audience wanting more.

END RESULT (5 out of 5)
<b>Papercut Brigade</b>

Lyrics - FAIL - It takes a good set of lyrics to catch my attention. It's not that the lyrics are poor necessarily, they just don't grab me at all. There's nothing there to make me crack a smile, or appreciate the effort placed on the words.

Music - PASS - Not bad at all, nice jangly guitar tone.

Performance - PASS - Nice harmonies. Everything fits together nicely.

Production - PASS - I like the feel of the mix. It's very retro.

Overall Composition - PASS - It's a pleasant entry. I would play this on my podcast.

END RESULT (4 out of 5)

Lyrics - PASS - The words caught my attention, and they had charm. Good job on those.

Music - PASS - The Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtle and Tribe Called Quest samples are a plus, and the beat itself is very unique in a good way. Yes. I like this beat.

Performance - PASS - This is dangerously close to a fail. It's so close to being an enjoyable track, and when I listened the second time I realised that while your delivery can use a little help, it is not all that is at fault, it's the mixdown. Which brings us to...

Production - FAIL - It sounded like you had an interesting track, but the mixdown leaves much to be desired. It sounds sloppy overall. The levels just aren't quite right. I think the vocals needed to be higher in the mix, amongst other things.

Overall Composition - FAIL - I want to like this, and there are things about it that I DO like. It is very, very close to being enjoyable and blastable. It sounds promising, but just needs more work.

END RESULT (3 out of 5)
<b>DJ Big Richard</b>

Lyrics - (N/A) No lyrics to the track, so the Melody category takes it's place

Melody - FAIL - There are no words, but there is no melody either.

Music - FAIL - I almost gave this a pass, because at least it was mercifully short. That is not a good enough reason, however.

Performance - FAIL - Unenjoyable.

Production - FAIL - Volume levels are too inconsistant.

Overall Composition - FAIL - This is bad.

END RESULT (0 out of 5)
<b>Ross Durand</b>

Lyrics - FAIL - Predictable rhyme scheme. Too predictable. The words stand out in a bad way. I admire that you are trying to tell a story about a difficult subject matter, but it just doesn't work with the words you have chosen. Some of the lines border on embarrassing.

Music - PASS - The music itself was not that bad.

Performance - FAIL - Not liking the vocal delivery.... at all. Off key at many points. Flat notes particularly. Drums are sloppy.

Production - PASS - The mixdown itself isn't that bad.

Overall Composition - FAIL - I don't believe that tackling this subject is something to be taken lightly. I appreciate the sentiment, and attempted story, but this is not a good song. It would not even matter if the performance was gorgeous in every way, the lyrics have got to go.

END RESULT (2 out of 5)
<b>15-16 Puzzle</b>

Lyrics - PASS - Fantastic as usual. Few can match your lyrical ability in these parts.

Music - PASS - Your chord progressions are second only to your lyrical ability.

Performance - PASS - The way the song slowly speeds up over time and restarts is freaking great. You absolutely have your own sound that is unmistakable.

Production - PASS - The doubled vocals are a nice touch, as is the fuzzy bass.

Overall Composition - PASS - Repeated listens to this song will not be frowned upon. What more is there to say? It's 15-16 freaking puzzle! The only REAL puzzle is how he consistantly writes such great material. I will stop before I sound like even MORE of a fan-boy.

END RESULT (5 out of 5)

Comment: Your name seems fitting. But it sounds more like the band's beverage of choice.

Lyrics - (n/a) - Melody category takes it's place

Melody - FAIL - While I appreciate the jump from mellow to freaking crazy, there is no hook.

Music - FAIL - Not enjoyable in the least. A decent guitar riff here and there does not a good song make.

Performance - PASS - The guitar and drums are fairly well played when they kick in.

Production - FAIL - One of the factors that hurts this track the most. The performance isn't terrible, but the mixdown is a crime against humanity.

Overall Composition - FAIL - Not enjoyable in the least.

END RESULT (1 out of 5)

Comment: Is it Lethargio or Cara Bray?

Lyrics - FAIL - No good phrases that caught my attentions. Words exist, but they do nothing to help to propel the song.

Music - PASS - I like the bassline and guitar particularly. I just wish it was mixed down better. The bass player proves he can play fairly well near the end of the song, but the low-end seems to be all but missing in the mix. That's more of a production thing, however.

