Lights! Camera! Propaganda! (Influential Film reviews)

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Lights! Camera! Propaganda! (Influential Film reviews)

Post by Spud »

not that your reviews will actually be influental...
Last edited by Spud on Sun Jul 23, 2006 9:53 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by sausage boy »

I'm downloading them now, so reviews in a day or so.

but I must ask... Fish Sausange??
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Post by Spud »

It's automated, dude. Don't blame me.
"I only listen to good music. And Octothorpe." - Marcus Kellis
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Post by jseavers05 »

Daddy Bop - dude, awesome funk yo. the instruments are really tight and on beat. the bass sounds really cool. mega hip song brotha

Desperato Video Juegos - your song is funny but its a lame song. i dont think that makes sense. it would be cool if you didnt have an annoying singer guy. mega funk though.

@eclectic spOOns - the techno trance stuff in the background is good, but i dont know if im diggin the low quality speech stuff in the background too much. i guess it works for this kind of song, but it would help if the speech had more of a structure. despite the talking stuff, its still pretty neat.

Fish Sausage - there are some sections of this song that are alright, but some of the parts when you change up the song dont seem tie in together with the following segment. its a little repetitive and i would like to hear some singing for this song. fun stuff.

Jolly Roger - this song is actually pretty cool. the break where you add the guitar riff is pretty cool. the talking is cheesy but it is a good change up from the rest of the song. the ending is pretty cool too. the "oooo" sound in the background sounds super neat too. good job

Jordan Seavers i got a cold so the vox are a little crazy, but i think it turned out pretty neat. fun song to work on even though it took me forever.

Kanahele - this song totally makes me thing of getting to like the boss of a game when im playing super nintendo or something... the song is neat. it changes up which is nice, but it would be nice with some vocals or something. i wish i heard something about the title in this song.

Killer D - the rapping kinda stinks. not my favorite kind of rap either. the beginning seems like youre a little lost. you say a lot of the same potty mouth words over and over. next entry make sure to try and get a consistant volume in your rapping cause some parts i cant hear you at all and others you are super loud. anyways, good try, but i dont like it.

MMMC - you just demoted Killer D. the beginning was okay, but this song is getting really boring. actually it kinda sucked the whole time. just not my favorite kind of music. sorry.

Mr. Lostman - dude this song is so rad. this song itself is so fresh yo. the mix on this song is really good. i think it would be fun and try to try and mix things down a little better but its not really that important. i really like the change up with the ska feel. anyways, you did a really good job. really cool song!

Next Bedtime - the song is pretty funky. theres not much to talk about since its like the same thing over and over.

Paco Del Stinko - creative song. the production is good and the song is funny. the solo stuff is the funk yo. good tune kiddos.

Phunt dont tell - this song is lame. its fun to hear the talking in the background. the song really sucks. haha. its not really a song. anyways, sorry, but it sucks.

Poison Sparrows - this song is really cool. the beginning is a little weak compared to the rest of the song. when the chorus part hits, it sounds a lot cooler. good production and stuff. one of the best songs of this fight. good job

Sausage Boy - the drums are totally 1990 and its so cool. the rest of the song is pretty lame.

the seamus collective - this song is super cool. the stuff is balanced very well. at 1 minute into the song, the song really opens up and it sounds really good. great song. definately one of the best out of all of the songs.

Special Relatives - the song is cool. its a little hard to pick up the melody. the song doesnt seem to have much of a structure. the song is on the verge of being really good, but i think its hard for me to like it a whole lot because i think i need to hear a little more structure... and distinct vocals.

stelloscro - this is a good entry. nothing thats really unique or really popping out at me, but the song itself is still pretty good. good job!

Those Meddling Kids - totally mixed up like most of your entries. your stuff always has some cool parts to them. i think that i have heard better from you but this is still a really good entry awesome stuff. theres some really good change ups in this song.
Last edited by jseavers05 on Mon Jul 10, 2006 10:02 am, edited 4 times in total.
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Post by beatlebrent »

Desperato Video Juegos - At first I thought Rone Rivendale was back. I love your background, but not so much the foreground. But still, not as bad as some of the other crazy little 420 friendly entries in the past.

@eclectic spOOns – Feel like I’m playing Twisted Metal or some nice snowboarding game on the PS2. It’s a fine little shizzle, but not working much with the title.

