Wipe that Abramoff!

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Who should Aeon take out first?

Jack Abramoff
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Wipe that Abramoff!

Post by mc3p0 »

What is with this nation? Jack Abramoff has GIVEN billions to Zionist Israeli "settlers" to invade Palestine and kill off the inhabitants. AIPAC is their front within our own government - John Edwards spoke in SUPPORT on day two of their 2006 conference. John McCain verbally attacked Seators Max Cleland and John Kerry as well as supports the tax cuts which fund AIPAC. Sickening. Abramoff turned the native American tribes against each other as well as taking millions of their money. Even two years after his investigation has implicated hundreds of Republicans, lobbyists, legislators in bribery, murder, extortion and a whole gambit of illegal, unconstitutional and otherwise immoral legislation. NONE of that money was given back to the tribes, instead given back to crony charities which circulates back into their pockets. He's as orthodox as Henry Pedophile Kissinger.

There are at least 21 American Republican representatives who are also registered with the Israeli Likud war party (the "people" who brought the invasions of Lebanon, Palestine, almost Egypt and currently Syria) who planned and executed 9-11, 7-7, the USS Cole and the Oklahoma City bombings.

Abramoff took Mohammad Atta among other 9-11 "hijackers" on a Sun Casino Cruze Liner (front for drug running) to the Marianas sex slave getaway the WEEK before 9-11. Kenneth Lay (Enron mastermind) took his daughter and his best friend/lobbyist to tour their investments in the Sai Pan child sex slave industry. Not only did they and their constituents work directly to outsource American jobs, selling and corrupting what little industry we have left, but also ensure military protection of the sex slave industry, MASSIVE drug running and weapons trade.

Dubai is currently shipping the "insurgent" (read blackity-black ops) works into various positions world-wide. American, Israeli and British military ARE the insurgents. Two of the supposed 9-11 hijackers entered the US with Dubai passports for fucks' sake!

The New Orleans levees were blown-up with military grade explosives according to HUNDREDS of witnesses and independent forensics. Katrina victims are being evicted with a two-thousand dollar voucher while their properties were already sold (four days after Katrina hit) to Republican-associated contractors (ala Trent Lott) who fly Mexicans over to reconstruct rather than hire the already displaced American locals.

What about the 2.3 trillion absorbed just before 9-11? The very first order that George Bush made as president was the cutting back of the security forces for the SEC in the twin towers - where the documentation just happened to have been moved days before the "attack"? Remember building 7 magically collapsing from a penthouse fire? Leaseholder Larry Silverstein was televised stating that they "pulled it". It takes MONTHS to prepare and install the mechanism for controlled demolition. Kingstar vans were present at both Oklahoma and London bombings - apparently the demolitions of choice. The debris from 9-11 was shipped to China for processing - no evidence, no forensics aside from the satellite and seismic data proving detonation of high-power explosives that burned at extremely high temperatures for weeks afterwards. Oh, and the police and firemen testimony, but what do they know about explosions, buildings and magical penthouse fires and smoldering ruins?

What about the fact that NORAD didn't scramble anything but the truth for over one hour fourty-one minutes AFTER the knowledge of the MULTIPLE hijacking? The only proof of an aircraft hitting the Pentagon indicates that it was an A-3 drone (global hawk). A single 4' diameter turbofan was recovered, no baggage, bodies or evidence of a civilian Boeing 757. The trees, vehicles and lamp posts within the path of the supposed hijacked plane were totally intact after impact.

“Here we're talking about plastic knives, and using an American Airlines flight filled with our citizens, and the missile to damage this building, and similar (inaudible) that damaged the World Trade Center.â€
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Post by mc3p0 »

A little update on the Katrina voucher program - FEMA began sending out duplicate $2000 vouchers, then a letter indicating that if you don't send one back you will be fined $5000. Way to go America!
"The toot of a flute with the flavour of fruit!" - Caractacus Potts, 1968
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