Performance - FAIL - Vocals do not work for me. The effect on the vocals do not help. Harmonies are not quite right, in fact, the attempted harmony would be fantastic if pulled off well.... but it's not. It's not on key. Most of the music is decent.

Production - FAIL - Way too much tin in the mix. That much treble could kill a person's ears.

Overall Composition - FAIL - Bad vocals can do a song in. That is precisely what happens here. Good musicianship, but it can't save this.

END RESULT (1 out of 5)


Lyrics - PASS - "I'm not oversleeping, I'm just keeping my dreams alive". Congratulations on writing a very, very singable hook!

Music - PASS - This works on so many levels. Particularly after listening to some of these other entries.

Performance - PASS - Fantastic harmonies and musicianship.

Production - PASS - This is a fantastic mixdown. Nothing sounds out of place.

Overall Composition - PASS - This is a great song and sound. I would like to play this on my podcast in the near future. This is the sort of song that makes sifting through the lesser entries worth it. Bravo!

END RESULT (5 out of 5)

Don't see your song reviewed? Check back later (much later...) Sorry for the delay, y'all. Rachael and I will be moving into our new house this week, and I have been busy with <a href="http://www.songfight.org/music/brown_bo ... mp3">brown boxes</a> and such.


Glenn (DR FUNK)
Last edited by GlennCase on Wed Mar 08, 2006 10:37 am, edited 2 times in total.
DJ Big Dick
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Post by DJ Big Dick »

Caravan Ray- Different to what is normally on Songfight. I like the lyrics, the music is pretty cool, unexpected.
Rating - 6/10

Truth and Regret - Starts off pretty rad, the singer sounds kind of unsure, and could do with a bit more conviction at the mic. Or you could just use a robot voice. Robot voices rule.
Rating - 7/10

Doscientos - Wow, quite unexpected again, however I still don't like it. Not sure what to say, other than "not my thing."
Rating - 2/10

PiGPEN - Pretty good, one of the better songs out of the first four, I like it, I like vocals, the music is chilled.

All Onion Diet - Wow, very generic, after some different songs, for Songfight, this one just brings me back down to genericville. Vocals are boring and music is painfully average.
Rating - 3/10

Melvin - When I first listened to this I thought "Holy shit! This is awesome!" Then I realised that I had left my Real Player on in the background. After taking a proper listen, I've decided that this song sounds just like all your other songs, which in turn sounds like all the other generic pop rock bullshit. Oh, and the guitars remind me of Oasis.
Here, I made you a present:
Rating - 2/10

Ratt Poizon - Not how I expected a song by a band called Ratt Poizon to start off. Then the drums start and it gets pretty cool. Then HOLY SHIT! You just totally start rocking out, and I'm like shit, this is why their called Ratt Poizon, the beginning was just a clever ruse. Good job guys, your really got me.

Kevin Griffing - The beginning stretches on a little to long, but once it kicks in it gets pretty decent. Reminds me of video game music.

Ross Durand - Really boring.

DJ Snyder & DrizzyG - Sucks. Bad. I suppose the DJing is decent, but the song is longer than it has any right to be, and just is plain out boring.
Rating - 3/10

Glenn Case - More boring stuff. Voice isn't bad, guitar isn't bad, just really damn boring. Submitting stuff like this is like playing it safe, you know no one's going to give you bad reviews because it's so average, but you're not going to win with it.
Rating - 3/10

Those Meddling Kids - Cool, sounds like trip-hop, trip-hop rules. The violin sample is good, the drums are standard trip-hop drums, and it's put together quite well.
Rating - 8/10

Voting For:
Me, because I rule.

If I skipped you it was probably because you sounded boring.
The Anchors
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Post by The Anchors »

Best. Review. Ever.

You seriously are a big dick.
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Post by Clats »

DJ Big Dick wrote: Voting For:
Me, because I rule.
Make sure you tell all your friends about how much you rule.
"Right now, you're just a rude wee noob" - blue
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Post by Reist »

DJ Big Dick wrote:Melvin - When I first listened to this I thought "Holy shit! This is awesome!" Then I realised that I had left my Real Player on in the background. After taking a proper listen, I've decided that this song sounds just like all your other songs, which in turn sounds like all the other generic pop rock bullshit. Oh, and the guitars remind me of Oasis.Rating - 2/10
Voting For:
Me, because I rule.
If I skipped you it was probably because you sounded boring.
I think it's funny how you bashed people and Melvin so badly especially when you had a song like you did. Oh, and by the way, you should vote for good songs.
michael gum
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Post by michael gum »

Come now, it's best to just ignore him.
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Post by OriginalDankster »

Kevin Griffing
An odd MIDI instrumental track that doesn't have anything to do with oversleeping, as far as I can tell. Thanks but no thanks.