Fishsausage – I liked this a lot more when watching your video… but for just audio, it was a bit lacking. I really do like parts of this and wish more had been done with the incorporation of a title.

Jolly Roger – has a very “Heartbreakersâ€
Killer D
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Post by Killer D »

I posted the lyrics. This is my first fight, and my first recorded rap. When I heard about the Fight! it was Thursday night, and I stayed up all night writing and practicing it. When I woke up, I ran across the street to Afro Ray's house and we recorded the vocals, she dropped the beat, the bass, the keys, and we threw it up for you.

Next time, there'll be more time to put into it.
Thanks for the reviews. It can only make my rap better.
My mom wants me to do gospel next time, though. :wink:

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Post by beatlebrent »

Gospel would be fun! Does anyone do gospel rap yet? I think other then the quality of the recording (which typically will improve the more time you get behind the wheel) it's got some good energy to it. Welcome to songfight.
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Post by Treachjuris »

Welcome to the Fight!, D. Keep it up. You'll do fine. :P

Quick few reviews before court...

Desperado Video Juegos
Sounds like Woody Allen in the opening line... I totally dig the happy-fun-times melody. But the angry parrot vocals killed it for me. Totally dig the giggling after "waves of death." Come on, man. You have a totally soft, hot voice. What's up with the parrot?

@eclectic sp00ns
Matrix meets the Hot Dog Vendor. Heh. Very nice electro groove. No shit. Totally jammin' in my chair. Yeah. Hot Dog.

Fish Sausage
Oh, yeah. Totally meant to go with <a href=" ... 4.flv">the viddie</a>. This really can't stand alone.
FYI I did two, but didn't submit <a href=" ... a.flv">the weird one</a>. Check it out, if you want.

Jolly Roger
This is very sweet. I like the haunting reverberating wispy background oohs...cross between a mechanical noise and a voice...very nice. Could stand a little more passion in the vox, though. All in all, a lovely tune!

Jordan Seavers
Hell yes. 8-bit, in effect! Again, wonderfully sweet vocals...this is such a nice song...very sweet....

Hell yes. Classical piano and electro-glitch. Mmmm...I love you. Right up until .50. No, wait, ah...yes, the carnival feeling....hangin' in...I see Legend in my head for some reason...heh....

Killer D
Sweet 70's sounding keys. Nice vinylesque beats. You have a lot of potential. A bit more enunciation, don't be afraid of perfection. Your style is passionate and hard, and I never want you to lose that, but I can't wait to see what you do with a whole week to "keep messin' 'round..."

The audience is now deaf. Did a bag of weed really help? Ha! Nice fuckin' samples. Dig the buzz bass, nice beats - dig the high-velocity hi-hats - or shakers, or whatever. Your rappin' ain't bad. And, um, a Buddhist wouldn't flip ANYBODY up. Oddball.

Mr. Lostman/Sunnydale, Ohio
Ah - I don't think I've heard a ska entry here before - hell yes. This may get my vote. I really like how you demonstrate the element of catharsis. Very insightful. Oh - totally nice break - simple - drums comin' in....hup - ho! Yeah. My vote.

Next Bedtime
Did nothin' for me.

Paco del Stinko
Cute. Ode to cling wrap. How odd, spent most of the weekend wrapping my friend's hairdresser in cling wrap for her birthday....Hoo-ha aside, this is a musically tight track. Your production is second to none. Dig the B-52's stylings.

Phunt; Don't Tell
Film over the eyes. Another inspired track.

Poison Sparrows
Get jiggy in theaters often? Again; tight production - guitar is tight as well.

Sausage Boy

Seamus Collective
Ah jeez. This is beautiful. Lyrically, a gem. Vocally, a less-rough Elvis Costello.

Special Relatives
OMG OW. Too much going on, and definitely not at the right time.

Nice; dark; gothy...totally would have replaced the lead guitar with a violin or piano, though. Too hard for the overall feel of this track.

Those Meddling Kids
Nice electro, 8-bit, Postal Service feel. I think the vox are a little overwhelming. Totally dig the percussion. Your lyrics are also very top-notch.