Guess since the song didn't have lyrics that say "oversleeping" in them to point out to you that it was about oversleeping. The banging pianos in the intro is sposed to be an alarm clock, then it's kinda like your waking up a bit, then boom alarm clock again since you missed it, then your wakin up a bit more. The duration of the song are an attempt to express the feelings you get when you first wake up from oversleeping. Usually its like a Saturday, its all sunny out, but when you oversleep theres this gloomy, "i feel like shit" feeling hanging in the background. The ending is sposed to be a sort of twist when the alarm clock goes off again, starting the process over, as if one had dreamed the entire process of waking up.

Sounds like oversleeping to me, but I didn't say oversleeping in the song so I guess its not about it.
Sometimes Iwonder...and I think, what if I werent so good at doing everything, that maybe just for one day I wouldn't be infinitely better than everyone else and I wouldn't have to hurt all your feelings.
michael gum
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Post by michael gum »

OriginalDankster wrote:Kevin Griffing
An odd MIDI instrumental track that doesn't have anything to do with oversleeping, as far as I can tell. Thanks but no thanks.

Guess since the song didn't have lyrics that say "oversleeping" in them to point out to you that it was about oversleeping. The banging pianos in the intro is sposed to be an alarm clock, then it's kinda like your waking up a bit, then boom alarm clock again since you missed it, then your wakin up a bit more. The duration of the song are an attempt to express the feelings you get when you first wake up from oversleeping. Usually its like a Saturday, its all sunny out, but when you oversleep theres this gloomy, "i feel like shit" feeling hanging in the background. The ending is sposed to be a sort of twist when the alarm clock goes off again, starting the process over, as if one had dreamed the entire process of waking up.

Sounds like oversleeping to me, but I didn't say oversleeping in the song so I guess its not about it.
Well, the point is that it sounded odd and at times unpleasant to me, so I'm not voting for it anyway.

I just usually stay away from instrumental submissions, as there's usually little evidence that the person didn't just pick out some random song that he composed a year ago and submit it with that week's title. I knew someone that did that once. Obviously you didn't do that, though. Don't mean to offend you. I'm just not fond of instrumental SongFight entries, as instrumental music can mean anything to anyone.
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Post by OriginalDankster »

haha riddle me this, does it not feel odd when you wake up at 2pm to find half they day has passed you by, 14 hours of sleep behind you?
Sometimes Iwonder...and I think, what if I werent so good at doing everything, that maybe just for one day I wouldn't be infinitely better than everyone else and I wouldn't have to hurt all your feelings.
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Post by Liechty »

OriginalDankster wrote:Kevin Griffing
The duration of the song are an attempt to express the feelings you get when you first wake up from oversleeping.
haha yeah. glad i voted for you.
Your song is my new alarm clock sound.
ok its like 1:50 im going to bed.
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Post by blue »

DJ Big Dick wrote:Melvin - When I first listened to this I thought "Holy shit! This is awesome!" Then I realised that I had left my Real Player on in the background. After taking a proper listen, I've decided that this song sounds just like all your other songs, which in turn sounds like all the other generic pop rock bullshit. Oh, and the guitars remind me of Oasis.
Here, I made you a present:
Rating - 2/10
man, you are IN THE CLUB.
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Post by Liechty »

DJ Big Dick wrote:MelvinThen I realised that I had left my Real Player on in the background.
Who listens to real player anyhow?
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Post by furrypedro »

15-16 puzzle: I guess this is good cos it’s the kind of thing where I can remember the tune after I’ve stopped listening to it. I like the backing vox, fuzzy bass and the tempo changes.

All Onion Diet: Sounds like you went for a bit of an RnB beat there and I really can’t decide if it’s pretty good or really horrible. The song hits the buttons but in the wrong way; the way it flows and is technically fine seem to help it settle into its own blandness more. Is this Deshead alone? could provide a big clue as to who wears the trousers in Gert :P . maybe I'm being a bit harsh, this is kinda nice.