Good fight, all-in-all.
"Electro-Mindscaping Nightmare music, gets me up and leaves me begging for more" ---sp00n
"If I were a rift in time right now, I would totally have a crush on this song" --- EightLeggedOedipus's friend INTOXICATED
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Post by furrypedro »

Desperado Video Juegos: haha, I got that Rone thing too, harsh comment but it was only for a second. At points this sounds like an okay track but the vocals take some of the professionalism out of it, I'm not one for taking yerself too seriously or nuffink but the track sounds pretty neat and it switches it up a bit and then it's just turned into this continuous rambling mess. You should make another element (vocals, or add another instrument) follow and try and emphasise the structual changes more. I think that would've given it more impact.

Sp00ns: Not bad for what it is. the electro-house beat is acutely not my thing. but there's some nice rhythmic and pad patches in there and the production sounds pretty good and it holds my interest satisfactorily. Some of the samples are good, but I feel like the impact is taken away when you use them repeatedly. I think with stuff like this you've just got to trust/hope that people will listen enough times for them all to sink in rather than battering us with them in one sitting.

Fish Sausage: Interesting panned beats. Crazy video, though I've not seen Eraserhead so I don't know if it was your editing or that film itself that made the video seem fucked up (though I strongly suspect the latter). The vibe built up in some of this is quite good in a sinister industrial type way but it's disrupted too abruptly by the section changes. they don't flow at all which is a shame.

Jolly Roger: This is quite a good song. sticks with a fairly safe formula but it works and the dynamics are well done, all the changes come when it feels like they should and it holds together well. Good drumming, guitars, and the singing does the job though it could be just a tiny notch louder. I think that with a few more tricks and practice recording and playing you're a gnats pube away from some killer tunes. Personally I'd like to hear you to go mathy or a bit Stone Roses or something. either way, good song.

Jordan C-vers: yup, predictably bastard :)) Brighten the Corners type stuff. I think the reason all your stuff sound the same is that it always slips into the same groove, and it's always major key so regardless of the structure or melody they have this common vibe running through them. I do love all the bits though, like the dualling guitars chiming away against each other.

Kanahele: Those blippy modulating noises at the beginning are cool. When it starts to build up this makes me think of Muse. Not bad, sounds like a Muse outro. The piano line sounds so swirly it's a bit hypnotic.

KillerD: beats are cool but thin. The vocals need to be more consistent in terms of volume; most of the time it's kinda difficult to hear the words and then it gets really aggressive and clips. You should get a) a 15$ popshield b) a compressor (check 'Help and How to' for free plug-ins) c) closer to the mic, and then back off when you talk louder. Don't go gospel, thanks. I'd like to hear what you can do with a bit more time

MMMC: de-ess the vocals, it's occaisionally painful. good flow, some lyrics are great. The track itself is pretty neat and the samples are really well implemented (apart from that Yoda one). loses its energy when the second vocalist comes in, I guess you schmoked too much by the time it was their turn to go. Also, I don't like the reverb you used, it doesn't add any space to the mix it just makes the vocals slightly less intelligible (but not significantly so).

Mr Lostman: Sunnydale, Ohio? is that your real band. This is Jaunty and yet melancholy which is always an acheivement, although there's an awful lot of that ska-type indie stuff going around the UK at the moment so I have to admit I'm kinda biased against it. It's sounds alright, but it feels like it's not your song cos I've heard it so much. That said, this is a cool song and I like the chorus.

Next bedtime: This track's strange - I'm actually digging it quite a bit, and I like all the instruments but it all sounds a bit too lo-fi, like there's no beef in the drums and your voice sounds like it's coming through a shitty radio, it could probably use a bit less high EQ.

Paco: any song with "you won't like how your oven will behave" and "keeping things moist" in the lyrics is worthy of my time. I've also got a weakness for high pitched backing vocals so you're officially taking advantage of my ears with this song. The song itself isn't blowing me away, but it's keeping me interesting and the playing and mix is the best I've heard this fight.

Phunt; don't tell: we can always rely on thee to take a different angle on the title. The one thing that bugs me slightly about phunt (and this may be me being boring) is your phobia of beats. I like the textures and tones in your aural smorgasboard but I don't walk down the street when I want to hear sounds, I put on some music. I wish that instead of taking musical elements and making a random sound field out of them, you took everyday sounds and gave them a rhythm or something, no matter how ramshackle. I listened really hard to try and some kind of theme regardless of how buried or skeletal it was, but if it's there i didn't find it. The tracks always hint at something that I can really get my teeth into and think "wow", but I always end up thinking "interesting.......sigh, maybe next time"

Poison Sparrows: ah! so they finally see the light of day. and STM on vocals! an overdue collab I think and this is sounding pretty good so far. I'm kind of getting tired of hearing the words 'influential film' in this song. Musically it's good, if not inspiring, I like when melvin starts singing as that's when the hook of the song really grabs you. I wouldn't expect anything less than uber-chunky guitars from a band with you two in. cool

Sausage Boy: This isn't doing much for me. Just too much synthetic cheese, an underdeveloped structure, and lacking a strong enough melodic element. Now I think of it, there's lots here which remind me of my track this week in terms of the sounds. I think a really strong vocal could have salvaged it perhaps.

Seamus Collective: Earnest, well played, nice drumming. couple of dodgy notes. Supremely boring

The Recial Spelatives: This sounds exactly like what I expect from special relatives. Behind the lo-fi mumbly guitary noodles is quite a nice song with a sense of fun and I love the way you decided to end.

Stelloscuro: This is a classic example of me not liking something despite not being able to find fault with it. That's not to say I dislike it, and technically it's good but I would have done a few things differently. Firstly, change the drum pattern after you feel it getting boring (for me that was very soon, but before the halfway mark wouldn't be a bad idea)

Daddy Bop: for some reason this didn't work in the stream so I'm listening to it last and I'm really sorry but it's suffering because of that. It's fine really, you did well, and I really like some of the janging guitar bits that pierce through the mix on occasion, but I'm out of patience and truth is this song's doing very little for me musically. Some of the lyrics are pretty cool, I like "how did Pulp Fiction lose to Forrest Gump?"

TMK: I did the old "mix til it sounds right, then crank the vocals a couple of dB's" thing and I should've stuck with the original mix; as Treachjuris pointed out these are a bit loud. I forgot to mention one of my favourite directors in that other thread so I wrote this weeks song about him.

considering there was quite a lot of stuff here I wasn't blown away by anything. I haven't voted for myself for a good few months so....hmmmm, Jordan and Paco are closest to convincing me not to be a smug vain twat
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Paco Del Stinko
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Post by Paco Del Stinko »

Furry Pedro wrote:The song itself isn't blowing me away, but it's keeping me interesting

It's not my song keeping you interesting! You're doing that on your own :)
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Post by furrypedro »

haha, ah yes. I am fascinating! well done for being listened to approvingly by me
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Post by Clats »

Been trying to figure out the movie poster collage for the Influential Film art submission...
I've got Friday the 13th, American Pie, Schindler's List and Scary Movie...anyone...anyone...Beuller...Beuller?
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Post by Seamus. »

That looks like the W from Star Wars, up side down.
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Post by Egg »

Clats wrote:Been trying to figure out the movie poster collage for the Influential Film art submission...
I've got Friday the 13th, American Pie, Schindler's List and Scary Movie...anyone...anyone...Beuller...Beuller?
I not It.
N gn? with a few exceptions (wagner, agnes, gnats, cologne, cognac) this probably has to be "ign". signs reigns assigns. Then an? and or another... hard to tell.
F Fight Club
L Pulp Fiction
U not Angels in the Outfield. heh.
E Gone With the Wind
N This one really screams citizen kane for some reason, but it's decidedly not the box art for the movie.
T Toy Story
I Alien
L Clockwork Orange

F Friday the Thirteenth
I American Pie
L Schindler's List
M Star Wars

somehow, none of these are citizen kane! But I don't think Gone With the Wind is the original box art, so maybe some of these are escaping me for that reason.
glug glug glug egg makes wine. You can make wine too.
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Post by jb »

think that A there is Amelie, yeah?
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Post by Clats »

Egg wrote: I not It.
N gn? with a few exceptions (wagner, agnes, gnats, cologne, cognac) this probably has to be "ign". signs reigns assigns. Then an? and or another... hard to tell.
F Fight Club
L Pulp Fiction
U not Angels in the Outfield. heh.
E Gone With the Wind
N This one really screams citizen kane for some reason, but it's decidedly not the box art for the movie.
T Toy Story
I Alien
L Clockwork Orange