Caravan Ray: The lyrics feel a bit up and down in quality, when you sing low like that it reminds me of Ray Davies. Each time I listen they sound more solid actually. The backing track definitely has its charms, it flows well and gets a bit spooky towards the end so this is good.

DJBD: Too busy making beats. Not busy enough it would seem. All the elements over the beat feel like they’re being played totally arbitrarily.

Snyder+Del Sez_DizzyG: Evidently not a comedy track, you may have wanted to listen to those scratches a second time before you submitted this. My problem with this track is it’s just too nu-metal and it’s not been long enough since that fad for me to stop cringing when I think of it.

Doscientos: Outside comments are completely irrelevant here. It’s in a time capsule, and it’s good.

Glenn Case: I really love that opening chord sequence, the way it feels like it’s gonna go a bit emo, and then a bit jazzy straight afterwards. Your voice fits this really well. It makes me wanna get my acoustic fixed, right now (which is saying something considering how many GnG songs there are on here).

Hostess: This is pretty cool but it starts of very unassuming. When it gets to about a minute and a half and all the piano and claps are coming in it grabs me more, I think that may be cos I keep hearing stuff that starts out really quiet and carries on like that not doing much. This isn’t like that and it’s pretty swell.

j$: Your vocal meter is seriously boring me, it just has no rhythm whatsoever. The rest of the song is ok. It really pays to concentrate on the words in your songs and I like the way you play, you could teach State Shirt a thing or two about switching it up.

Dankins: I get the feeling this isn’t going to do much more than plink and plonk it’s way through till the end. Oh no, I was wrong, thankfully. There are bits in this I want to like, but in the end it’s too lacsadaisical, MIDI-ish and rambly.

Klownhole: The chords in the chorus sound like they were just thrown together, pretty uninspiring and they make it difficult to sing an interesting melody over the top. The verse is better.

Cara Bray: that intro was weird, but sort of cool, it’s better now the tracks slipped into something more palatable. The vocals are a bit muffled and quiet, and when they’re doubled up it doesn’t add much. I like the way the guitar noodles around and the ending is good.

Melviiiiiin: Gone for the wall of sound this week. I want to hear where this goes in the middle, I bet it’ll be good. Ah, a bit stabby and a breakdown – should I be disappointed that it did what I thought it would but not as exciting as I thought it would be? This is still a good song.

Papercutbrigade: This is pretty nice in a 60’s type way.

Pigpen: Judgin this purely on the song, it’s alright. The vocal effect is cool, but I like what you do and where the song goes.

Leichty: If I heard this on a comp it wouldn’t stick out with how rubbish it is, which is quite an achievement considering the calibre of hiphop SF is usually host to.

Ratt poizon: I like xylophones, I hope you do something with them. Perhaps they should’ve been faded instead of just cut. Ah, it’s like that is it? Grindcore! Gnarlsome. 10/10 for WTF? Factor. It woulda been cool if you’d have gone back for a xyloutro.

Ross Durand: This started off okay but when the percussion comes in it feels a bit too ballady for my taste.

State Shirt: This track is a good example of why I don’t like writing lyrics. It just felt like loads of dynamic energy was lost when the vocals came in, I can’t explain why but I wsa digging the opening guitar line. When it gets to the chorus it sounds like you stuck 4 chords next to each other and it’s really boring. The outro is nicer, overall the sound is nice, but it loses my attention in places.

Those meddling kids: hi.
Leichty wrote:find some idea and stick with it
um no. though this is basically only 2 sections switched up a bit. I think the chuggy guitars sound like shit.

T&R: Each element that gets introduced to this track takes its potential down a notch in my mind. The opening beat was pretty cool, then the synth came in and it wasn’t great, and I wasn’t sure about the vocals but they’re fine really. Seems to be struggling to get into the groove in places but when it does it’s not bad. Some of those arppegios near the end are quite nice too.

okay, kudos to Glenn cos I'm probably gonna vote for him, you really are as great as everyone says. wow.

I like erik's song, and hostess', and doscientos'. and melvins.

debut of the week award: Leichty! (or Produce?)

and thanks to everyone for not making me go "ughh!" :)
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Post by j$ »

Furrypedro wrote:[j$: Your vocal meter is seriously boring me, it just has no rhythm whatsoever.
What a. Strange thing to. Say.
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