F Friday the Thirteenth
I American Pie
L Schindler's List
M Star Wars

somehow, none of these are citizen kane! But I don't think Gone With the Wind is the original box art, so maybe some of these are escaping me for that reason.
First I is definitely The Wizard of Oz
JB is right, the A is Amelie
As for the two N's and the U...still working on it.
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Post by Kweep »

ahh damn it! i've been on vacation and busy with a few other things and when i finally have time to listen... my friggin mammaboard won't recognize my sound card! (motherboard was like 25 bucks... knew it would go... just not so fast. heh)

hope to get by the comp store tomorrow so's i can hear what i imagine to be a friggin' awesome fight.
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Post by Clats »

The N in hand writing chicken-scratch is from Memento...except Gemini6Ice flipped it upside down...I assume because that looks more like an actual N than the original...and i now have a headache.
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Post by nuero »

U - Sound of Music
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Post by Caravan Ray »

I did a song for this that just consisted of sound bites from the first 3 Planet of the Apes movies.

You are no doubt pleased to see I didn't bother entering it. It seemed like a good idea at the time...
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Paco Del Stinko
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Post by Paco Del Stinko »

Caravan Ray wrote:I did a song for this that just consisted of sound bites from the first 3 Planet of the Apes movies.
Sounds good to me. Charltintestine...c'mon!
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Post by Nigel (spOOn) Clements »

DVJ: White boy Hip-Hop, funny vocals, Gonzo the Great! secondary vocal doesnt sound too interested, this sounds like a good idea gone horribly wrong, nice beat, not a great deal of variation, file under ODD! 5/10

MMMC: White boy Hip-Hop, better than above, nice atmospheric backing track, vocal delivery is extremely fluid, nice sample use ('specially beavis and butthead do america), does tend to drift into usual hip-hop formula though... 6/10

Relatives: Klang! sounds like the party's over guys and it's time to send those drunks home! 4/10

Sausage: Hey there are bees trapped in that organ!, vox are a bit drowned, and a touch disinterested, a touch batman theme on mogadon, actually quite disturbed with an interesting lyrical theme 4/10

Phunt: What are you eating? in places this is interesting!?! 6/10

Kanahele: Chopin intro with radio noises, very orchestral...? 5/10

spOOn: Consider this closure! 7/10

Seamus: Okay, obviously this is rather heartfelt, backing track is somewhat cool, but guy you sound drunk! nice geetar playing mind 6/10

Jordan: Backwards intro, but this is going to go the way all your songs do... or is it?.....Yup! Polished, easy listening, sweet vox a touch more electronic than your previous entries, best so far 8/10

Bedtime: talking not rapping! this is monotonous after 30 seconds, slow everything down, make it more atmospheric, then listen to the Eels! 4/10

Lostman: Vocals are a touch hurried in places during the intro, gentle ska-ish beat without actually being ska, extremely empty and devoid of emotion 5/10

Killer: Can't hear you dude, 30 seconds in and it's still yeah whut!... aargh! can't hip-hop rappers do anything else but rap about gangsters, guns n drugs? 3/10

Jolly: Sounds a touch blink 182 without the oomph! really quiet though, again vox are a touch hurried in places, sometimes its a struggle to make all them words fit!?! 5/10

Stelloscuro: Linkin Park intro, followed by droning vox, lyrics arent catching me and thats a bad sign, far far to maudlin for my tastes 5/10

Kids: Brilliant! you're a genius FP, this is only lacking the squeaky puppets (honestly, they'd really fit this), eccentric, quirky and extremely listenable...8/10

Stinko: hah! funny lyrics, spangly guitar work, this is also 'triffic, sounds very TMK...8/10 (you guys should collaborate)

Sparrows: Hey isn't that smalltown? this is really cool, obviously I'm not in the know enough to know who else this is, but seems everything Smalltown touches turns to gold... 8/10

Daddy: hmmm! nice, but isn't going anywhere, look forward to future entries from your good self. good but a touch empty! 6/10

Fish Guys: This is so cooool! hey Phunt listen to this, I watched both the vids and loved them both, you should mix the vids up to include both, this is the soundtrack to an Influential Film, toy box noises are great...8/10

Jordan, Kids, Stinko, Sparrows & Fish are the best!
Those Meddling Kids get my vote!
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